SoObjects ========= An attempt to rewrite some Zope concepts in NGObjWeb, basically the thing which is called "object publishing". It defines a new type system (SoClasses) and a new KVC system (which returns methods/selectors as objects). Further it provides the SoObjectRequestHandler for publishing objects on the web. TODO ==== - Object based security (now security-info can only get attached to classes) NOTES ===== - we support ASP style ?Cmd query parameters ! - we support :method form parameters => both, when found, are added to the traversal path, this has the advantage that it leaves the URI of a node intact FAQ === Q: Why is that in NGObjWeb and not in a separate framework? A: The idea is that the WO concept could be represented on top of SoObjects, that is, the request handler, the session object etc could all become SoObjects. The main control would be passed over to SOPE. Eg: /MyApp/wo/1283746571/18233445. Could be MyApp lookup: wo => WORequestHandler wo lookup: 1283746571 => WOSession 1283746571 lookup: 18233445. => WOContext with element-id Class Hierarchy =============== SoHTTPException SoApplication SoLookupAssociation SoObjectRequestHandler SoProductResourceManager SoClass SoObjCClass SoClassRegistry SoClassSecurityInfo SoControlPanel SoDefaultRenderer SoHTTPAuthenticator SoObjectMethodDispatcher SoObjectXmlRpcDispatcher SoPageInvocation SoProduct SoProductClassInfo SoProductRegistry SoSecurityManager SoSelectorInvocation SoUser < SoUser > WODirectActionPubInvocation Protocols SoUserDatabase SoUser