/* PostgreSQL72Channel.m Copyright (C) 1999 MDlink online service center GmbH and Helge Hess Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG and Helge Hess Author: Helge Hess (helge.hess@opengroupware.org) This file is part of the PostgreSQL72 Adaptor Library This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include #import "common.h" #import "PostgreSQL72Channel.h" #import "PostgreSQL72Adaptor.h" #import "PostgreSQL72Exception.h" #import "NSString+PostgreSQL72.h" #import "PostgreSQL72Values.h" #import "EOAttribute+PostgreSQL72.h" #include "PGConnection.h" #ifndef MIN # define MIN(x, y) ((x > y) ? y : x) #endif #if PG_MAJOR_VERSION >= 6 && PG_MINOR_VERSION > 3 # define NG_HAS_NOTICE_PROCESSOR 1 # define NG_HAS_BINARY_TUPLES 1 # define NG_HAS_FMOD 1 #endif #if PG_MAJOR_VERSION >= 7 && PG_MINOR_VERSION > 3 # define NG_SET_CLIENT_ENCODING 1 #endif #define MAX_CHAR_BUF 16384 @interface PostgreSQL72Channel(Privates) - (void)_resetEvaluationState; @end @implementation PostgreSQL72Channel #if NG_SET_CLIENT_ENCODING static NSString *PGClientEncoding = @"Latin1"; #endif static int MaxOpenConnectionCount = -1; static BOOL debugOn = NO; static NSNull *null = nil; static NSNumber *yesObj = nil; static Class StringClass = Nil; static Class MDictClass = Nil; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; if (null == nil) null = [[NSNull null] retain]; if (yesObj == nil) yesObj = [[NSNumber numberWithBool:YES] retain]; StringClass = [NSString class]; MDictClass = [NSMutableDictionary class]; MaxOpenConnectionCount = [ud integerForKey:@"PGMaxOpenConnectionCount"]; if (MaxOpenConnectionCount < 2) MaxOpenConnectionCount = 50; debugOn = [ud boolForKey:@"PGDebugEnabled"]; } - (id)initWithAdaptorContext:(EOAdaptorContext*)_adaptorContext { if ((self = [super initWithAdaptorContext:_adaptorContext])) { [self setDebugEnabled:debugOn]; self->_attributesForTableName = [[MDictClass alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; self->_primaryKeysNamesForTableName = [[MDictClass alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; } return self; } /* collection */ - (void)dealloc { [self _resetEvaluationState]; if ([self isOpen]) [self closeChannel]; [self->_attributesForTableName release]; [self->_primaryKeysNamesForTableName release]; [super dealloc]; } /* NSCopying methods */ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)zone { return [self retain]; } /* debugging */ - (void)setDebugEnabled:(BOOL)_flag { self->isDebuggingEnabled = _flag; } - (BOOL)isDebugEnabled { return self->isDebuggingEnabled; } - (void)receivedMessage:(NSString *)_message { NSLog(@"%@: message: %@", self, _message); } static void _pgMessageProcessor(void *_channel, const char *_msg) __attribute__((unused)); static void _pgMessageProcessor(void *_channel, const char *_msg) { [(id)_channel receivedMessage: _msg ? [StringClass stringWithCString:_msg] : nil]; } /* cleanup */ - (void)_resetResults { [self->resultSet clear]; [self->resultSet release]; self->resultSet = nil; } /* open/close */ static int openConnectionCount = 0; - (BOOL)isOpen { return [self->connection isValid]; } - (BOOL)openChannel { PostgreSQL72Adaptor *adaptor; if ([self->connection isValid]) { NSLog(@"%s: Connection already open !!!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); return NO; } adaptor = (PostgreSQL72Adaptor *)[adaptorContext adaptor]; if (![super openChannel]) return NO; #if HEAVY_DEBUG NSLog(@"+++++++++ %s: openConnectionCount %d", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, openConnectionCount); #endif if (openConnectionCount > MaxOpenConnectionCount) { [PostgreSQL72CouldNotOpenChannelException raise:@"NoMoreConnections" format: @"cannot open a additional connection !"]; return NO; } self->connection = [[PGConnection alloc] initWithHostName:[adaptor serverName] port:[(id)[adaptor port] stringValue] options:[adaptor options] tty:[adaptor tty] database:[adaptor databaseName] login:[adaptor loginName] password:[adaptor loginPassword]]; if (![self->connection isValid]) { // could not login .. NSLog(@"WARNING: could not open pgsql channel to %@@%@ host %@:%@", [adaptor loginName], [adaptor databaseName], [adaptor serverName], [adaptor port]); return NO; } /* PQstatus */ if (![self->connection isConnectionOK]) { NSLog(@"could not open channel to %@@%@", [adaptor databaseName], [adaptor serverName]); [self->connection finish]; [self->connection release]; self->connection = nil; return NO; } /* set message callback */ [self->connection setNoticeProcessor:_pgMessageProcessor context:self]; /* set client encoding */ #if NG_SET_CLIENT_ENCODING if (![self->connection setClientEncoding:PGClientEncoding]) { NSLog(@"WARNING: could not set client encoding to: '%s'", PGClientEncoding); } #endif /* log */ if (isDebuggingEnabled) NSLog(@"PostgreSQL72 connection established: %@", self->connection); #if HEAVY_DEBUG NSLog(@"---------- %s: %@ opens channel count[%d]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, openConnectionCount); #endif openConnectionCount++; if (isDebuggingEnabled) { NSLog(@"PostgreSQL72 channel 0x%p opened (connection=%@)", self, self->connection); } return YES; } - (void)primaryCloseChannel { self->tupleCount = 0; self->fieldCount = 0; self->containsBinaryData = NO; if (self->fieldInfo) { free(self->fieldInfo); self->fieldInfo = NULL; } [self _resetResults]; [self->cmdStatus release]; self->cmdStatus = nil; [self->cmdTuples release]; self->cmdTuples = nil; if (self->connection) { [self->connection finish]; #if HEAVY_DEBUG NSLog(@"---------- %s: %@ close channel count[%d]", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, openConnectionCount); #endif openConnectionCount--; if (isDebuggingEnabled) { fprintf(stderr, "PostgreSQL72 connection dropped 0x%p (channel=0x%p)\n", self->connection, self); } [self->connection release]; self->connection = nil; } } - (void)closeChannel { [super closeChannel]; [self primaryCloseChannel]; } /* fetching rows */ - (void)cancelFetch { if (![self isOpen]) { [PostgreSQL72Exception raise:@"ChannelNotOpenException" format:@"No fetch in progress, connection is not open" @" (channel=%@)", self]; } #if HEAVY_DEBUG NSLog(@"canceling fetch (%i tuples remaining).", (self->tupleCount - self->currentTuple)); #endif self->tupleCount = 0; self->currentTuple = 0; self->fieldCount = 0; self->containsBinaryData = NO; if (self->fieldInfo) { free(self->fieldInfo); self->fieldInfo = NULL; } [self _resetResults]; [self->cmdStatus release]; self->cmdStatus = nil; [self->cmdTuples release]; self->cmdTuples = nil; /* new caches which require a constant _attributes argument */ if (self->fieldIndices) free(self->fieldIndices); self->fieldIndices = NULL; if (self->fieldKeys) free(self->fieldKeys); self->fieldKeys = NULL; if (self->fieldValues) free(self->fieldValues); self->fieldValues = NULL; [super cancelFetch]; } - (NSArray *)describeResults:(BOOL)_beautifyNames { int cnt; NSMutableArray *result = nil; NSMutableDictionary *usedNames = nil; if (![self isFetchInProgress]) { [PostgreSQL72Exception raise:@"NoFetchInProgress" format:@"No fetch in progress (channel=%@)", self]; } result = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:self->fieldCount]; usedNames = [[MDictClass alloc] initWithCapacity:self->fieldCount]; for (cnt = 0; cnt < self->fieldCount; cnt++) { EOAttribute *attribute = nil; NSString *columnName; NSString *attrName; columnName = [[StringClass alloc] initWithCString:self->fieldInfo[cnt].name]; attrName = _beautifyNames ? [columnName _pgModelMakeInstanceVarName] : columnName; if ([[usedNames objectForKey:attrName] boolValue]) { // TODO: move name generation code to different method! int cnt2 = 0; char buf[64]; NSString *newAttrName = nil; for (cnt2 = 2; cnt2 < 100; cnt2++) { NSString *s; sprintf(buf, "%i", cnt2); s = [[StringClass alloc] initWithCString:buf]; newAttrName = [attrName stringByAppendingString:s]; [s release]; s= nil; if (![[usedNames objectForKey:newAttrName] boolValue]) { attrName = newAttrName; break; } } } [usedNames setObject:yesObj forKey:attrName]; attribute = [[EOAttribute alloc] init]; [attribute setName:attrName]; [attribute setColumnName:columnName]; //NSLog(@"column: %@", columnName); [attribute loadValueClassAndTypeUsingPostgreSQLType: self->fieldInfo[cnt].type size:self->fieldInfo[cnt].size modification:self->fieldInfo[cnt].modification binary:self->containsBinaryData]; [result addObject:attribute]; [columnName release]; columnName = nil; [attribute release]; attribute = nil; } [usedNames release]; usedNames = nil; return [result autorelease]; } - (void)_fillFieldNamesForAttributes:(NSArray *)_attributes count:(unsigned)attrCount { // Note: this optimization requires that the "_attributes" array does // note change between invocations! // TODO: should add a sanity check for that! NSMutableArray *fieldNames; unsigned nFields, i; unsigned cnt; if (self->fieldIndices) return; self->fieldIndices = calloc(attrCount + 2, sizeof(int)); // TODO: we could probably cache the field-name array for much more speed ! fieldNames = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; nFields = [self->resultSet fieldCount]; for (i = 0; i < nFields; i++) [fieldNames addObject:[self->resultSet fieldNameAtIndex:i]]; for (cnt = 0; cnt < attrCount; cnt++) { EOAttribute *attribute; attribute = [_attributes objectAtIndex:cnt]; #if GDL_USE_PQFNUMBER_INDEX self->fieldIndices[cnt] = [self->resultSet indexOfFieldNamed:[attribute columnName]]; #else self->fieldIndices[cnt] = [fieldNames indexOfObject:[attribute columnName]]; #endif if (self->fieldIndices[cnt] == NSNotFound) { [PostgreSQL72Exception raiseWithFormat: @"attribute %@ not covered by query", attribute]; } [fieldNames replaceObjectAtIndex:self->fieldIndices[cnt] withObject:null]; } [fieldNames release]; fieldNames = nil; } - (NSMutableDictionary *)primaryFetchAttributes:(NSArray *)_attributes withZone:(NSZone *)_zone { NSMutableDictionary *row; unsigned attrCount; int *indices; unsigned cnt, fieldDictCount; if (self->currentTuple == self->tupleCount) { if (self->resultSet != nil) [self cancelFetch]; return nil; } attrCount = [_attributes count]; [self _fillFieldNamesForAttributes:_attributes count:attrCount]; indices = self->fieldIndices; if (self->fieldKeys == NULL) self->fieldKeys = calloc(attrCount + 1, sizeof(NSString *)); if (self->fieldValues == NULL) self->fieldValues = calloc(attrCount + 1, sizeof(id)); fieldDictCount = 0; for (cnt = 0; cnt < attrCount; cnt++) { EOAttribute *attribute; NSString *attrName; id value = nil; Class valueClass = Nil; const char *pvalue; int vallen; attribute = [_attributes objectAtIndex:cnt]; attrName = [attribute name]; if ([self->resultSet isNullTuple:self->currentTuple atIndex:indices[cnt]]){ self->fieldKeys[fieldDictCount] = attrName; self->fieldValues[fieldDictCount] = null; fieldDictCount++; continue; } valueClass = NSClassFromString([attribute valueClassName]); if (valueClass == Nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): %@: got no value class for column:\n" @" attribute=%@\n type=%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, attrName, [attribute externalType]); continue; } pvalue = [self->resultSet rawValueOfTuple:self->currentTuple atIndex:indices[cnt]]; vallen = [self->resultSet lengthOfTuple:self->currentTuple atIndex:indices[cnt]]; if (self->containsBinaryData) { // pvalue is stored in internal representation value = [valueClass valueFromBytes:pvalue length:vallen postgreSQLType:[attribute externalType] attribute:attribute adaptorChannel:self]; } else { // pvalue is ascii string value = [valueClass valueFromCString:pvalue length:vallen postgreSQLType:[attribute externalType] attribute:attribute adaptorChannel:self]; } if (value == nil) { NSLog(@"ERROR(%s): %@: got no value for column:\n" @" attribute=%@\n valueClass=%@\n type=%@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self, attrName, NSStringFromClass(valueClass), [attribute externalType]); continue; } /* add to dictionary */ self->fieldKeys[fieldDictCount] = attrName; self->fieldValues[fieldDictCount] = value; fieldDictCount++; } self->currentTuple++; // TODO: we would need to have a copy on write dict here, ideally with // the keys being reused for each fetch-loop row = [[MDictClass alloc] initWithObjects:self->fieldValues forKeys:self->fieldKeys count:fieldDictCount]; return [row autorelease]; } /* sending sql to server */ - (void)_resetEvaluationState { self->isFetchInProgress = NO; self->tupleCount = 0; self->fieldCount = 0; self->currentTuple = 0; self->containsBinaryData = NO; if (self->fieldInfo) { free(self->fieldInfo); self->fieldInfo = NULL; } /* new caches which require a constant _attributes argument */ if (self->fieldIndices) free(self->fieldIndices); self->fieldIndices = NULL; if (self->fieldKeys) free(self->fieldKeys); self->fieldKeys = NULL; if (self->fieldValues) free(self->fieldValues); self->fieldValues = NULL; } - (NSException *)_processEvaluationTuplesOKForExpression:(NSString *)_sql { int i; self->isFetchInProgress = YES; self->tupleCount = [self->resultSet tupleCount]; self->fieldCount = [self->resultSet fieldCount]; self->containsBinaryData = [self->resultSet containsBinaryTuples]; self->fieldInfo = calloc(self->fieldCount + 1, sizeof(PostgreSQL72FieldInfo)); for (i = 0; i < self->fieldCount; i++) { self->fieldInfo[i].name = PQfname(self->resultSet->results, i); self->fieldInfo[i].type = PQftype(self->resultSet->results, i); self->fieldInfo[i].size = [self->resultSet fieldSizeAtIndex:i]; self->fieldInfo[i].modification = [self->resultSet modifierAtIndex:i]; } self->cmdStatus = [[self->resultSet commandStatus] copy]; self->cmdTuples = [[self->resultSet commandTuples] copy]; if (delegateRespondsTo.didEvaluateExpression) [delegate adaptorChannel:self didEvaluateExpression:_sql]; #if HEAVY_DEBUG NSLog(@"tuples %i fields %i status %@", self->tupleCount, self->fieldCount, self->cmdStatus); #endif return nil; } - (NSException *)_handleBadResponseError { NSString *s; [self _resetResults]; s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"bad pgsql response (channel=%@): %@", self, [self->connection errorMessage]]; return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"PostgreSQL72BadResponse" reason:s userInfo:nil]; } - (NSException *)_handleNonFatalEvaluationError { NSString *s; [self _resetResults]; s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"pgsql error (channel=%@): %@", self, [self->connection errorMessage]]; return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"PostgreSQL72Error" reason:s userInfo:nil]; } - (NSException *)_handleFatalEvaluationError { NSString *s; [self _resetResults]; s = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"fatal pgsql error (channel=%@): %@", self, [self->connection errorMessage]]; return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"PostgreSQL72FatalError" reason:s userInfo:nil]; } - (NSException *)evaluateExpressionX:(NSString *)_expression { BOOL result; *(&result) = YES; if (_expression == nil) { return [NSException exceptionWithName:NSInvalidArgumentException reason:@"parameter for evaluateExpression: " @"must not be null" userInfo:nil]; } *(&_expression) = [[_expression mutableCopy] autorelease]; if (delegateRespondsTo.willEvaluateExpression) { EODelegateResponse response; response = [delegate adaptorChannel:self willEvaluateExpression: (NSMutableString *)_expression]; if (response == EODelegateRejects) { return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"EODelegateRejects" reason:@"delegate rejected insert" userInfo:nil]; } if (response == EODelegateOverrides) return nil; } if (![self isOpen]) { return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"ChannelNotOpenException" reason: @"PostgreSQL72 connection is not open" userInfo:nil]; } if (self->resultSet != nil) { return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName: @"CommandInProgressException" reason:@"an evaluation is in progress" userInfo:nil]; } if (isDebuggingEnabled) NSLog(@"PG0x%p SQL: %@", self, _expression); [self _resetEvaluationState]; self->resultSet = [[self->connection execute:_expression] retain]; if (self->resultSet == nil) { return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"ExecutionFailed" reason:@"the PQexec() failed" userInfo:nil]; } /* process results */ switch (PQresultStatus(self->resultSet->results)) { case PGRES_EMPTY_QUERY: case PGRES_COMMAND_OK: [self _resetResults]; if (delegateRespondsTo.didEvaluateExpression) [delegate adaptorChannel:self didEvaluateExpression:_expression]; return nil; case PGRES_TUPLES_OK: return [self _processEvaluationTuplesOKForExpression:_expression]; case PGRES_COPY_OUT: case PGRES_COPY_IN: [self _resetResults]; return [PostgreSQL72Exception exceptionWithName:@"UnsupportedOperation" reason:@"copy(out|in) not supported" userInfo:nil]; case PGRES_BAD_RESPONSE: return [self _handleBadResponseError]; case PGRES_NONFATAL_ERROR: return [self _handleNonFatalEvaluationError]; case PGRES_FATAL_ERROR: return [self _handleFatalEvaluationError]; default: return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"PostgreSQLEvalFailed" reason:@"generic reason" userInfo:nil]; } } - (BOOL)evaluateExpression:(NSString *)_sql { NSException *e; NSString *n; if ((e = [self evaluateExpressionX:_sql]) == nil) return YES; /* for compatibility with non-X methods, translate some errors to a bool */ n = [e name]; if ([n isEqualToString:@"EOEvaluationError"]) return NO; if ([n isEqualToString:@"EODelegateRejects"]) return NO; [e raise]; return NO; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%p[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; if (self->connection) [ms appendFormat:@" connection=%@", self->connection]; else [ms appendString:@" not-connected"]; [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* PostgreSQL72Channel */ @implementation PostgreSQL72Channel(PrimaryKeyGeneration) - (NSDictionary *)primaryKeyForNewRowWithEntity:(EOEntity *)_entity { NSArray *pkeys; PostgreSQL72Adaptor *adaptor; NSString *seqName, *seq; NSDictionary *pkey; pkeys = [_entity primaryKeyAttributeNames]; adaptor = (id)[[self adaptorContext] adaptor]; seqName = [adaptor primaryKeySequenceName]; pkey = nil; seq = nil; seq = [seqName length] > 0 ? [StringClass stringWithFormat:@"SELECT NEXTVAL ('%@')", seqName] : (id)[adaptor newKeyExpression]; // TODO: since we use evaluateExpressionX, we should not see exceptions? NS_DURING { if ([self evaluateExpressionX:seq] == nil) { id key = nil; if (self->tupleCount > 0) { if ([self->resultSet isNullTuple:0 atIndex:0]) key = [null retain]; else { const char *pvalue; int vallen; if (self->containsBinaryData) { #if COCOA_Foundation_LIBRARY || NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY NSLog(@"%s: binary data not implemented!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__); #else [self notImplemented:_cmd]; #endif } pvalue = [self->resultSet rawValueOfTuple:0 atIndex:0]; vallen = [self->resultSet lengthOfTuple:0 atIndex:0]; if (pvalue) key = [[NSNumber alloc] initWithInt:atoi(pvalue)]; } } [self cancelFetch]; if (key) { pkey = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:key forKey:[pkeys objectAtIndex:0]]; [key release]; key = nil; } } } NS_HANDLER pkey = nil; NS_ENDHANDLER; return pkey; } @end /* PostgreSQL72Channel(PrimaryKeyGeneration) */ void __link_PostgreSQL72Channel() { // used to force linking of object file __link_PostgreSQL72Channel(); }