/* Copyright (C) 2005 Helge Hess This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGVCardSaxHandler.h" #include "NGVCard.h" #include "NGVCardValue.h" #include "NGVCardSimpleValue.h" #include "NGVCardAddress.h" #include "NGVCardPhone.h" #include "NGVCardName.h" #include "NGVCardOrg.h" #include "NGVCardStrArrayValue.h" #include "common.h" #include #ifndef XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03 # define XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03 \ @"http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-dawson-vcard-xml-dtd-03.txt" #endif // TODO: this is wayyy to big and complicated ;-> @implementation NGVCardSaxHandler - (void)dealloc { if (self->content != NULL) free(self->content); [self->subvalues release]; [self->xtags release]; [self->tel release]; [self->adr release]; [self->email release]; [self->label release]; [self->url release]; [self->fburl release]; [self->caluri release]; [self->types release]; [self->args release]; [self->vCards release]; [self->vCard release]; [self->currentGroup release]; [super dealloc]; } /* results */ - (NSArray *)vCards { return self->vCards != nil ? [NSArray arrayWithArray:self->vCards] : nil; } /* state */ - (void)resetCardState { [self->tel removeAllObjects]; [self->adr removeAllObjects]; [self->email removeAllObjects]; [self->label removeAllObjects]; [self->url removeAllObjects]; [self->fburl removeAllObjects]; [self->caluri removeAllObjects]; [self->xtags removeAllObjects]; [self->currentGroup release]; self->currentGroup = nil; [self->types removeAllObjects]; [self->args removeAllObjects]; [self->vCard release]; self->vCard = nil; } - (void)resetExceptResult { [self->vCard release]; self->vCard = nil; [self resetCardState]; if (self->content != NULL) { free(self->content); self->content = NULL; } self->vcs.isInVCardSet = 0; self->vcs.isInVCard = 0; self->vcs.isInN = 0; self->vcs.isInAdr = 0; self->vcs.isInOrg = 0; self->vcs.isInGroup = 0; self->vcs.collectContent = 0; } - (void)reset { [self resetExceptResult]; [self->vCards removeAllObjects]; } /* document events */ - (void)startDocument { [self reset]; if (self->vCards == nil) self->vCards = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; if (self->tel == nil) self->tel = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->adr == nil) self->adr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->email == nil) self->email = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->label == nil) self->label = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->url == nil) self->url = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->fburl == nil) self->fburl = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; if (self->caluri == nil) self->caluri = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:1]; if (self->types == nil) self->types = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; if (self->args == nil) self->args = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; if (self->subvalues == nil) self->subvalues = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; if (self->xtags == nil) self->xtags = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:32]; } - (void)endDocument { [self resetExceptResult]; } /* common tags */ - (void)startValueTag:(NSString *)_tag attributes:(id)_attrs { /* a tag with types and attributes */ unsigned i, count; [self->types removeAllObjects]; [self->args removeAllObjects]; for (i = 0, count = [_attrs count]; i < count; i++) { NSString *n, *v; n = [_attrs nameAtIndex:i]; v = [_attrs valueAtIndex:i]; if ([n hasSuffix:@".type"] || [n isEqualToString:@"TYPE"]) { /* Note: types cannot be separated by comma! Its indeed always a space,eg "work pref voice" If you find commas, usually the vCard is broken. */ NSEnumerator *e; NSString *k; e = [[v componentsSeparatedByString:@" "] objectEnumerator]; while ((k = [e nextObject]) != nil) { k = [k uppercaseString]; if ([self->types containsObject:k]) continue; [self->types addObject:k]; } } else [self->args setObject:v forKey:n]; } } - (void)endValueTag { [self->types removeAllObjects]; [self->args removeAllObjects]; } /* handle elements */ - (void)startGroup:(NSString *)_name { self->vcs.isInGroup = 1; ASSIGNCOPY(self->currentGroup, _name); } - (void)endGroup { self->vcs.isInGroup = 0; [self->currentGroup release]; self->currentGroup = nil; } - (void)startN { [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; self->vcs.isInN = 1; } - (void)endN { NGVCardName *n; self->vcs.isInN = 0; n = [[NGVCardName alloc] initWithPropertyList:self->subvalues group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [self->vCard setN:n]; [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; [n release]; } - (void)startOrg { [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; self->vcs.isInOrg = 1; } - (void)endOrg { NGVCardOrg *o; NSArray *u; self->vcs.isInOrg = 0; if ((u = [self->subvalues objectForKey:@"orgunit"]) != nil) { if (![u isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) u = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&u count:1]; } // TODO: pass org values! o = [[NGVCardOrg alloc] initWithName:[self->subvalues objectForKey:@"orgnam"] units:u group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [self->vCard setOrg:o]; [o release]; [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; } - (void)startGeo { [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; self->vcs.isInGeo = 1; } - (void)endGeo { // TODO self->vcs.isInGeo = 0; [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING: not supporting geo in vCard."]; [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; } - (void)startVCard:(id)_attrs { NSString *uid, *version; NSString *t; [self->tel removeAllObjects]; [self->adr removeAllObjects]; [self->email removeAllObjects]; [self->label removeAllObjects]; [self->url removeAllObjects]; [self->fburl removeAllObjects]; [self->caluri removeAllObjects]; [self->xtags removeAllObjects]; self->vcs.isInVCard = 1; if (self->vCard != nil) { [self->vCards addObject:self->vCard]; [self logWithFormat:@"ERROR: vCard nesting not supported!"]; [self->vCard release]; self->vCard = nil; } if ((uid = [_attrs valueForName:@"uid" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]) == nil) uid = [_attrs valueForName:@"X-ABUID" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]; version = [_attrs valueForName:@"version" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]; self->vCard = [[NGVCard alloc] initWithUid:uid version:version]; if ((t = [_attrs valueForName:@"class" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]) != nil) [self->vCard setVClass:t]; if ((t = [_attrs valueForName:@"rev" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]) != nil) { [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING: vCard revision not yet supported!"]; // TODO } if ((t = [_attrs valueForName:@"prodid" uri:XMLNS_VCARD_XML_03]) != nil) [self->vCard setProdID:t]; [self debugWithFormat:@"started vCard: %@", self->vCard]; } - (void)endVCard { self->vcs.isInVCard = 0; /* fill collected objects */ if ([self->tel count] > 0) [self->vCard setTel:self->tel]; if ([self->adr count] > 0) [self->vCard setAdr:self->adr]; if ([self->email count] > 0) [self->vCard setEmail:self->email]; if ([self->label count] > 0) [self->vCard setLabel:self->label]; if ([self->url count] > 0) [self->vCard setUrl:self->url]; if ([self->fburl count] > 0) [self->vCard setFreeBusyURL:self->fburl]; if ([self->caluri count] > 0) [self->vCard setCalURI:self->caluri]; if ([self->xtags count] > 0) [self->vCard setX:self->xtags]; [self->vCards addObject:self->vCard]; //[self debugWithFormat:@"finished vCard: %@", self->vCard]; [self resetCardState]; } - (void)startVCardSet:(id)_attrs { self->vcs.isInVCardSet = 1; } - (void)endVCardSet { self->vcs.isInVCardSet = 0; } - (void)endBaseContentTagWithClass:(Class)_clazz andAddTo:(NSMutableArray*)_a { NGVCardSimpleValue *v; v = [[_clazz alloc] initWithValue:[self finishCollectingContent] group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [_a addObject:v]; [self endValueTag]; [v release]; } - (void)startTel:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"tel" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endTel { [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardPhone class] andAddTo:self->tel]; } - (void)startAdr:(id)_attrs { [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; self->vcs.isInAdr = 1; [self startValueTag:@"adr" attributes:_attrs]; } - (void)endAdr { NGVCardAddress *address; self->vcs.isInAdr = 0; address = [[NGVCardAddress alloc] initWithPropertyList:self->subvalues group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [self->adr addObject:address]; [self->subvalues removeAllObjects]; [self endValueTag]; [address release]; } - (void)startEmail:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"email" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endEmail { [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardSimpleValue class] andAddTo:self->email]; } - (void)startLabel:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"LABEL" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endLabel { [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardSimpleValue class] andAddTo:self->label]; } - (void)startURL:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"url" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endURL { // TODO: use special URL class? [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardSimpleValue class] andAddTo:self->url]; } /* tags with comma separated values */ - (void)startNickname:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"nickname" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endNickname { NGVCardStrArrayValue *v; NSArray *a; // comma unescaping? a = [[self finishCollectingContent] componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; v = [[NGVCardStrArrayValue alloc] initWithArray:a group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [self->vCard setNickname:v]; [v release]; v = nil; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startCategories:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"categories" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endCategories { NGVCardStrArrayValue *v; NSArray *a; // comma unescaping? a = [[self finishCollectingContent] componentsSeparatedByString:@","]; v = [[NGVCardStrArrayValue alloc] initWithArray:a group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; [self->vCard setCategories:v]; [v release]; v = nil; [self endValueTag]; } /* generic processing of tags with subtags */ - (void)startSubContentTag:(id)_attrs { if ([_attrs count] > 0) [self logWithFormat:@"WARNING: loosing attrs of subtag: %@", _attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endSubContentTag:(NSString *)_key { NSString *s; id o; if ((s = [[self finishCollectingContent] copy]) == nil) return; if ((o = [self->subvalues objectForKey:_key]) == nil) { [self->subvalues setObject:s forKey:_key]; } else { /* multivalue (eg 'org') */ if ([o isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) { [o addObject:s]; } else { NSMutableArray *a; a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [a addObject:o]; [a addObject:s]; [self->subvalues setObject:a forKey:_key]; [a release]; a = nil; } } [s release]; } /* extended tags (X-) */ - (void)startX:(NSString *)_name attributes:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:_name attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endX:(NSString *)_name { NGVCardSimpleValue *v; NSString *s; id o; s = [self finishCollectingContent]; v = [[NGVCardSimpleValue alloc] initWithValue:s group:self->currentGroup types:self->types arguments:self->args]; if ((o = [self->xtags objectForKey:_name]) == nil) [self->xtags setObject:v forKey:_name]; else if ([o isKindOfClass:[NSMutableArray class]]) [o addObject:v]; else { NSMutableArray *a; a = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [a addObject:o]; [a addObject:v]; [self->xtags setObject:a forKey:_name]; [a release]; } [v release]; [self endValueTag]; } /* flat tags */ - (void)startFN:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endFN { [self->vCard setFn:[self finishCollectingContent]]; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startRole:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endRole { [self->vCard setRole:[self finishCollectingContent]]; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startTitle:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endTitle { [self->vCard setTitle:[self finishCollectingContent]]; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startBDay:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endBDay { [self->vCard setBday:[self finishCollectingContent]]; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startNote:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endNote { [self->vCard setNote:[self finishCollectingContent]]; [self endValueTag]; } - (void)startCalURI:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"CALURI" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endCalURI { [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardSimpleValue class] andAddTo:self->caluri]; } - (void)startFreeBusyURL:(id)_attrs { [self startValueTag:@"FBURL" attributes:_attrs]; [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endFreeBusyURL { [self endBaseContentTagWithClass:[NGVCardSimpleValue class] andAddTo:self->fburl]; } /* OGo?? tags */ - (void)startProfile:(id)_attrs { [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endProfile { [self->vCard setProfile:[self finishCollectingContent]]; } - (void)startSource:(id)_attrs { [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endSource { [self->vCard setSource:[self finishCollectingContent]]; } - (void)startName:(id)_attrs { [self startCollectingContent]; } - (void)endName { [self->vCard setVName:[self finishCollectingContent]]; } /* element events */ - (void)startElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName attributes:(id)_attrs { unichar c0 = [_localName characterAtIndex:0]; if (c0 == 'g' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"group"]) [self startGroup:[_attrs valueForName:@"name" uri:_ns]]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName length] == 1) [self startN]; else if (c0 == 'o' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"org"]) [self startOrg]; else if (c0 == 't' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"tel"]) [self startTel:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'u' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"url"]) [self startURL:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'a' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"adr"]) [self startAdr:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'e' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"email"]) [self startEmail:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'L' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"LABEL"]) [self startLabel:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'v' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"vCard"]) [self startVCard:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'v' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"vCardSet"]) [self startVCardSet:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"nickname"]) [self startNickname:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'c' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"categories"]) [self startCategories:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'r' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"role"]) [self startRole:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 't' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"title"]) [self startTitle:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'b' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"bday"]) [self startBDay:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"note"]) [self startNote:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'C' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"CALURI"]) [self startCalURI:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'F' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"FBURL"]) [self startFreeBusyURL:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'f' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"fn"]) [self startFN:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'g' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"geo"]) [self startGeo]; // TODO: following are generated by LSAddress, but not in spec? else if (c0 == 'P' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"PROFILE"]) [self startProfile:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'S' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"SOURCE"]) [self startSource:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'N' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"NAME"]) [self startName:_attrs]; else { if (self->vcs.isInN || self->vcs.isInOrg || self->vcs.isInAdr || self->vcs.isInGeo) [self startSubContentTag:_attrs]; else if (c0 == 'X') [self startX:_localName attributes:_attrs]; else NSLog(@"U: %@", _localName); } } - (void)endElement:(NSString *)_localName namespace:(NSString *)_ns rawName:(NSString *)_rawName { unichar c0 = [_localName characterAtIndex:0]; if (c0 == 'g' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"group"]) [self endGroup]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"n"]) [self endN]; else if (c0 == 'o' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"org"]) [self endOrg]; else if (c0 == 't' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"tel"]) [self endTel]; else if (c0 == 'u' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"url"]) [self endURL]; else if (c0 == 'a' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"adr"]) [self endAdr]; else if (c0 == 'e' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"email"]) [self endEmail]; else if (c0 == 'L' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"LABEL"]) [self endLabel]; else if (c0 == 'v' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"vCard"]) [self endVCard]; else if (c0 == 'v' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"vCardSet"]) [self endVCardSet]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"nickname"]) [self endNickname]; else if (c0 == 'c' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"categories"]) [self endCategories]; else if (c0 == 'r' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"role"]) [self endRole]; else if (c0 == 't' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"title"]) [self endTitle]; else if (c0 == 'b' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"bday"]) [self endBDay]; else if (c0 == 'n' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"note"]) [self endNote]; else if (c0 == 'C' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"CALURI"]) [self endCalURI]; else if (c0 == 'F' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"FBURL"]) [self endFreeBusyURL]; else if (c0 == 'f' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"fn"]) [self endFN]; else if (c0 == 'g' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"geo"]) [self endGeo]; else if (c0 == 'P' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"PROFILE"]) [self endProfile]; else if (c0 == 'S' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"SOURCE"]) [self endSource]; else if (c0 == 'N' && [_localName isEqualToString:@"NAME"]) [self endName]; else { if (self->vcs.isInN || self->vcs.isInOrg || self->vcs.isInAdr || self->vcs.isInGeo) [self endSubContentTag:_localName]; else if (c0 == 'X') [self endX:_localName]; } } /* content */ - (void)startCollectingContent { if (self->content != NULL) { free(self->content); self->content = NULL; } self->vcs.collectContent = 1; } - (NSString *)finishCollectingContent { NSString *s; self->vcs.collectContent = 0; if (self->content == NULL) return nil; if (self->contentLength == 0) return @""; s = [NSString stringWithCharacters:self->content length:self->contentLength]; if (self->content != NULL) { free(self->content); self->content = NULL; } return s; } - (void)characters:(unichar *)_chars length:(int)_len { if (_len == 0 || _chars == NULL) return; if (self->content == NULL) { /* first content */ self->contentLength = _len; self->content = calloc(_len + 1, sizeof(unichar)); memcpy(self->content, _chars, (_len * sizeof(unichar))); } else { /* increase content */ self->content = realloc(self->content, (self->contentLength + _len+2) * sizeof(unichar)); memcpy(&(self->content[self->contentLength]), _chars, (_len * sizeof(unichar))); self->contentLength += _len; } self->content[self->contentLength] = 0; } @end /* NGVCardSaxHandler */