/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGDirectoryEnumerator.h" #import #include "common.h" @interface NGDirectoryEnumerator(PrivateMethods) - (void)recurseIntoDirectory:(NSString *)_path relativeName:(NSString *)_name; - (void)backtrack; - (void)findNextFile; @end @interface NGDirEntry : NSObject { @public id fileManager; NSString *path; NSEnumerator *e; } - (id)initWithFileManager:(id)_fm path:(NSString *)_path; - (NSString *)readdir; @end @implementation NGDirectoryEnumerator - (id)initWithFileManager:(id)_fm directoryPath:(NSString *)_path recurseIntoSubdirectories:(BOOL)_recurse followSymlinks:(BOOL)_follow prefixFiles:(BOOL)_prefix { self->fileManager = _fm ? [_fm retain] : [[NSFileManager defaultManager] retain]; self->pathStack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; self->enumStack = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; self->flags.isRecursive = _recurse; self->flags.isFollowing = _follow; self->topPath = [_path copy]; [self recurseIntoDirectory:_path relativeName:@""]; return self; } - (id)initWithDirectoryPath:(NSString *)_path recurseIntoSubdirectories:(BOOL)_recurse followSymlinks:(BOOL)_follow prefixFiles:(BOOL)_prefix { return [self initWithFileManager:nil directoryPath:_path recurseIntoSubdirectories:_recurse followSymlinks:_follow prefixFiles:_prefix]; } - (id)initWithFileManager:(id)_fm { return [self initWithFileManager:_fm directoryPath:@"/" recurseIntoSubdirectories:YES followSymlinks:NO prefixFiles:YES]; } - (id)initWithFileManager:(id)_fm directoryPath:(NSString *)_path { return [self initWithFileManager:_fm directoryPath:_path recurseIntoSubdirectories:YES followSymlinks:NO prefixFiles:YES]; } - (void)dealloc { while ([self->pathStack count]) [self backtrack]; [self->pathStack release]; [self->enumStack release]; [self->currentFileName release]; [self->currentFilePath release]; [self->topPath release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (id)fileManager { return self->fileManager; } /* operations */ - (NSDictionary *)directoryAttributes { return [self->fileManager fileAttributesAtPath:self->topPath traverseLink:self->flags.isFollowing]; } - (NSDictionary *)fileAttributes { return [self->fileManager fileAttributesAtPath:self->currentFilePath traverseLink:self->flags.isFollowing]; } - (void)skipDescendents { if ([self->pathStack count]) [self backtrack]; } /* enumerator */ - (id)nextObject { [self findNextFile]; return self->currentFileName; } /* internals */ - (void)recurseIntoDirectory:(NSString *)_path relativeName:(NSString *)name { /* recurses into directory `path' - pushes relative path (relative to root of search) on pathStack - pushes system dir enumerator on enumPath */ NGDirEntry *dir; //NSLog(@"RECURSE INTO: %@", _path); dir = [[NGDirEntry alloc] initWithFileManager:self->fileManager path:_path]; if (dir) { [pathStack addObject:name]; [enumStack addObject:dir]; } } - (void)backtrack { /* backtracks enumeration to the previous dir - pops current dir relative path from pathStack - pops system dir enumerator from enumStack - sets currentFile* to nil */ //NSLog(@"BACKTRACK: %@", [self->pathStack lastObject]); [self->enumStack removeLastObject]; [self->pathStack removeLastObject]; [self->currentFileName release]; self->currentFileName = nil; [self->currentFilePath release]; self->currentFilePath = nil; } - (void)findNextFile { /* finds the next file according to the top enumerator - if there is a next file it is put in currentFile - if the current file is a directory and if isRecursive calls recurseIntoDirectory:currentFile - if the current file is a symlink to a directory and if isRecursive and isFollowing calls recurseIntoDirectory:currentFile - if at end of current directory pops stack and attempts to find the next entry in the parent - sets currentFile to nil if there are no more files to enumerate */ NGDirEntry *dir; [self->currentFileName release]; self->currentFileName = nil; [self->currentFilePath release]; self->currentFilePath = nil; while ([self->pathStack count]) { NSString *dname; NSString *dtype; dir = [enumStack lastObject]; if ((dname = [dir readdir]) == nil) { /* If we reached the end of this directory, go back to the upper one */ [self backtrack]; continue; } /* Skip "." and ".." directory entries */ if ([dname isEqualToString:@"."]) continue; if ([dname isEqualToString:@".."]) continue; /* Name of current file */ self->currentFileName = [[[pathStack lastObject] stringByAppendingPathComponent:dname] copy]; /* Full path of current file */ self->currentFilePath = [[self->topPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:self->currentFileName] copy]; dtype = [[self->fileManager fileAttributesAtPath:self->currentFilePath traverseLink:self->flags.isFollowing] objectForKey:NSFileType]; // do not follow links if (!flags.isFollowing) { if ([dtype isEqualToString:NSFileTypeSymbolicLink]) /* if link then return it as link */ break; } /* Follow links - check for directory */ if ([dtype isEqualToString:NSFileTypeDirectory] && self->flags.isRecursive) { [self recurseIntoDirectory:self->currentFilePath relativeName:self->currentFileName]; } break; } } - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<%@[0x%08X]: ", NSStringFromClass([self class]), self]; [ms appendFormat:@" dir='%@'", self->topPath]; [ms appendFormat:@" cname='%@'", self->currentFileName]; [ms appendFormat:@" cpath='%@'", self->currentFilePath]; [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* NGDirectoryEnumerator */ @implementation NGDirEntry - (id)initWithFileManager:(id)_fm path:(NSString *)_path { self->fileManager = [_fm retain]; self->path = [_path copy]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->e release]; [self->path release]; [self->fileManager release]; [super dealloc]; } - (NSString *)readdir { NSString *s; if (self->e == nil) { self->e = [[[self->fileManager directoryContentsAtPath:self->path] sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)] objectEnumerator]; self->e = [self->e retain]; } s = [self->e nextObject]; //NSLog(@"readdir: %@", s); return s; } @end /* NGDirEntry */