/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGObjCRuntime.h" #include "NGMemoryAllocation.h" #include #include #include #include "common.h" #if NeXT_RUNTIME || APPLE_RUNTIME # include # include typedef struct objc_method_list *MethodList_t; typedef struct objc_ivar_list *IvarList_t; typedef struct objc_method *Method_t; #else # include #endif #import #import #import #import #import #define GCC_VERSION (__GNUC__ * 10000 \ + __GNUC_MINOR__ * 100 \ + __GNUC_PATCHLEVEL__) #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY /* this is a hack for the extensions 0.8.6 library */ void class_add_behavior(Class class, Class behavior) { extern void behavior_class_add_class (Class class, Class behavior); behavior_class_add_class(class, behavior); } #endif @interface _NGMethodNameEnumerator : NSEnumerator { Class clazz; BOOL includeSuperclassMethods; NSMutableSet *names; struct objc_method_list *methods; // current method list unsigned i; // current index in current method list #if APPLE_RUNTIME || NeXT_RUNTIME void *iter; // runtime iterator #endif } - (id)initWithClass:(Class)_clazz includeSuperclassMethods:(BOOL)_flag; - (id)nextObject; @end @implementation NSObject(NGObjCRuntime) static NSArray *emptyArray = nil; static unsigned countMethodSpecs(SEL _selector, va_list *va) __attribute__((unused)); static unsigned countMethodSpecs(SEL _selector, va_list *va) { SEL selector; NSString *signature; IMP imp; unsigned count; selector = _selector; signature = nil; imp = NULL; if (selector) signature = va_arg(*va, id); if (signature) imp = va_arg(*va, IMP); count = 0; while ((selector != NULL) && (signature != nil) && (imp != NULL)) { count++; if ((selector = va_arg(*va, SEL)) == NULL) break; if ((signature = (id)va_arg(*va, NSString *)) == nil) break; if ((imp = (IMP)va_arg(*va, IMP)) == NULL) break; } return count; } static void fillMethodListWithSpecs(MethodList_t methods, SEL _selector, va_list *va) { /* takes triple: SEL, signature, IMP */ SEL selector; NSString *signature; IMP imp; unsigned count; selector = _selector; signature = selector ? va_arg(*va, NSString *) : nil; imp = signature ? va_arg(*va, IMP) : NULL; count = 0; while ((selector != NULL) && (signature != nil) && (imp != NULL)) { unsigned len; char *types; #if GNU_RUNTIME const char *selname; #endif /* allocate signature buffer */ len = [signature cStringLength]; types = malloc(len + 4); [signature getCString:types]; types[len] = 0; #if APPLE_RUNTIME || NeXT_RUNTIME count = methods->method_count; methods->method_list[count].method_name = selector; methods->method_list[count].method_types = types; methods->method_list[count].method_imp = imp; methods->method_count++; #else /* determine selector name */ selname = sel_get_name(selector); /* fill structure */ methods->method_list[count].method_name = (SEL)selname; methods->method_list[count].method_types = types; methods->method_list[count].method_imp = imp; count++; #endif /* go to next method spec */ if ((selector = va_arg(*va, SEL)) == NULL) break; if ((signature = va_arg(*va, NSString *)) == nil) break; if ((imp = va_arg(*va, IMP)) == NULL) break; } #if GNU_RUNTIME methods->method_count = count; methods->method_next = NULL; #endif } + (unsigned)instanceSize { return ((Class)self)->instance_size; } /* adding methods */ + (void)addMethodList:(MethodList_t)_methods { if (_methods == NULL) return; if (_methods->method_count == 0) return; #if NeXT_RUNTIME class_addMethods(self, _methods); #else { extern void class_add_method_list (Class class, MethodList_t list); class_add_method_list(self, _methods); } #endif } + (void)addClassMethodList:(MethodList_t)_methods { if (_methods == NULL) return; if (_methods->method_count == 0) return; #if NeXT_RUNTIME class_addMethods(((Class)self)->isa, _methods); #else { extern void class_add_method_list (Class class, MethodList_t list); class_add_method_list(((Class)self)->class_pointer, _methods); } #endif } + (void)addMethods:(SEL)_selector, ... { /* takes triples (sel, type, imp) finished by nil */ MethodList_t methods; va_list va; unsigned count; va_start(va, _selector); count = countMethodSpecs(_selector, &va); va_end(va); if (count == 0) return; #if NeXT_RUNTIME || APPLE_RUNTIME methods = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_method_list) + ((count + 1) * sizeof(struct objc_method))); methods->method_count = 0; va_start(va, _selector); fillMethodListWithSpecs(methods, _selector, &va); va_end(va); [self addMethodList:methods]; #else methods = malloc(sizeof(MethodList) + (count + 2) * sizeof(Method)); NSAssert(methods, @"could not allocate methodlist"); va_start(va, _selector); fillMethodListWithSpecs(methods, _selector, &va); va_end(va); [self addMethodList:methods]; #endif } + (void)addClassMethods:(SEL)_selector, ... { /* takes triples finished by nil */ MethodList_t methods; va_list va; unsigned count; va_start(va, _selector); count = countMethodSpecs(_selector, &va); va_end(va); if (count == 0) return; #if NeXT_RUNTIME methods = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_method_list) + ((count + 1) * sizeof(struct objc_method))); methods->method_count = 0; va_start(va, _selector); fillMethodListWithSpecs(methods, _selector, &va); va_end(va); [self addClassMethodList:methods]; #else methods = malloc(sizeof(MethodList) + count * sizeof(Method)); NSAssert(methods, @"couldn't allocate methodlist"); va_start(va, _selector); fillMethodListWithSpecs(methods, _selector, &va); va_end(va); [self addClassMethodList:methods]; #endif } + (NSEnumerator *)methodNameEnumerator { return [[[_NGMethodNameEnumerator alloc] initWithClass:self includeSuperclassMethods:NO] autorelease]; } + (NSEnumerator *)hierachyMethodNameEnumerator { return [[[_NGMethodNameEnumerator alloc] initWithClass:self includeSuperclassMethods:YES] autorelease]; } /* subclassing */ + (Class)subclass:(NSString *)_className ivarsList:(IvarList_t)_ivars { #if NeXT_RUNTIME [(NSObject *)self doesNotRecognizeSelector:_cmd]; return Nil; #else // TODO: do we really need a symtab? PyObjC does not seem to require that Module_t module; Class newMetaClass, newClass; unsigned nameLen; char *name, *moduleName, *metaName; int instanceSize, i; /* define names */ nameLen = [_className cStringLength]; name = malloc(nameLen + 3); [_className getCString:name]; moduleName = name; metaName = name; /* calc instance size */ // printf("calc isize ..\n"); for (i = 0, instanceSize = ((Class)self)->instance_size; i < _ivars->ivar_count; i++) { unsigned typeAlign, typeLen; // printf("ivar %s\n", _ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_name); // printf(" type %s\n", _ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_type); typeAlign = objc_alignof_type(_ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_type); typeLen = objc_sizeof_type(_ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_type); /* check if offset is aligned */ if ((instanceSize % typeAlign) != 0) { /* add alignment size */ instanceSize += (typeAlign - (instanceSize % typeAlign)); } instanceSize += typeLen; } /* allocate structures */ newMetaClass = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_class)); newClass = malloc(sizeof(struct objc_class)); NSCAssert(newMetaClass, @"could not allocate new meta class structure"); NSCAssert(newClass, @"could not allocate new class structure"); // printf("setup meta ..\n"); /* init meta class */ newMetaClass->super_class = (Class)((Class)self)->class_pointer->name; newMetaClass->class_pointer = newMetaClass->super_class->class_pointer; newMetaClass->name = metaName; newMetaClass->version = 0; newMetaClass->info = _CLS_META; newMetaClass->instance_size = newMetaClass->super_class->instance_size; newMetaClass->methods = NULL; newMetaClass->dtable = NULL; newMetaClass->subclass_list = NULL; newMetaClass->sibling_class = NULL; newMetaClass->protocols = NULL; newMetaClass->gc_object_type = NULL; // printf("setup class ..\n"); /* init class */ newClass->super_class = (Class)((Class)self)->name; newClass->class_pointer = newMetaClass; newClass->name = name; newClass->version = 0; newClass->info = _CLS_CLASS; newClass->instance_size = instanceSize; newClass->methods = NULL; newClass->dtable = NULL; newClass->subclass_list = NULL; newClass->sibling_class = NULL; newClass->protocols = NULL; newClass->gc_object_type = NULL; newClass->ivars = _ivars; /* allocate module */ module = malloc(sizeof(Module)); NSCAssert(module, @"could not allocate module !"); memset(module, 0, sizeof(Module)); module->version = 8; module->size = sizeof(Module); module->name = moduleName; /* allocate symtab with one entry */ module->symtab = malloc(sizeof(Symtab) + (2 * sizeof(void *))); module->symtab->sel_ref_cnt = 0; module->symtab->refs = 0; // ptr to array of 'struct objc_selector' module->symtab->cls_def_cnt = 1; module->symtab->cat_def_cnt = 0; module->symtab->defs[0] = newClass; module->symtab->defs[1] = NULL; /* execute module */ { #if GCC_VERSION < 30400 extern void __objc_exec_class(Module_t module); // is thread-safe extern void __objc_resolve_class_links(); #else void __objc_exec_class(void* module); void __objc_resolve_class_links(); #endif //printf("execute class\n"); __objc_exec_class(module); //printf("resolve links\n"); __objc_resolve_class_links(); } return NSClassFromString(_className); #endif } + (Class)subclass:(NSString *)_className ivars:(NSString *)_name1,... { va_list va; unsigned ivarCount, currentSize; NSString *n, *t; currentSize = ((Class)self)->instance_size; va_start(va, _name1); for (n = _name1, t = va_arg(va, NSString *), ivarCount = 0; (n != nil && t != nil); n = va_arg(va, NSString *), t = va_arg(va, NSString *)) ivarCount++; va_end(va); #if NeXT_RUNTIME || APPLE_RUNTIME { /* some tricks for Apple inspired by PyObjC, long live OpenSource ;-) */ IvarList_t ivars; struct objc_class *clazz; struct objc_class *metaClazz; struct objc_class *rootClazz; /* build ivars */ ivars = NULL; if (ivarCount > 0) { ivars = calloc(sizeof(struct objc_ivar_list) + (ivarCount) * sizeof(struct objc_ivar), sizeof(char)); va_start(va, _name1); for (n = _name1, t = va_arg(va, NSString *), ivarCount = 0; (n != nil && t != nil); n = va_arg(va, NSString *), t=va_arg(va, NSString *), ivarCount++) { Ivar var; char *ivarName, *ivarType; int ivarOffset; unsigned len, typeAlign, typeLen; len = [n cStringLength]; ivarName = malloc(len + 2); [n getCString:ivarName]; ivarName[len] = '\0'; len = [t cStringLength]; ivarType = malloc(len + 2); [t getCString:ivarType]; ivarType[len] = '\0'; /* calc ivarOffset */ typeAlign = 0; // TODO: alignment?! // TODO: add more types ... switch (*ivarType) { /* the Apple runtime has no func to calc a type size ?! */ case '@': typeLen = sizeof(id); break; case ':': typeLen = sizeof(SEL); break; case 'c': typeLen = sizeof(signed char); break; case 's': typeLen = sizeof(signed short); break; case 'i': typeLen = sizeof(signed int); break; case 'C': typeLen = sizeof(unsigned char); break; case 'S': typeLen = sizeof(unsigned short); break; case 'I': typeLen = sizeof(unsigned int); break; default: NSAssert1(NO, @"does not support ivars of type '%s'", ivarType); break; } ivarOffset = currentSize; var = ivars->ivar_list + ivars->ivar_count; ivars->ivar_count++; var->ivar_name = ivarName; var->ivar_offset = ivarOffset; var->ivar_type = ivarType; /* adjust current size */ currentSize = ivarOffset + typeLen; } va_end(va); } // TODO: move the following to a subclass method /* determine root class */ for (rootClazz = self; rootClazz->super_class != NULL; ) rootClazz = rootClazz->super_class; /* setup meta class */ metaClazz = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_class)); metaClazz->isa = rootClazz->isa; // root-meta is the metameta metaClazz->name = strdup([_className cString]); metaClazz->info = CLS_META; metaClazz->super_class = ((struct objc_class *)self)->isa; metaClazz->instance_size = ((struct objc_class *)self)->isa->instance_size; metaClazz->ivars = NULL; metaClazz->protocols = NULL; /* setup class */ clazz = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_class)); clazz->isa = metaClazz; /* hook up meta class */ clazz->name = strdup([_className cString]); clazz->info = CLS_CLASS; clazz->super_class = self; clazz->instance_size = currentSize; clazz->ivars = ivars; clazz->protocols = NULL; #if 0 NSLog(@"instance size: %d, ivar-count: %d", currentSize, ivars->ivar_count); #endif /* setup method lists */ metaClazz->methodLists = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_method_list *)); clazz->methodLists = calloc(1, sizeof(struct objc_method_list *)); /* Note: MacOSX specific, Radar #3317376, hint taken from PyObjC */ metaClazz->methodLists[0] = (struct objc_method_list *)-1; clazz->methodLists[0] = (struct objc_method_list *)-1; /* add to runtime (according to PyObjC not reversible?) */ objc_addClass(clazz); return NSClassFromString(_className); } #else { IvarList_t ivars; ivars = malloc(sizeof(IvarList) + (sizeof(struct objc_ivar) * ivarCount)); ivars->ivar_count = ivarCount; va_start(va, _name1); for (n = _name1, t = va_arg(va, NSString *), ivarCount = 0; (n != nil && t != nil); n = va_arg(va, NSString *), t = va_arg(va, NSString *), ivarCount++) { char *ivarName, *ivarType; int ivarOffset; unsigned len, typeAlign, typeLen; len = [n cStringLength]; ivarName = malloc(len + 2); [n getCString:ivarName]; ivarName[len] = '\0'; len = [t cStringLength]; ivarType = malloc(len + 2); [t getCString:ivarType]; ivarType[len] = '\0'; /* calc ivarOffset */ typeAlign = objc_alignof_type(ivarType); typeLen = objc_sizeof_type(ivarType); ivarOffset = currentSize; /* check if offset is aligned */ if ((ivarOffset % typeAlign) != 0) { /* align offset */ len = (typeAlign - (ivarOffset % typeAlign)); ivarOffset += len; } /* adjust current size */ currentSize = ivarOffset + typeLen; ivars->ivar_list[ivarCount].ivar_name = ivarName; ivars->ivar_list[ivarCount].ivar_type = ivarType; ivars->ivar_list[ivarCount].ivar_offset = ivarOffset; } va_end(va); return [self subclass:_className ivarsList:ivars]; } #endif } /* instance variables */ + (NSArray *)instanceVariableNames { NSArray *result; NSString **names; int i; if (((Class)self)->ivars == NULL || ((Class)self)->ivars->ivar_count == 0) { if (emptyArray == nil) emptyArray = [[NSArray alloc] init]; return emptyArray; } names = calloc(((Class)self)->ivars->ivar_count + 2, sizeof(NSString *)); for (i = 0; i < ((Class)self)->ivars->ivar_count; i++) { register unsigned char *ivarName; ivarName = (void *)(((Class)self)->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_name); if (ivarName == NULL) { NSLog(@"WARNING(%s): ivar without name! (idx=%d)", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, i); continue; } #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY names[i] = [NSString stringWithCString:ivarName]; #else names[i] = [NSString stringWithCStringNoCopy:ivarName freeWhenDone:NO]; #endif } result = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:names count:((Class)self)->ivars->ivar_count]; if (names) free(names); return result; } + (NSArray *)allInstanceVariableNames { NSMutableArray *varNames; Class c; varNames = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:32]; for (c = self; c != Nil; c = [c superclass]) [varNames addObjectsFromArray:[c instanceVariableNames]]; return [[varNames copy] autorelease]; } + (BOOL)hasInstanceVariableWithName:(NSString *)_ivarName { Class c; unsigned len = [_ivarName cStringLength]; char *ivarName; if (len == 0) return NO; ivarName = malloc(len + 1); [_ivarName getCString:ivarName]; ivarName[len] = '\0'; for (c = self; c != Nil; c = [c superclass]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c->ivars->ivar_count; i++) { if (strcmp(ivarName, c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_name) == 0) { free(ivarName); return YES; } } } free(ivarName); return NO; } + (NSString *)signatureOfInstanceVariableWithName:(NSString *)_ivarName { Class c; unsigned len = [_ivarName cStringLength]; char *ivarName; if (len == 0) return nil; ivarName = malloc(len + 1); [_ivarName getCString:ivarName]; ivarName[len] = '\0'; for (c = self; c != Nil; c = [c superclass]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c->ivars->ivar_count; i++) { if (strcmp(ivarName, c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_name) == 0) { /* found matching ivar name */ if (ivarName) free(ivarName); #if !LIB_FOUNDATION_LIBRARY return [NSString stringWithCString: (char *)(c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_type)]; #else return [NSString stringWithCStringNoCopy: (char *)(c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_type) freeWhenDone:NO]; #endif } } } if (ivarName) free(ivarName); return nil; } + (unsigned)offsetOfInstanceVariableWithName:(NSString *)_ivarName { Class c; unsigned len = [_ivarName cStringLength]; char *ivarName; if (len == 0) return NSNotFound; ivarName = malloc(len + 3); [_ivarName getCString:ivarName]; ivarName[len] = '\0'; for (c = self; c != Nil; c = [c superclass]) { int i; for (i = 0; i < c->ivars->ivar_count; i++) { if (strcmp(ivarName, c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_name) == 0) { /* found matching ivar name */ free(ivarName); return c->ivars->ivar_list[i].ivar_offset; } } } free(ivarName); return NSNotFound; } @end /* NSObject(NGObjCRuntime) */ @implementation _NGMethodNameEnumerator - (id)initWithClass:(Class)_clazz includeSuperclassMethods:(BOOL)_flag { if (_clazz == Nil) { [self release]; return nil; } self->names = [[NSMutableSet alloc] initWithCapacity:200]; self->clazz = _clazz; self->includeSuperclassMethods = _flag; #if NeXT_RUNTIME self->iter = 0; self->methods = class_nextMethodList(self->clazz, &(self->iter)); #else self->methods = _clazz->methods; self->i = 0; #endif return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->names release]; [super dealloc]; } - (id)nextObject { if (self->clazz == nil) return nil; if (self->methods == NULL) { /* methods of current class are done .. */ if (!self->includeSuperclassMethods) return nil; /* loop, maybe there are classes without a method-list ? */ while (self->methods == NULL) { if ((self->clazz = [self->clazz superclass]) == Nil) /* no more superclasses */ return nil; #if NeXT_RUNTIME self->iter = 0; self->methods = class_nextMethodList(self->clazz, &(self->iter)); #else self->methods = self->clazz->methods; #endif } self->i = 0; } #if DEBUG NSAssert(self->methods, @"missing method-list !"); #endif while (self->i >= (unsigned)self->methods->method_count) { #if NeXT_RUNTIME || APPLE_RUNTIME self->methods = class_nextMethodList(self->clazz, &(self->iter)); #else self->methods = self->methods->method_next; #endif if (self->methods == NULL) break; self->i = 0; } if (self->methods == NULL) { /* recurse to next super class */ return self->includeSuperclassMethods ? [self nextObject] : nil; } /* get name .. */ { Method_t m; NSString *name; m = &(self->methods->method_list[self->i]); self->i++; NSAssert(m, @"missing method structure !"); name = NSStringFromSelector(m->method_name); NSAssert(name, @"couldn't get method name !"); if ([self->names containsObject:name]) { /* this name was already delivered from a subclass, take next */ return [self nextObject]; } [self->names addObject:name]; return name; } } @end /* _NGMethodNameEnumerator */ #if GNU_RUNTIME @interface NGObjCClassEnumerator : NSEnumerator { void *state; } @end @implementation NGObjCClassEnumerator - (id)nextObject { return objc_next_class(&(self->state)); } @end /* NGObjCClassEnumerator */ #endif /* GNU_RUNTIME */