/* Copyright (C) 2000-2004 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include "common.h" #include "NGConcreteStreamFileHandle.h" #include "NGStreamProtocols.h" #include "NGStreamExceptions.h" #include "NGBufferedStream.h" @interface NGStream(FileHandleReset) - (void)resetFileHandle; @end @implementation NGConcreteStreamFileHandle - (id)initWithStream:(id)_stream { if ((self = [super init])) { self->stream = [_stream retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { if ([stream respondsToSelector:@selector(resetFileHandle)]) [(NGStream *)self->stream resetFileHandle]; [self->stream release]; [super dealloc]; } // accessors - (id)stream { return self->stream; } /* NSFileHandle operations */ - (void)closeFile { [self->stream close]; } - (int)fileDescriptor { if ([self->stream respondsToSelector:@selector(fileDescriptor)]) return [(id)self->stream fileDescriptor]; else { [self subclassResponsibility:_cmd]; return -1; } } /* buffering */ - (void)synchronizeFile { [self->stream flush]; } /* reading */ - (NSData *)readDataOfLength:(unsigned int)_length { char *buffer; NSData *data; *(&buffer) = NGMallocAtomic(_length); *(&data) = nil; NS_DURING { [stream safeReadBytes:buffer count:_length]; data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytes:buffer length:_length]; } NS_HANDLER { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) { data = [(NGEndOfStreamException *)localException readBytes]; data = data ? [data retain] : [[NSData alloc] init]; } else { if (buffer) { NGFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; } [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; if (buffer) { NGFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; } return [data autorelease]; } - (NSData *)readDataToEndOfFile { NGBufferedStream *bs; NSMutableData *data; char buf[2048]; *(&data) = [NSMutableData dataWithCapacity:2048]; *(&bs) = [self->stream isKindOfClass:[NGBufferedStream class]] ? [self->stream retain] : [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:self->stream]; NS_DURING { while (1 == 1) { unsigned got = [bs readBytes:buf count:2048]; [data appendBytes:buf length:got]; } } NS_HANDLER { if (![localException isKindOfClass:[NGEndOfStreamException class]]) { [bs release]; bs = nil; [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; [bs release]; bs = nil; return data; } - (NSData *)availableData { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(availableData) not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return nil; } /* writing */ - (void)writeData:(NSData *)_data { [self->stream safeWriteBytes:[_data bytes] count:[_data length]]; } /* seeking */ - (unsigned long long)seekToEndOfFile { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(seekToEndOfFile) not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return 0; } - (void)seekToFileOffset:(unsigned long long)_offset { [(id)stream moveToLocation:_offset]; } - (unsigned long long)offsetInFile { NSLog(@"_NGConcreteFileStreamFileHandle(offsetInFile:) not implemented, abort"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; return 0; } /* asynchronous operations */ - (void)acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotify) " @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:(NSArray *)_modes { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(acceptConnectionInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:) " @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)readInBackgroundAndNotify { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(readInBackgroundAndNotify) not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:(NSArray *)_modes { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(readInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:) " @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotify)" @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:(NSArray *)_modes { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(" @"readToEndOfFileInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:)" @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(" @"waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotify)" @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } - (void)waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:(NSArray *)_modes { NSLog(@"NGConcreteStreamFileHandle(" @"waitForDataInBackgroundAndNotifyForModes:)" @"not implemented"); [self notImplemented:_cmd]; } @end /* NGConcreteStreamFileHandle */