/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include #include #include "WOComponent+private.h" #include #include #include "common.h" #import #include "_WOStringTable.h" /* Component Discovery and Page Creation All WO code uses either directly or indirectly the WOResourceManager's -pageWithName:languages: method to instantiate WO components. This methods works in three steps: 1. discovery of files associated with the component 2. creation of a proper WOComponentDefinition, which is some kind of 'blueprint' or 'class' for components 3. component instantiation using the definition All the instantiation/setup work is done by a component definition, the resource manager is only responsible for managing those 'blueprint' resources. If you want to customize component creation, you can supply your own WOComponentDefinition in a subclass of WOResourceManager by overriding: - (WOComponentDefinition *)definitionForComponent:(id)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_frameworkName languages:(NSArray *)_languages */ /* Note: this was #if !COMPILE_FOR_GSTEP_MAKE - but there is no difference between Xcode and gstep-make?! The only possible difference might be that .wo wrappers are directly in the bundle/framework root - but this doesn't relate to Resources. OK, this breaks gstep-make based template lookup which places .wo wrappers in .woa/Resources/xxx.wo. This is an issue because .wox are looked up in Contents/Resources but .wo ones in just Resources. This issue should be fixed in recent woapp-gs.make ... Update: since for SOPE 4.3 we only work with gstep-make 1.10, this seems to be fixed? */ #if COCOA_Foundation_LIBRARY || NeXT_Foundation_LIBRARY # define RSRCDIR_CONTENTS 1 #endif @implementation WOResourceManager + (int)version { return 4; } static Class UrlClass = Nil; static NSString *resourcePrefix = @""; static NSString *rapidTurnAroundPath = nil; static NSString *suffix = nil; static NSNull *null = nil; static BOOL debugOn = NO; static BOOL debugComponentLookup = NO; static BOOL debugResourceLookup = NO; static BOOL genMissingResourceLinks = NO; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; static BOOL isInitialized = NO; NSDictionary *defs; if (isInitialized) return; isInitialized = YES; null = [[NSNull null] retain]; UrlClass = [NSURL class]; defs = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSArray arrayWithObject:@"wo"], @"WOComponentExtensions", nil]; [ud registerDefaults:defs]; debugOn = [WOApplication isDebuggingEnabled]; debugComponentLookup = [ud boolForKey:@"WODebugComponentLookup"]; debugResourceLookup = [ud boolForKey:@"WODebugResourceLookup"]; genMissingResourceLinks = [ud boolForKey:@"WOGenerateMissingResourceLinks"]; rapidTurnAroundPath = [[ud stringForKey:@"WOProjectDirectory"] copy]; suffix = [[ud stringForKey:@"WOApplicationSuffix"] copy]; } static inline BOOL _pathExists(WOResourceManager *self, NSFileManager *fm, NSString *path) { BOOL doesExist; if (self->existingPathes && (path != nil)) { int i; i = (int)NSMapGet(self->existingPathes, path); if (i == 0) { doesExist = [fm fileExistsAtPath:path]; NSMapInsert(self->existingPathes, path, (void*)(doesExist ? 1 : 0xFF)); } else doesExist = i == 1 ? YES : NO; } else doesExist = [fm fileExistsAtPath:path]; return doesExist; } + (void)setResourcePrefix:(NSString *)_prefix { [resourcePrefix autorelease]; resourcePrefix = [_prefix copy]; } - (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)_path { #if __APPLE__ if ([_path length] == 0) { [self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): missing path!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; /* this doesn't work with subclasses which do not require a path ... */ #if 0 [self release]; return nil; #endif } #endif if ((self = [super init])) { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *rprefix = nil; NSString *tmp; self->componentDefinitions = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128); self->stringTables = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 16); tmp = [_path stringByStandardizingPath]; if (tmp) _path = tmp; self->base = [_path copy]; if ([WOApplication isCachingEnabled]) { self->existingPathes = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSIntMapValueCallBacks, 256); } rprefix = [ud stringForKey:@"WOResourcePrefix"]; if (rprefix) [[self class] setResourcePrefix:rprefix]; } return self; } - (id)init { return [self initWithPath:[[NGBundle mainBundle] bundlePath]]; } - (void)dealloc { if (self->existingPathes) NSFreeMapTable(self->existingPathes); if (self->stringTables) NSFreeMapTable(self->stringTables); if (self->componentDefinitions) NSFreeMapTable(self->componentDefinitions); if (self->keyedResources) NSFreeMapTable(self->keyedResources); [self->w3resources release]; [self->resources release]; [self->base release]; [super dealloc]; } /* debugging */ - (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled { return debugOn; } - (NSString *)loggingPrefix { unsigned char buf[32]; sprintf(buf, "[wo-rm-0x%08X]", (unsigned)self); return [NSString stringWithCString:buf]; } /* path methods */ - (NSFileManager *)fileManager { static NSFileManager *fm = nil; if (fm == nil) fm = [[NSFileManager defaultManager] retain]; return fm; } - (NSString *)basePath { return self->base; } - (NSString *)resourcesPath { NSFileManager *fm; if (self->resources) return self->resources; fm = [self fileManager]; if ([self->base length] > 0) { if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:self->base]) { [self warnWithFormat:@"(%s): Resources base path '%@' does not exist !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->base]; return nil; } } #if RSRCDIR_CONTENTS if ([rapidTurnAroundPath length] > 0) { /* In rapid turnaround mode, first check for a Resources subdir in the project directory, then directly in the project dir. Note: you cannot have both! Either put stuff in a Resources subdir *or* in the project dir. */ NSString *tmp; BOOL isDir; tmp = [rapidTurnAroundPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"]; if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:tmp isDirectory:&isDir]) isDir = NO; if (!isDir) tmp = rapidTurnAroundPath; self->resources = [tmp copy]; } else { self->resources = [[[self->base stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Contents"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"] copy]; } #else self->resources = [[self->base stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"] copy]; #endif if ([self->resources length] > 0) { if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:self->resources]) { [self warnWithFormat: @"(%s): Resources path %@ does not exist !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->resources]; [self->resources release]; self->resources = nil; } else if (self->existingPathes && (self->resources != nil)) NSMapInsert(self->existingPathes, self->resources, (void*)1); } return self->resources; } - (NSString *)resourcesPathForFramework:(NSString *)_fw { if (_fw == nil) return [self resourcesPath]; #if RSRCDIR_CONTENTS return [[_fw stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Contents"] stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"]; #else return [_fw stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources"]; #endif } - (NSString *)webServerResourcesPath { NSFileManager *fm; if (self->w3resources) return self->w3resources; #if GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY && 0 self->w3resources = [[self->base stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources/WebServer"] copy]; #else self->w3resources = [[self->base stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"WebServerResources"] copy]; #endif fm = [self fileManager]; if ([self->w3resources length] == 0) return nil; if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:self->w3resources]) { static BOOL didLog = NO; if (!didLog) { didLog = YES; [self warnWithFormat: @"(%s): WebServerResources path '%@' does not exist !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, self->w3resources]; } [self->w3resources release]; self->w3resources = nil; } else if (self->existingPathes && (self->w3resources != nil)) NSMapInsert(self->existingPathes, self->w3resources, (void*)1); if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@"WebServerResources: '%@'", self->w3resources]; return self->w3resources; } - (NSString *)pathForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_frameworkName languages:(NSArray *)_languages { NSFileManager *fm; NSString *resource = nil; unsigned langCount; NSString *w3rp, *rp; if (debugResourceLookup) { [self logWithFormat:@"lookup '%@' bundle=%@ languages=%@", _name, _frameworkName, [_languages componentsJoinedByString:@","]]; } fm = [self fileManager]; langCount = [_languages count]; if ((w3rp = [self webServerResourcesPath]) != nil) { NSString *langPath = nil; unsigned i; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" WebServerResources: %@", w3rp]; // first check Language.lproj in WebServerResources for (i = 0; i < langCount; i++) { langPath = [_languages objectAtIndex:i]; langPath = [langPath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"lproj"]; langPath = [w3rp stringByAppendingPathComponent:langPath]; if (!_pathExists(self, fm, langPath)) { if (debugResourceLookup) { [self logWithFormat: @" no language project for '%@' in WebServerResources: %@", [_languages objectAtIndex:i], langPath]; } continue; } resource = [langPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" check in WebServerResources: %@", resource]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, resource)) return resource; } /* next check in WebServerResources itself */ resource = [w3rp stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" check in WebServerResources-flat: %@", resource]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, resource)) return resource; } if ((rp = [self resourcesPathForFramework:_frameworkName])) { NSString *langPath = nil; unsigned i; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" path %@", rp]; // first check Language.lproj in Resources for (i = 0; i < langCount; i++) { langPath = [_languages objectAtIndex:i]; langPath = [langPath stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"lproj"]; langPath = [rp stringByAppendingPathComponent:langPath]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, langPath)) { resource = [langPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" check in Resources: %@", resource]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, resource)) return resource; } } // next check in Resources itself resource = [rp stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]; if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" check in Resources-flat: %@", resource]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, resource)) { if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" found => %@", resource]; return resource; } } /* and last check in the application directory */ if (_pathExists(self, fm, self->base)) { resource = [self->base stringByAppendingPathComponent:_name]; if (_pathExists(self, fm, resource)) return resource; } return nil; } - (NSString *)pathForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name { IS_DEPRECATED; return [self pathForResourceNamed:_name inFramework:nil languages:nil]; } - (NSString *)pathForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name ofType:(NSString *)_type { _name = [_name stringByAppendingPathExtension:_type]; return [self pathForResourceNamed:_name]; } /* URL methods */ - (NSString *)_urlForMissingResource:(NSString *)_name request:(WORequest *)_r{ WOApplication *app; app = [WOApplication application]; if (!genMissingResourceLinks) return nil; return [NSString stringWithFormat: @"/missingresource?name=%@&application=%@", _name, app ? [app name] : [_r applicationName]]; } - (NSString *)urlForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_frameworkName languages:(NSArray *)_languages request:(WORequest *)_request { WOApplication *app; NSMutableString *url; NSString *resource = nil, *tmp; NSString *path = nil, *sbase; unsigned len; app = [WOApplication application]; if (_languages == nil) _languages = [_request browserLanguages]; resource = [self pathForResourceNamed:_name inFramework:_frameworkName languages:_languages]; #if RSRCDIR_CONTENTS if ([resource rangeOfString:@"/Contents/"].length > 0) { resource = [resource stringByReplacingString:@"/Contents" withString:@""]; } #endif #if 0 tmp = [resource stringByStandardizingPath]; if (tmp != nil) resource = tmp; #endif if (resource == nil) { if (debugResourceLookup) [self logWithFormat:@"did not find resource (cannot build URL)"]; return [self _urlForMissingResource:_name request:_request]; } sbase = self->base; tmp = [sbase commonPrefixWithString:resource options:0]; len = [tmp length]; path = [sbase substringFromIndex:len]; tmp = [resource substringFromIndex:len]; if (([path length] > 0) && ![tmp hasPrefix:@"/"] && ![tmp hasPrefix:@"\\"]) path = [path stringByAppendingString:@"/"]; path = [path stringByAppendingString:tmp]; #ifdef __WIN32__ { NSArray *cs; cs = [path componentsSeparatedByString:@"\\"]; path = [cs componentsJoinedByString:@"/"]; } #endif if (path == nil) return [self _urlForMissingResource:_name request:_request]; url = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:256]; #if 0 [url appendString:[_request adaptorPrefix]]; #endif if (resourcePrefix) [url appendString:resourcePrefix]; if (![url hasSuffix:@"/"]) [url appendString:@"/"]; [url appendString:app ? [app name] : [_request applicationName]]; [url appendString:suffix]; if (![path hasPrefix:@"/"]) [url appendString:@"/"]; [url appendString:path]; path = [url copy]; [url release]; return [path autorelease]; } - (NSString *)urlForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name { IS_DEPRECATED; return [self urlForResourceNamed:_name inFramework:nil languages:nil request:nil]; } - (NSString *)urlForResourceNamed:(NSString *)_name ofType:(NSString *)_type { return [self urlForResourceNamed: [_name stringByAppendingPathExtension:_type]]; } /* string tables */ - (NSString *)stringForKey:(NSString *)_key inTableNamed:(NSString *)_tableName withDefaultValue:(NSString *)_defaultValue inFramework:(NSString *)_framework languages:(NSArray *)_languages; { NSFileManager *fm; _WOStringTable *table = nil; NSString *path = nil; fm = [self fileManager]; if (_tableName == nil) _tableName = @"default"; /* take a look whether a matching table is already loaded */ path = [_tableName stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"strings"]; path = [self pathForResourceNamed:path inFramework:_framework languages:_languages]; if (path != nil) { if ((table = NSMapGet(self->stringTables, path)) == NULL) { if ([fm fileExistsAtPath:path]) { table = [_WOStringTable allocWithZone:[self zone]]; /* for gcc */ table = [table initWithPath:path]; NSMapInsert(self->stringTables, path, table); [table release]; } } if (table != nil) return [table stringForKey:_key withDefaultValue:_defaultValue]; } /* didn't found table in cache */ return _defaultValue; } - (NSString *)stringForKey:(NSString *)_key inTableNamed:(NSString *)_tableName withDefaultValue:(NSString *)_default languages:(NSArray *)_languages { return [self stringForKey:_key inTableNamed:_tableName withDefaultValue:_default inFramework:nil languages:_languages]; } /* NSLocking */ - (void)lock { } - (void)unlock { } /* component definitions */ - (NSString *)pathToComponentNamed:(NSString *)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_framework { /* search for component wrapper .. */ // TODO: shouldn't we used that for WOx as well? NSEnumerator *e; NSString *ext; if (_name == nil) { #if DEBUG [self warnWithFormat: @"(%s): tried to get path to component with name !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; #endif return nil; } /* scan for name.$ext resource ... */ e = [[[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] arrayForKey:@"WOComponentExtensions"] objectEnumerator]; while ((ext = [e nextObject])) { NSString *specName; NSString *path; specName = [_name stringByAppendingPathExtension:ext]; path = [self pathForResourceNamed:specName inFramework:_framework languages:nil]; if (path) return path; } return nil; } - (NSString *)pathToComponentNamed:(NSString *)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_framework languages:(NSArray *)_langs { return [self pathToComponentNamed:_name inFramework:_framework]; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)_definitionForPathlessComponent:(NSString *)_name languages:(NSArray *)_languages { /* definition factory */ WOComponentDefinition *cdef; cdef = [[WOComponentDefinition allocWithZone:[self zone]] initWithName:_name path:nil baseURL:nil frameworkName:nil]; return [cdef autorelease]; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)_definitionWithName:(NSString *)_name url:(NSURL *)_url baseURL:(NSURL *)_baseURL frameworkName:(NSString *)_fwname { /* definition factory */ static Class DefClass; id cdef; if (DefClass == Nil) DefClass = [WOComponentDefinition class]; // TODO: is retained response intended? cdef = [[DefClass alloc] initWithName:_name path:[_url path] baseURL:_baseURL frameworkName:_fwname]; return cdef; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)_definitionWithName:(NSString *)_name path:(NSString *)_path baseURL:(NSURL *)_baseURL frameworkName:(NSString *)_fwname { NSURL *url; url = ([_path length] > 0) ? [[[NSURL alloc] initFileURLWithPath:_path] autorelease] : nil; return [self _definitionWithName:_name url:url baseURL:_baseURL frameworkName:_fwname]; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)_cachedDefinitionForComponent:(id)_name languages:(NSArray *)_languages { NSArray *cacheKey; id cdef; if (self->componentDefinitions == NULL) return nil; if (![[WOApplication application] isCachingEnabled]) return nil; cacheKey = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:_name, _languages, nil]; cdef = NSMapGet(self->componentDefinitions, cacheKey); return cdef; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)_cacheDefinition:(id)_cdef forComponent:(id)_name languages:(NSArray *)_languages { NSArray *cacheKey; if (self->componentDefinitions == NULL) return _cdef; if (![[WOApplication application] isCachingEnabled]) return _cdef; cacheKey = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:_name, _languages, nil]; NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, cacheKey, _cdef ? _cdef : null); return _cdef; } - (NSString *)resourceNameForComponentNamed:(NSString *)_name { return [_name stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"wox"]; } /* create component definition */ - (void)_getComponentURL:(NSURL **)url_ andName:(NSString **)name_ forNameOrURL:(id)_nameOrURL inFramework:(NSString *)_framework languages:(NSArray *)_languages { NSString *path; if ([_nameOrURL isKindOfClass:UrlClass]) { // TODO: where is this used currently? It probably was required for forms, // but might not be anymore? *url_ = _nameOrURL; *name_ = [*url_ path]; if (debugComponentLookup) [self debugWithFormat:@"using URL %@ for component %@", *url_, *name_]; return; } /* the _nameOrURL is a string containing the component name */ *name_ = _nameOrURL; if (_framework == nil && _nameOrURL != nil) { Class clazz; /* Note: this is a bit of a hack ..., actually this method should never be called without a framework and pages shouldn't be instantiated without specifying their framework. But for legacy reasons this needs to be done and seems to work without problems. It is required for loading components from bundles. */ if ((_framework = rapidTurnAroundPath) == nil) { if ((clazz = NSClassFromString(_nameOrURL))) _framework = [[NSBundle bundleForClass:clazz] bundlePath]; } } if (debugComponentLookup) { [self logWithFormat:@"component '%@' in framework '%@'", _nameOrURL, _framework]; } /* look for .wox component */ path = [self pathForResourceNamed: [self resourceNameForComponentNamed:*name_] inFramework:_framework languages:_languages]; if (debugComponentLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" path: '%@'", path]; /* look for .wo component */ if ([path length] == 0) { path = [self pathToComponentNamed:*name_ inFramework:_framework languages:_languages]; if (debugComponentLookup) [self logWithFormat:@" path: '%@'", path]; } /* make URL from path */ *url_ = ([path length] > 0) ? [[[UrlClass alloc] initFileURLWithPath:path] autorelease] : nil; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)definitionForFileURL:(NSURL *)componentURL componentName:(NSString *)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_framework languages:(NSArray *)_languages { NSFileManager *fm; NSString *componentPath; BOOL doesCache, isDir; NSEnumerator *languages; NSString *language; NSString *sname = nil; NSURL *appUrl; fm = [self fileManager]; componentPath = [componentURL path]; doesCache = [[WOApplication application] isCachingEnabled]; if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:componentPath isDirectory:&isDir]) { [[WOApplication application] debugWithFormat: @"%s: did not find component '%@' at path '%@' !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name, componentPath]; return nil; } /* if the component spec is a directory (eg a .wo), scan inside for stuff*/ if (!isDir) return nil; appUrl = [[WOApplication application] baseURL]; languages = [_languages objectEnumerator]; while ((language = [languages nextObject])) { WOComponentDefinition *cdef; NSString *compoundKey = nil; NSString *languagePath = nil; NSString *baseUrl = nil; BOOL isDirectory = NO; if (sname == nil) sname = [_name stringByAppendingString:@"\t"]; compoundKey = [sname stringByAppendingString:language]; if (doesCache) { cdef = NSMapGet(self->componentDefinitions, compoundKey); if (cdef == (id)null) /* resource does not exist */ continue; [cdef touch]; if (cdef != nil) return cdef; // found definition in cache } /* take a look into the file system */ languagePath = [language stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"lproj"]; languagePath = [componentPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:languagePath]; if (![fm fileExistsAtPath:languagePath isDirectory:&isDirectory]) { if (doesCache) { /* register null in cache, so that we know it's non-existent */ NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, compoundKey, null); } continue; } if (!isDirectory) { [self warnWithFormat:@"(%s): language entry %@ is not a directory !", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, languagePath]; if (doesCache && (compoundKey != nil)) { // register null in cache, so that we know it's non-existent NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, compoundKey, null); } continue; } baseUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.lproj/%@.wo", [appUrl absoluteString], language, _name]; /* found appropriate language project */ cdef = [self _definitionWithName:_name path:languagePath baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:baseUrl] frameworkName:nil]; if (cdef == nil) { [self warnWithFormat: @"(%s): could not load component definition of " @"'%@' from language project: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name, languagePath]; if (doesCache && (compoundKey != nil)) { // register null in cache, so that we know it's non-existent NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, compoundKey, null); } continue; } if (doesCache && (compoundKey != nil)) { // register in cache NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, compoundKey, cdef); [cdef release]; } else { // don't register in cache cdef = [cdef autorelease]; } return cdef; } return nil; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)definitionForComponent:(id)_name inFramework:(NSString *)_framework languages:(NSArray *)_languages { // TODO: this method is definitely too big! => refacture WOApplication *app; NSFileManager *fm = nil; WOComponentDefinition *cdef = nil; NSURL *componentURL; NSURL *appUrl; BOOL doesCache; app = [WOApplication application]; doesCache = [app isCachingEnabled]; /* lookup component path */ [self _getComponentURL:&componentURL andName:&_name forNameOrURL:_name inFramework:nil languages:nil]; if (debugComponentLookup) { [self logWithFormat:@" component='%@' in framework='%@': url='%@'", _name, _framework, componentURL]; } appUrl = [app baseURL]; /* check whether it's a 'template-less' component ... */ if (componentURL == nil) { /* did not find component wrapper ! */ [app debugWithFormat:@" component '%@' has no template !", _name]; cdef = [self _definitionForPathlessComponent:_name languages:_languages]; return cdef; } fm = [self fileManager]; /* ensure that the component exists */ if ([componentURL isFileURL]) { WOComponentDefinition *cdef; cdef = [self definitionForFileURL:componentURL componentName:_name inFramework:_framework languages:_languages]; if (cdef != nil && ![cdef isNotNull]) return nil; else if (cdef != nil) return cdef; } /* look flat */ if (doesCache) { cdef = NSMapGet(self->componentDefinitions, componentURL); if (cdef == (id)null) /* resource does not exist */ return nil; [cdef touch]; if (cdef) return cdef; // found definition in cache } /* take a look into the file system */ { NSString *baseUrl = nil; baseUrl = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", [appUrl absoluteString], [_name lastPathComponent]]; cdef = [self _definitionWithName:_name url:componentURL baseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:baseUrl] frameworkName:nil]; if (cdef == nil) { [self warnWithFormat: @"(%s): could not load component definition of '%@' from " @"component wrapper: '%@'", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, _name, componentURL]; if (doesCache) { /* register null in cache, so that we know it's non-existent */ NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, componentURL, null); } return nil; } if (doesCache) { /* register in cache */ NSMapInsert(self->componentDefinitions, componentURL, cdef); [cdef release]; } else /* don't register in cache, does not cache */ cdef = [cdef autorelease]; return cdef; } /* did not find component */ return nil; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)definitionForComponent:(id)_name languages:(NSArray *)_langs { // TODO: who uses that? Probably should be deprecated? return [self definitionForComponent:_name inFramework:nil languages:_langs]; } - (WOComponentDefinition *)__definitionForComponent:(id)_name languages:(NSArray *)_languages { /* First check whether the cdef is cached, otherwise create a new one. This method is used by the higher level methods and just implements the cache control. The definition itself is created by definitionForComponent:languages:. */ WOComponentDefinition *cdef; /* look into cache */ cdef = [self _cachedDefinitionForComponent:_name languages:_languages]; if (cdef != nil) { if (cdef == (id)null) /* component does not exist */ return nil; if ([cdef respondsToSelector:@selector(touch)]) [cdef touch]; return cdef; } /* not cached, create a definition */ cdef = [self definitionForComponent:_name languages:_languages]; /* cache created definition */ return [self _cacheDefinition:cdef forComponent:_name languages:_languages]; } - (WOElement *)templateWithName:(NSString *)_name languages:(NSArray *)_languages { WOComponentDefinition *cdef; cdef = [self __definitionForComponent:_name languages:_languages]; if (cdef == nil) return nil; return (WOElement *)[cdef template]; } - (WOComponent *)pageWithName:(NSString *)_name languages:(NSArray *)_langs { /* TODO: this appears to be deprecated since the WOComponent initializer is now -initWithContext: and we have no context over here ... */ NSAutoreleasePool *pool; WOComponentDefinition *cdef; WOComponent *component = nil; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; { cdef = [self __definitionForComponent:_name languages:_langs]; if (cdef != nil) { // TODO: document what the resource manager is used for in the cdef component = [[cdef instantiateWithResourceManager:self languages:_langs] retain]; } } [pool release]; return [component autorelease]; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"<%@[0x%08X]: path=%@>", [self class], self, self->base]; } /* KeyedData */ - (void)setData:(NSData *)_data forKey:(NSString *)_key mimeType:(NSString *)_type session:(WOSession *)_session { if ((_key == nil) || (_data == nil)) return; if (_type == nil) _type = @"application/octet-stream"; [self lock]; if (self->keyedResources == NULL) { self->keyedResources = NSCreateMapTable(NSObjectMapKeyCallBacks, NSObjectMapValueCallBacks, 128); } NSMapInsert(self->keyedResources, _key, [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: _type, @"mimeType", _key, @"key", _data, @"data", nil]); [self unlock]; } - (id)_dataForKey:(NSString *)_key sessionID:(NSString *)_sid { id tmp; [self lock]; if (self->keyedResources) tmp = NSMapGet(self->keyedResources, _key); else tmp = nil; tmp = [[tmp retain] autorelease]; [self unlock]; return tmp; } - (void)removeDataForKey:(NSString *)_key session:(WOSession *)_session { [self lock]; if (self->keyedResources) NSMapRemove(self->keyedResources, _key); [self unlock]; } - (void)flushDataCache { [self lock]; if (self->keyedResources) { NSFreeMapTable(self->keyedResources); self->keyedResources = NULL; } [self unlock]; } @end /* WOResourceManager */