/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "WODParser.h" #include "common.h" @implementation WODParser static Class StrClass = Nil; static Class DictClass = Nil; static Class NumberClass = Nil; static NSNumber *yesNum = nil; static NSNumber *noNum = nil; static BOOL useUTF8 = NO; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; StrClass = [NSString class]; DictClass = [NSMutableDictionary class]; NumberClass = [NSNumber class]; if (yesNum == nil) yesNum = [[NumberClass numberWithBool:YES] retain]; if (noNum == nil) noNum = [[NumberClass numberWithBool:NO] retain]; useUTF8 = [ud boolForKey:@"WOParsersUseUTF8"]; } - (id)initWithHandler:(id)_handler { ASSIGN(self->callback, _handler); return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->callback release]; [super dealloc]; } /* callbacks */ - (id)associationWithValue:(id)_value { return [self->callback parser:self makeAssociationWithValue:_value]; } - (id)associationWithKeyPath:(NSString *)_keyPath { return [self->callback parser:self makeAssociationWithKeyPath:_keyPath]; } - (id)elementDefinitionForComponent:(NSString *)_cname associations:(id)_entry elementName:(NSString *)_elemName { return [self->callback parser:self makeDefinitionForComponentNamed:_cname associations:_entry elementName:_elemName]; } /* parser */ static id _parseProperty(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, BOOL _allowAssoc, id self); static id _parseWodEntry(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, NSString **_name, NSString **_class, id self); static NSString *_makeStringForBuffer(const unsigned char *_buf, unsigned _l) { // TODO: duplicate code with WOHTMLParser, but probably isn't worth a // separate file NSString *r; NSData *data; if (_l == 0) return @""; if (!useUTF8) return [[StrClass alloc] initWithCString:_buf length:_l]; // Note: we cast the pointer because we are not going to modify _buf for the // duration and we are never going to write the data - should work // with any Foundation, but isn't strictly API compatible data = [[NSData alloc] initWithBytesNoCopy:(void *)_buf length:_l freeWhenDone:NO]; r = [[StrClass alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding]; [data release]; return r; } - (NSException *)parseDefinitionsFromBuffer:(const char *)_buffer length:(unsigned)_len mappings:(NSMutableDictionary *)_mappings { NSException *exception = nil; NSString *elementName = nil; NSString *componentName = nil; unsigned idx = 0; id entry = nil; [_mappings removeAllObjects]; while ((entry = _parseWodEntry(NULL, _buffer, &idx, _len, &exception, &elementName, &componentName, self))) { id def; if (exception) { RELEASE(entry); entry = nil; RELEASE(elementName); elementName = nil; RELEASE(componentName); componentName = nil; break; } if ([_mappings objectForKey:elementName] != nil) [self warnWithFormat:@"duplicate definition of element %@ !", elementName]; def = [self elementDefinitionForComponent:componentName associations:entry elementName:elementName]; RELEASE(componentName); componentName = nil; RELEASE(entry); entry = nil; if ((def != nil) && (elementName != nil)) [_mappings setObject:def forKey:elementName]; #if 0 NSLog(@"defined element %@ definition=%@", elementName, def); #endif RELEASE(elementName); elementName = nil; } return exception; } /* parsing */ - (NSDictionary *)parseDeclarationData:(NSData *)_decl { NSMutableDictionary *defs; NSException *ex; if (![self->callback parser:self willParseDeclarationData:_decl]) return nil; defs = [NSMutableDictionary dictionaryWithCapacity:100]; ex = [self parseDefinitionsFromBuffer:[_decl bytes] length:[_decl length] mappings:defs]; if (ex) [self->callback parser:self failedParsingDeclarationData:_decl exception:ex]; else { [self->callback parser:self finishedParsingDeclarationData:_decl declarations:defs]; } return defs; } static int _numberOfLines(const char *_buffer, unsigned _lastIdx) { register unsigned pos, lineCount = 1; for (pos = 0; (pos < _lastIdx) && (_buffer[pos] != '\0'); pos++) { if (_buffer[pos] == '\n') lineCount++; } return lineCount; } static inline BOOL _isBreakChar(unsigned char _c) { switch (_c) { case ' ': case '\t': case '\n': case '\r': case '=': case ';': case ',': case '{': case '(': case '"': case '<': case '.': case ':': case ')': case '}': return YES; default: return NO; } } static inline BOOL _isIdChar(unsigned char _c) { return (_isBreakChar(_c) && (_c != '.')) ? NO : YES; } static inline int _valueOfHexChar(unsigned char _c) { switch (_c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': return (_c - 48); // 0-9 (ascii-char)'0' - 48 => (int)0 case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': return (_c - 55); // A-F, A=10..F=15, 'A'=65..'F'=70 case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': return (_c - 87); // a-f, a=10..F=15, 'a'=97..'f'=102 default: return -1; } } static inline BOOL _isHexDigit(unsigned char _c) { switch (_c) { case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': case 'A': case 'B': case 'C': case 'D': case 'E': case 'F': case 'a': case 'b': case 'c': case 'd': case 'e': case 'f': return YES; default: return NO; } } static NSException *_makeException(NSException *_exception, const char *_buffer, unsigned _idx, unsigned _len, NSString *_text) { NSMutableDictionary *ui = nil; NSException *exception = nil; int numLines; BOOL atEof; numLines = _numberOfLines(_buffer, _idx); atEof = (_idx >= _len) ? YES : NO; if (_exception) // error resulted from a previous error (exception already set) return _exception; if (atEof) _text = [@"Unexpected end: " stringByAppendingString:[_text stringValue]]; else { _text = [StrClass stringWithFormat:@"Syntax error in line %i: %@", numLines, _text]; } // user info ui = [[exception userInfo] mutableCopy]; if (ui == nil) ui = [[DictClass alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; [ui setObject:[NumberClass numberWithInt:numLines] forKey:@"line"]; [ui setObject:[NumberClass numberWithInt:_len] forKey:@"size"]; [ui setObject:[NumberClass numberWithInt:_idx] forKey:@"position"]; if (!atEof && (_idx > 0)) { register unsigned pos; const char *startPos, *endPos; for (pos = _idx; (pos >= 0) && (_buffer[pos] != '\n'); pos--) ; startPos = &(_buffer[pos + 1]); for (pos = _idx; ((pos < _len) && (_buffer[pos] != '\n')); pos++) ; endPos = &(_buffer[pos - 1]); if (startPos < endPos) { NSString *ll; ll = _makeStringForBuffer(startPos, endPos - startPos); [ui setObject:ll forKey:@"lastLine"]; [ll release]; } else { NSLog(@"%s: startPos=0x%08X endPos=0x%08X", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, startPos, endPos); } } exception = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"SyntaxError" reason:_text userInfo:ui]; [ui release]; ui = nil; return exception; } static BOOL _skipComments(const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception) { register unsigned pos = *_idx; BOOL lookAgain; if (pos >= _len) return NO; //NSLog(@"start at '%c' (%i)", _buffer[pos], pos); do { // until all comments are filtered .. lookAgain = NO; if ((_buffer[pos] == '/') && (pos + 1 < _len)) { if (_buffer[pos + 1] == '/') { // single line comments pos += 2; // skip '//' // search for '\n' .. while ((pos < _len) && (_buffer[pos] != '\n')) pos++; if ((pos < _len) && (_buffer[pos] == '\n')) { pos++; // skip newline, otherwise EOF was reached lookAgain = YES; } } else if (_buffer[pos + 1] == '*') { /* multiline comments */ BOOL commentIsClosed = NO; pos += 2; // skip '/*' do { // search for '*/' while ((pos < _len) && (_buffer[pos] != '*')) pos++; if (pos < _len) { // found '*' if ((pos + 1) < _len) { if (_buffer[pos + 1] == '/') { // found '*/' commentIsClosed = YES; pos += 2; // skip '*/' lookAgain = YES; break; // leave loop } } } } while (pos < _len); if (!commentIsClosed) { // EOF found, comment wasn't closed *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"comment was not closed (expected '*/')"); return NO; } } } else if (isspace((int)_buffer[pos])) { pos++; lookAgain = YES; } } while (lookAgain && (pos < _len)); // store position .. *_idx = pos; //NSLog(@"end at '%c' (%i)", _buffer[pos], pos); return (pos < _len); } static NSString *_parseIdentifier(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception) { register unsigned pos = *_idx; register unsigned len = 0; unsigned startPos = pos; // skip comments and spaces if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find an id (expected 'a-zA-Z0-9') !"); return nil; } // loop until break char while (_isIdChar(_buffer[pos]) && (pos < _len)) { pos++; len++; } if (len == 0) { // wasn't a string .. *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find an id (expected 'a-zA-Z0-9') !"); return nil; } else { *_idx = pos; return _makeStringForBuffer(&(_buffer[startPos]), len); } } static NSString *_parseKeyPath(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { NSMutableString *keypath = nil; NSString *component = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find keypath (expected id)"); return nil; } component = _parseIdentifier(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception); if (component == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find keypath (expected id)"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '.') // single id-keypath return component; keypath = [[NSMutableString allocWithZone:_zone] init]; [keypath appendString:component]; while ((_buffer[*_idx] == '.') && (component != nil)) { *_idx += 1; // skip '.' [keypath appendString:@"."]; RELEASE(component); component = nil; component = _parseIdentifier(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception); if (component == nil) { RELEASE(keypath); keypath = nil; *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected component after '.' in keypath !"); break; } [keypath appendString:component]; } RELEASE(component); component = nil; return keypath; } static NSString *_parseQString(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { // skip comments and spaces if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find a quoted string (expected '\"') !"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '"') { // it's not a quoted string that's follows *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find quoted string (expected '\"')"); return nil; } else { // a quoted string register unsigned pos = *_idx; register unsigned len = 0; unsigned startPos = pos + 1; BOOL containsEscaped = NO; pos++; // skip starting quote // loop until closing quote while ((_buffer[pos] != '"') && (pos < _len)) { if (_buffer[pos] == '\\') { containsEscaped = YES; pos++; // skip following char if (pos == _len) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"escape in quoted string not finished !"); return nil; } } pos++; len++; } if (pos == _len) { // syntax error, quote not closed *_idx = pos; *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"quoted string not closed (expected '\"')"); return nil; } pos++; // skip closing quote *_idx = pos; // store pointer pos = 0; if (len == 0) { // empty string return @""; } else if (containsEscaped) { register unsigned pos2; id ostr = nil; unsigned char *str; NSCAssert(len > 0, @"invalid length .."); str = malloc(len + 3); for (pos = startPos, pos2 = 0; _buffer[pos] != '"'; pos++, pos2++) { //NSLog(@"char=%c pos=%i pos2=%i", _buffer[pos], pos2); if (_buffer[pos] == '\\') { pos++; switch (_buffer[pos]) { case 'a': str[pos2] = '\a'; break; case 'b': str[pos2] = '\b'; break; case 'f': str[pos2] = '\f'; break; case 'n': str[pos2] = '\n'; break; case 't': str[pos2] = '\t'; break; case 'v': str[pos2] = '\v'; break; case '\\': str[pos2] = '\\'; break; default: str[pos2] = _buffer[pos]; break; } } else { str[pos2] = _buffer[pos]; } } str[pos2] = '\0'; NSCAssert(pos2 == len, @"invalid unescape .."); ostr = _makeStringForBuffer(str, pos2); if (str) free(str); str = NULL; return ostr; } else { NSCAssert(len > 0, @"invalid length .."); return _makeStringForBuffer(&(_buffer[startPos]), len); } } } static NSData *_parseData(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find a data (expected '<') !"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '<') { // it's not a data that's follows *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find a data (expected '<') !"); return nil; } else { register unsigned pos = *_idx + 1; register unsigned len = 0; unsigned endPos = 0; NSMutableData *data = nil; *_idx += 1; // skip '<' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"data was not closed (expected '>') .."); return nil; // EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == '>') { // empty data *_idx += 1; // skip '>' return [[NSData allocWithZone:_zone] init]; } // count significant chars while ((_buffer[pos] != '>') && (pos < _len)) { if ((_buffer[pos] == ' ') || (_buffer[pos] == '\t')) ; else if (_isHexDigit(_buffer[pos])) len++; else { *_idx = pos; *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"invalid char in data property"); return nil; } pos++; } if (pos == _len) { *_idx = pos; *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"data was not closed (expected '>')"); return nil; // EOF } endPos = pos; // store position of closing '>' // if odd, then add one byte for trailing nibble len = (len % 2 == 1) ? len / 2 + 1 : len / 2; data = [[NSMutableData allocWithZone:_zone] initWithLength:len]; /* now copy bytes ... */ { register unsigned i; register int pending = -1; char *buf = [data mutableBytes]; for (pos = *_idx, i = 0; (pos < endPos) && (i < len); pos++) { int value = _valueOfHexChar(_buffer[pos]); if (value != -1) { if (pending == -1) pending = value; else { value = value * 16 + pending; pending = -1; buf[i] = value; i++; } } } if (pending != -1) { // was odd, now add the trailer .. NSCAssert(i < len, @"invalid length .."); buf[i] = pending * 16; } } // update global position *_idx = endPos + 1; // endPos + 1 (*endPos == '>', 1 => skips '>') return data; } } static NSDictionary *_parseDict(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find dictionary (expected '{')"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '{') { // it's not a dict that's follows *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find dictionary (expected '{')"); return nil; } else { NSMutableDictionary *result = nil; id key = nil; id value = nil; BOOL didFail = NO; *_idx += 1; // skip '{' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"dictionary was not closed (expected '}')"); return nil; // EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == '}') { // an empty dictionary *_idx += 1; // skip the '}' return [[DictClass allocWithZone:_zone] init]; } result = [[DictClass allocWithZone:_zone] init]; do { key = nil; value = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"dictionary was not closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == '}') { // dictionary closed *_idx += 1; // skip the '}' break; } // read key property key = _parseProperty(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, NO, self); if (key == nil) { // syntax error if (*_exception == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"got nil-key in dictionary .."); } didFail = YES; break; } /* The following parses: (comment|space)* '=' (comment|space)* */ if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected '=' after key in dictionary"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } // no we need a '=' assignment if (_buffer[*_idx] != '=') { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected '=' after key in dictionary"); didFail = YES; break; } *_idx += 1; // skip '=' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected value after key '=' in dictionary"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } // read value property value = _parseProperty(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, NO, self); #if 1 if (*_exception) { didFail = YES; break; } #else if (value == nil) { // syntax error if (*_exception == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"got nil-value in dictionary"); } didFail = YES; break; } #endif if ((key != nil) && (value != nil)) [result setObject:value forKey:key]; // release key and value RELEASE(key); key = nil; RELEASE(value); value = nil; // read trailing ';' if available if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"dictionary was not closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == ';') { *_idx += 1; // skip ';' } else { // no ';' at end of pair, only allowed at end of dictionary if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"dictionary was not closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '}') { // dictionary wasn't closed *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"key-value pair without ';' at the end"); didFail = YES; break; } } } while ((*_idx < _len) && (result != nil) && !didFail); RELEASE(key); key = nil; RELEASE(value); value = nil; if (didFail) { [result release]; result = nil; return nil; } else return result; } } static NSArray *_parseArray(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find array (expected '(')"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '(') { // it's not an array that's follows *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find array (expected '(')"); return nil; } else { NSMutableArray *result = nil; id element = nil; *_idx += 1; // skip '(' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"array was not closed (expected ')')"); return nil; // EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == ')') { // an empty array *_idx += 1; // skip the ')' return [[NSArray allocWithZone:_zone] init]; } result = [[NSMutableArray allocWithZone:_zone] init]; do { element = _parseProperty(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, NO, self); if (element == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected element in array"); [result release]; result = nil; break; } [result addObject:element]; [element release]; element = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"array was not closed (expected ')' or ',')"); [result release]; result = nil; break; } if (_buffer[*_idx] == ')') { // closed array *_idx += 1; // skip ')' break; } else if (_buffer[*_idx] == ',') { // next element *_idx += 1; // skip ',' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"array was not closed (expected ')')"); [result release]; result = nil; break; } if (_buffer[*_idx] == ')') { // closed array, like this '(1,2,)' *_idx += 1; // skip ')' break; } } else { // syntax error *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected ')' or ',' after array element"); [result release]; result = nil; break; } } while ((*_idx < _len) && (result != nil)); [element release]; element = nil; return result; } } static NSNumber *_parseDigitPath(NSString *digitPath) { NSRange r; r = [digitPath rangeOfString:@"."]; return r.length > 0 ? [NumberClass numberWithDouble:[digitPath doubleValue]] : [NumberClass numberWithInt:[digitPath intValue]]; } static id _parseProperty(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, BOOL _allowAssoc, id self) { BOOL valueProperty = YES; id result = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) return nil; // EOF switch (_buffer[*_idx]) { case '"': // quoted string NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); result = _parseQString(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); break; case '{': // dictionary NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); result = _parseDict(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); break; case '(': // array NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); result = _parseArray(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); break; case '<': // data NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); result = _parseData(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); break; default: NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); if (isdigit((int)_buffer[*_idx]) || (_buffer[*_idx] == '-')) { id digitPath; NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result is already set .."); digitPath = _parseKeyPath(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception,self); result = [_parseDigitPath(digitPath) retain]; [digitPath release]; digitPath = nil; valueProperty = YES; } else if (_isIdChar(_buffer[*_idx])) { valueProperty = NO; if ((_buffer[*_idx] == 'Y') || (_buffer[*_idx] == 'N')) { // parse YES and NO if ((*_idx + 4) < _len) { if (strncmp(&(_buffer[*_idx]), "YES", 3) == 0 && _isBreakChar(_buffer[*_idx + 3])) { result = [yesNum retain]; valueProperty = YES; *_idx += 3; // skip the YES } } if (((*_idx + 3) < _len) && !valueProperty) { if (strncmp(&(_buffer[*_idx]), "NO", 2) == 0 && _isBreakChar(_buffer[*_idx + 2])) { result = [noNum retain]; valueProperty = YES; *_idx += 2; // skip the NO } } } else if ((_buffer[*_idx] == 't') || (_buffer[*_idx] == 'f')) { // parse true and false if ((*_idx + 5) < _len) { if (strncmp(&(_buffer[*_idx]), "true", 4) == 0 && _isBreakChar(_buffer[*_idx + 4])) { result = [yesNum retain]; valueProperty = YES; *_idx += 4; // skip the true } } if (((*_idx + 6) < _len) && !valueProperty) { if (strncmp(&(_buffer[*_idx]), "false", 5) == 0 && _isBreakChar(_buffer[*_idx + 5])) { result = [noNum retain]; valueProperty = YES; *_idx += 5; // skip the false } } } if (!valueProperty) { NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result already set .."); result = _parseKeyPath(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); } } else { NSCAssert(result == nil, @"result already set .."); *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"invalid char"); } break; } if (*_exception) return nil; if (result == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"error in property value"); } NSCAssert(result, @"missing property value .."); if (_allowAssoc) { id old = result; result = valueProperty ? [self associationWithValue:result] : [self associationWithKeyPath:result]; #if 0 NSCAssert(result, @"got no association for property .."); #endif [old release]; old = nil; return [result retain]; } /* result is already retained */ return result; } static NSDictionary *_parseWodConfig(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, id self) { if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { // EOF reached during comment-skipping *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find element configuration (expected '{')"); return nil; } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '{') { // it's not a dict that's follows *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"did not find element configuration (expected '{')"); return nil; } else { // found '{' NSMutableDictionary *result = nil; NSString *key = nil; id value = nil; BOOL didFail = NO; *_idx += 1; // skip '{' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"element configuration was not closed (expected '}')"); return nil; // EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == '}') { // an empty configuration *_idx += 1; // skip the '}' return [[DictClass allocWithZone:_zone] init]; } result = [[DictClass allocWithZone:_zone] init]; do { key = nil; value = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"dictionary was not closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == '}') { // dictionary closed *_idx += 1; // skip the '}' break; } // read key property key = _parseIdentifier(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception); if (key == nil) { // syntax error *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected identifier in element configuration .."); didFail = YES; break; } /* The following parses: (comment|space)* '=' (comment|space)* */ if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected '=' after id in element configuration"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } // no we need a '=' assignment if (_buffer[*_idx] != '=') { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected '=' after id in element configuration"); didFail = YES; break; } *_idx += 1; // skip '=' if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected value after id '=' in " @"element configuration"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } // read value property value = _parseProperty(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, YES, self); #if 1 if (*_exception) { didFail = YES; break; } #else if (value == nil) { // syntax error if (*_exception == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"got nil-value in element configuration"); } didFail = YES; break; } NSCAssert(key, @"invalid key .."); NSCAssert(value, @"invalid value .."); #endif if ((value != nil) && (key != nil)) [result setObject:value forKey:key]; // release key and value RELEASE(key); key = nil; RELEASE(value); value = nil; // read trailing ';' if available if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"element configuration was not " @"closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] == ';') { *_idx += 1; // skip ';' } else { // no ';' at end of pair, only allowed at end of dictionary if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"element configuration was not " @"closed (expected '}')"); didFail = YES; break; // unexpected EOF } if (_buffer[*_idx] != '}') { // config wasn't closed *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"key-value pair without ';' at the end"); didFail = YES; break; } } } while ((*_idx < _len) && (result != nil) && !didFail); [key release]; key = nil; [value release]; value = nil; if (didFail) { [result release]; result = nil; return nil; } else return result; } } static id _parseWodEntry(NSZone *_zone, const char *_buffer, unsigned *_idx, unsigned _len, NSException **_exception, NSString **_name, NSString **_class, id self) { NSString *elementName = nil; NSString *componentName = nil; NSDictionary *config = nil; *_name = nil; *_class = nil; if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) return nil; // EOF // Element name elementName = _parseIdentifier(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception); if (elementName == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(nil, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected element name"); goto failed; } if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) goto failed; // Element/Component separator if (_buffer[*_idx] == ':') { *_idx += 1; // skip ':' } else { *_exception = _makeException(*_exception, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected ':' after element name"); goto failed; } if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) goto failed; // Component Name componentName = _parseIdentifier(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception); if (componentName == nil) { *_exception = _makeException(nil, _buffer, *_idx, _len, @"expected component name"); goto failed; } if (!_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) goto failed; // Configuration config = _parseWodConfig(_zone, _buffer, _idx, _len, _exception, self); if (config == nil) goto failed; //NSLog(@"%@ : %@ %@", elementName, componentName, config); // read trailing ';' if available if (_skipComments(_buffer, _idx, _len, _exception)) { if (_buffer[*_idx] == ';') { *_idx += 1; // skip ';' } } *_name = elementName; *_class = componentName; return config; failed: #if 0 NSLog(@"failed at %@:%@ ..", elementName, componentName); #endif [elementName release]; elementName = nil; [componentName release]; componentName = nil; [config release]; config = nil; return nil; } @end /* WODParser */