/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "WOHttpTransaction.h" #include "WORecordRequestStream.h" #include "WOHttpAdaptor.h" #include "WORequest+Adaptor.h" #include "NGHttp+WO.h" #include "WOSimpleHTTPParser.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "common.h" #include @interface WORequest(UsedPrivates) - (NSCalendarDate *)startDate; - (id)startStatistics; @end int WOAsyncResponseStatus = 20001; NSString *WOAsyncResponseTokenKey = @"WOAsyncResponseToken"; NSString *WOAsyncResponseReadyNotificationName = @"WOAsyncResponseReadyNotification"; NSString *WOAsyncResponse = @"WOAsyncResponse"; @interface WOCoreApplication(SimpleParserSelection) - (BOOL)shouldUseSimpleHTTPParserForTransaction:(id)_tx; @end @implementation WOHttpTransaction static NSMutableDictionary *pendingTransactions = nil; // THREAD static BOOL useSimpleParser = YES; static int doCore = -1; static NSString *adLogPath = nil; static NGLogger *debugLogger = nil; static NGLogger *perfLogger = nil; static NGLogger *transActionLogger = nil; + (int)version { return 2; } + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud; NGLoggerManager *lm; static BOOL didInit = NO; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; lm = [NGLoggerManager defaultLoggerManager]; perfLogger = [lm loggerForDefaultKey:@"WOProfileHttpAdaptor"]; debugLogger = [lm loggerForDefaultKey:@"WODebugHttpTransaction"]; transActionLogger = [lm loggerForClass:self]; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; useSimpleParser = [ud boolForKey:@"WOHttpTransactionUseSimpleParser"]; doCore = [[ud objectForKey:@"WOCoreOnHTTPAdaptorException"] boolValue]?1:0; adLogPath = [[ud stringForKey:@"WOAdaptorLogPath"] copy]; if (adLogPath == nil) adLogPath = @""; } - (BOOL)optionLogStream { return [WOHttpAdaptor optionLogStream]; } - (BOOL)optionLogPerf { return perfLogger ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)isDebuggingEnabled { return debugLogger ? YES : NO; } - (id)initWithSocket:(id)_socket application:(WOCoreApplication *)_app { NSAssert(_socket, @"missing socket ..."); NSAssert(_app, @"missing application ..."); self->socket = [_socket retain]; self->application = [_app retain]; return self; } - (void)dealloc { #if 0 [self debugWithFormat:@"dealloc ..."]; #endif [self reset]; [self->socket release]; [self->lastException release]; [self->application release]; [super dealloc]; } /* state management */ - (void)reset { if (self->asyncResponseToken) { [self warnWithFormat: @"resetting while async response pending ... (%@)", self->asyncResponseToken]; abort(); [[self notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; } [self->asyncResponseToken release]; self->asyncResponseToken = nil; [self->io release]; self->io = nil; [self->log release]; self->log = nil; [self->startDate release]; self->startDate = nil; [self->woRequest release]; self->woRequest = nil; [self->woResponse release]; self->woResponse = nil; } - (BOOL)closeConnectionAfterDelivery { return YES; } - (void)start { self->startDate = [[NSDate alloc] init]; self->t = [self->startDate timeIntervalSince1970]; } - (void)finish { if (self->woResponse == nil) return; [self logResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest connection:self->socket]; if (perfLogger) { struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); self->t = (((double)tv.tv_sec) * ((double)tv.tv_usec) / 1000.0) - self->t; [perfLogger logWithFormat:@"processing of request took %4.3fs.", self->t < 0.0 ? -self->t : self->t]; } } - (BOOL)_setupStreamsForSocket { if ([self optionLogStream]) { self->log = [(WORecordRequestStream *)[WORecordRequestStream alloc] initWithSource:self->socket]; self->io = [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:self->log]; } else { self->log = nil; self->io = [(NGBufferedStream *)[NGBufferedStream alloc] initWithSource:self->socket]; } return self->io != nil ? YES : NO; } static int logCounter = 0; - (NSString *)currentRecordingPath:(NSString *)_suffix { static NSString *s = nil; NSString *p; if (s == nil) { s = [[self->application recordingPath] copy]; if (s == nil) s = @""; } if ([s length] == 0) return nil; p = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%04i-%@", logCounter, _suffix]; return [s stringByAppendingPathComponent:p]; } - (void)logRequestData:(NSData *)_data { NSString *logPath = nil; if (![self optionLogStream]) return; logCounter++; if ([adLogPath length] > 0) logPath = adLogPath; else if ([logPath length] == 0) logPath = [self currentRecordingPath:@"request"]; if ([logPath length] == 0) logPath = @"/tmp/woadaptor.log"; [_data writeToFile:logPath atomically:NO]; #if 1 NSLog(@"request is\n"); fflush(stderr); fwrite([_data bytes], 1, [_data length], stderr); fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif } - (void)logResponse:(WOResponse *)_response toRequest:(WORequest *)_request data:(NSData *)_data { NSString *logPath; if (_data == nil) return; if ((int)[_response status] == (int)WOAsyncResponseStatus) return; #if 1 NSLog(@"response is\n"); fflush(stderr); fwrite([_data bytes], 1, [_data length], stderr); fflush(stderr); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fflush(stderr); #endif if ((logPath = [self currentRecordingPath:@"response"]) == nil) return; [_data writeToFile:logPath atomically:NO]; } - (void)applyAdaptorHeadersWithHttpRequest:(NGHttpRequest *)request { /* apply some adaptor headers in direct-connect mode */ if (woRequest == nil) return; if ([woRequest headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-server-url"] == nil) { NSString *tmp; if ((tmp = [woRequest headerForKey:@"host"])) { if ([tmp hasSuffix:@":0"] && ([tmp length] > 2)) // TODO: bad bad bad tmp = [tmp substringToIndex:([tmp length] - 2)]; tmp = [@"http://" stringByAppendingString:tmp]; [woRequest setHeader:tmp forKey:@"x-webobjects-server-url"]; } } if ([woRequest headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-server-name"] == nil) { NSString *tmp; if ((tmp = [woRequest headerForKey:@"host"])) { NSRange r = [tmp rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) tmp = [tmp substringToIndex:r.location]; [woRequest setHeader:tmp forKey:@"x-webobjects-server-name"]; } } if ([[woRequest headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-server-port"] intValue] < 1) { id tmp; if ((tmp = [woRequest headerForKey:@"host"])) { NSRange r = [tmp rangeOfString:@":"]; if (r.length > 0) tmp = [tmp substringFromIndex:r.location + r.length]; tmp = [NSNumber numberWithInt:[tmp intValue]]; [woRequest setHeader:tmp forKey:@"x-webobjects-server-port"]; } } if ([woRequest headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-host"] == nil) { id remote = nil; NSString *remoteHost = nil; remote = [self->socket remoteAddress]; if ([remote isKindOfClass:[NGInternetSocketAddress class]]) remoteHost = [(NGInternetSocketAddress *)remote hostName]; #if !defined(__MINGW32__) else if ([remote isKindOfClass:[NGLocalSocketAddress class]]) remoteHost = @"local"; #endif if ([remoteHost length] > 0) [woRequest setHeader:remoteHost forKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-host"]; } if ([woRequest headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-user"] == nil) { id auth; auth = [[request valuesOfHeaderFieldWithName:@"authorization"] nextObject]; if (auth) { if (![auth isKindOfClass:[NGHttpCredentials class]]) { auth = [NGHttpCredentials credentialsWithString:[auth stringValue]]; } [woRequest setHeader:[auth userName] forKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-user"]; [woRequest setHeader:[auth scheme] forKey:@"x-webobjects-auth-type"]; } } } - (WOResponse *)generateMissingResponse { WOResponse *mr; NSString *accept; mr = [WOResponse alloc]; mr = [mr initWithRequest:self->woRequest]; [mr setHTTPVersion:[woRequest httpVersion]]; [mr setStatus:500]; accept = [woRequest headerForKey:@"accept"]; if ([accept rangeOfString:@"text/html"].length > 0) { const unsigned char *txt = "could not perform request !
"; [mr setHeader:@"text/html" forKey:@"content-type"]; [mr setContent:[NSData dataWithBytes:txt length:strlen(txt)]]; } return [mr autorelease]; } - (BOOL)_readRequest { id request = nil; if (self->woRequest) [self warnWithFormat:@"woRequest already set ???"]; if ([self->application shouldUseSimpleHTTPParserForTransaction:self]) { WOSimpleHTTPParser *parser; parser = [[WOSimpleHTTPParser alloc] initWithStream:self->io]; self->woRequest = [[parser parseRequest] retain]; if (self->woRequest == nil) { ASSIGN(self->lastException, [parser lastException]); [self errorWithFormat:@"failed to parse request: %@", self->lastException]; } [parser release]; } else { if ((request = [self parseRequestFromStream:self->io]) == nil) return NO; #if DEBUG NSAssert([request isKindOfClass:[NGHttpRequest class]], @"invalid request class"); #endif self->woRequest = [[request woRequest] retain]; } [self logRequestData:[log readLog]]; [log resetReadLog]; if ([self->woRequest isCodeRedAttack]) { [self logWithFormat: @"WOHttpAdaptor: detected 'Code Red' request: '%@', blocking.", [self->woRequest uri]]; ASSIGN(self->woRequest, (id)nil); return NO; } [self->woRequest takeStartDate:self->startDate]; /* apply some adaptor headers in direct-connect mode */ [self applyAdaptorHeadersWithHttpRequest:request]; if (perfLogger) { NSTimeInterval rt; self->requestFinishTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; rt = self->requestFinishTime - self->t; [perfLogger logWithFormat:@"decoding of request took %4.3fs.", rt < 0.0 ? -1.0 : rt]; } return self->woRequest ? YES : NO; } - (BOOL)_sendResponse { if (perfLogger) { NSTimeInterval rt; self->dispatchFinishTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970]; rt = self->dispatchFinishTime - self->requestFinishTime; [perfLogger logWithFormat:@"dispatch of request took %4.3fs.", rt < 0.0 ? -1.0 : rt]; } if (self->woResponse) { [self deliverResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest onStream:self->io]; if (perfLogger) { NSTimeInterval rt; rt = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970] - dispatchFinishTime; [perfLogger logWithFormat:@"delivery of request took %4.3fs.", rt < 0.0 ? -1.0 : rt]; } } else if (self->woRequest) { [self errorWithFormat:@"got no response for request %@ ..", self->woRequest]; self->woResponse = [[self generateMissingResponse] retain]; [self deliverResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest onStream:self->io]; } if (![self->io flush]) { ASSIGN(self->lastException, [self->io lastException]); return NO; } if ([self closeConnectionAfterDelivery]) { [self debugWithFormat:@"close connection: %@", self->io]; if (![self->io close]) { ASSIGN(self->lastException, [self->io lastException]); [self debugWithFormat:@"close failed: %@", self->lastException]; return NO; } } else [self debugWithFormat:@"not closing connection ..."]; return YES; } - (NSNotificationCenter *)notificationCenter { return [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]; } - (void)responseReady:(NSNotification *)_notification { WOResponse *response; if ([self->asyncResponseToken length] == 0) { [self errorWithFormat: @"got response ready notification (%@), " @"but no async HTTP transaction is in progress ...", _notification]; return; } if (![self->asyncResponseToken isEqual:[_notification object]]) { [self errorWithFormat: @"got response ready notification (%@) for a different " @"token (%@ vs %@) !", _notification, self->asyncResponseToken, [_notification object]]; return; } /* OK, everything seems to be correct, so we received a response .. */ [[self retain] autorelease]; [pendingTransactions removeObjectForKey:self->asyncResponseToken]; response = [[_notification userInfo] objectForKey:WOAsyncResponse]; ASSIGN(self->woResponse, response); [[self notificationCenter] removeObserver:self]; [self->asyncResponseToken release]; self->asyncResponseToken = nil; /* send response */ [self debugWithFormat:@"sending async response: %@", self->woResponse]; [self _sendResponse]; [self debugWithFormat:@"logging async response: %@", self->woResponse]; [self logResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest data:[log writeLog]]; [log resetWriteLog]; [self finish]; [self reset]; [self->io release]; self->io = nil; [self->log release]; self->log = nil; } - (BOOL)_enterAsyncMode:(WOResponse *)_response { NSString *token; [self debugWithFormat:@"enter async mode ..."]; if (pendingTransactions == nil) pendingTransactions = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:16]; [self debugWithFormat:@"PENDING: %@", pendingTransactions]; NSAssert1((int)[_response status] == (int)WOAsyncResponseStatus, @"passed in an invalid response %@ ...", _response); token = [[_response userInfo] objectForKey:WOAsyncResponseTokenKey]; if ([token length] == 0) { [self errorWithFormat:@"missing async response token in response %@", _response]; return NO; } [self debugWithFormat:@"using token: %@", token]; ASSIGN(self->asyncResponseToken, token); [pendingTransactions setObject:self forKey:self->asyncResponseToken]; [[self notificationCenter] addObserver:self selector:@selector(responseReady:) name:WOAsyncResponseReadyNotificationName object:self->asyncResponseToken]; return YES; } - (BOOL)_run { if (![self _setupStreamsForSocket]) return NO; if (![self _readRequest]) return NO; /* dispatch request */ if (self->woRequest) self->woResponse = [[self->application dispatchRequest:woRequest] retain]; else self->woResponse = nil; if (self->woResponse) { if ((int)[self->woResponse status] == (int)WOAsyncResponseStatus) { /* switch to async mode ... */ if ([self _enterAsyncMode:self->woResponse]) { [self logResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest data:nil]; return YES; } } } /* send response */ [self _sendResponse]; [self logResponse:self->woResponse toRequest:self->woRequest data:[self->log writeLog]]; [self->log resetWriteLog]; [self->io release]; self->io = nil; [self->log release]; self->log = nil; return YES; } - (NSException *)lastException { return self->lastException; } - (BOOL)_catchedException:(NSException *)localException { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGSocketShutdownException class]]) return YES; ASSIGN(self->lastException, localException); #if DEBUG if (doCore) abort(); #endif return NO; } - (BOOL)run { BOOL ok = YES; [self reset]; [self start]; NS_DURING { if (![self _run]) ok = NO; } NS_HANDLER ok = [self _catchedException:localException]; NS_ENDHANDLER; if (self->asyncResponseToken == nil) { [self finish]; [self reset]; } return ok; } - (NGHttpRequest *)parseRequestFromStream:(id)_in { NGHttpMessageParser *parser = nil; volatile id request = nil; NSString *format = @"parsing of request failed with exception: %@"; NS_DURING { *(&parser) = [[NGHttpMessageParser alloc] init]; [parser setDelegate:self]; request = [parser parseRequestFromStream:_in]; [parser release]; parser = nil; } NS_HANDLER { [self errorWithFormat:format, localException]; [parser release]; parser = nil; [localException raise]; } NS_ENDHANDLER; return request; } - (const unsigned char *)_reasonForStatus:(unsigned int)_status { const unsigned char *reason; switch (_status) { case 200: reason = "Ok"; break; case 201: reason = "Created"; break; case 204: reason = "No Content"; break; case 207: reason = "Multi-Status"; break; case 302: reason = "Found"; break; case 401: reason = "Authorization Required"; break; case 402: reason = "Payment Required"; break; case 403: reason = "Forbidden"; break; case 404: reason = "Not found"; break; case 405: reason = "Method not allowed"; break; case 409: reason = "Conflict"; break; case 412: reason = "Precondition Failed"; break; case 415: reason = "Unsupported Media Type"; break; case 424: reason = "Failed Dependency"; break; case 507: reason = "Insufficient Storage"; break; default: if (_status < 300) reason = "Request was sucessful"; else reason = "Request failed"; break; } return reason; } - (void)_httpValidateResponse:(WOResponse *)_response { /* check HTTP validity */ if ([_response status] == NGHttpStatusCode_Unauthorized) { if ([_response headerForKey:@"www-authenticate"] == nil) { [self warnWithFormat: @"response is %i, but no www-authenticate header is set.", NGHttpStatusCode_Unauthorized]; } } } - (void)deliverResponse:(WOResponse *)_response toRequest:(WORequest *)_request onStream:(id)_out { /* Profiling OSX: - takes 29% of tx -run 12% CTextStream writeString ... to sendto 5.1% (half+ of the performance lost on the way) 4.6% WOMessage headersForKey 4.4% TextStream writeFormat => TODO(perf) reduce usage of writeFormat/writeString */ NGCTextStream *out; static NSString *disconnectError = @"client disconnected during delivery of response for %@ (len=%i): %@"; static NSString *deliveryError = @"delivering of response failed with exception: %@"; *(&out) = nil; [self _httpValidateResponse:_response]; out = [(NGCTextStream *)[NGCTextStream alloc] initWithSource:_out]; NS_DURING { unsigned char buf[1024]; NSString *t1; id body; BOOL doZip; BOOL isok = YES; doZip = [_response shouldZipResponseToRequest:_request]; /* response line */ if (isok) { unsigned int slen, rlen; const unsigned char *r; int s = [_response status]; t1 = [_response httpVersion]; r = [self _reasonForStatus:s]; slen = [t1 cStringLength]; rlen = strlen(r); if ((slen + rlen + 8) < 1000) { [t1 getCString:buf]; sprintf(&(buf[slen]), " %i %s\r\n", s, r); isok = [_out safeWriteBytes:buf count:strlen(buf)]; } else isok = [out writeFormat:@"%@ %i %s\r\n", t, s, r]; } if (isok) isok = [out flush]; /* zip */ body = (doZip) ? [_response zipResponse] : [_response content]; /* add content length header */ sprintf(buf, "%d", [body length]); t1 = [[NSString alloc] initWithCString:buf]; [_response setHeader:t1 forKey:@"content-length"]; [t1 release]; t1 = nil; /* write headers */ if (isok) { /* collect in string to reduce string IO */ NSEnumerator *fields; NSString *fieldName; NSMutableString *header; BOOL hasConnectionHeader; IMP addStr; hasConnectionHeader = NO; header = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:4096]; addStr = [header methodForSelector:@selector(appendString:)]; fields = [[_response headerKeys] objectEnumerator]; while ((fieldName = [fields nextObject]) && isok) { NSEnumerator *values; NSString *value; if (!hasConnectionHeader) { if ([fieldName caseInsensitiveCompare:@"connection"]==NSOrderedSame) hasConnectionHeader = YES; } values = [[_response headersForKey:fieldName] objectEnumerator]; while ((value = [values nextObject]) && isok) { addStr(header, @selector(appendString:), fieldName); addStr(header, @selector(appendString:), @": "); addStr(header, @selector(appendString:), value); addStr(header, @selector(appendString:), @"\r\n"); } } isok = [out writeString:header]; [header release]; #if 0 #warning TODO: experimental, need to check for direct connect if (!hasConnectionHeader && isok) isok = [out writeString:@"connection: close\r\n"]; #endif } /* write cookie headers */ if (isok) { NSEnumerator *cookies; WOCookie *cookie; cookies = [[_response cookies] objectEnumerator]; while ((cookie = [cookies nextObject]) && isok) { unsigned clen; t1 = [cookie stringValue]; clen = [t1 cStringLength]; if (isok) isok = [_out safeWriteBytes:"set-cookie: " count:12]; if (isok) { if (clen > 1000) isok = [out writeString:t1]; else { [t1 getCString:buf]; [_out safeWriteBytes:buf count:clen]; } } if (isok) isok = [_out safeWriteBytes:"\r\n" count:2]; } } if (isok) isok = [_out safeWriteBytes:"\r\n" count:2]; if (isok) isok = [out flush]; /* write body */ if (![[_request method] isEqualToString:@"HEAD"] && isok) { if ((body != nil) && isok) { if (![body isKindOfClass:[NSData class]]) { if (![body isKindOfClass:[NSString class]]) body = [body description]; body = [body dataUsingEncoding:[_response contentEncoding] allowLossyConversion:NO]; } isok = [_out safeWriteBytes:[body bytes] count:[body length]]; if (isok) isok = [_out flush]; } } if (!isok) { NSException *e; e = [out lastException]; if ([e isKindOfClass:[NGSocketShutdownException class]]) { [self errorWithFormat:disconnectError, _request, [[_response content] length], [e reason]]; } else [e raise]; } } NS_HANDLER { if ([localException isKindOfClass:[NGSocketShutdownException class]]) { [self errorWithFormat:disconnectError, _request, [[_response content] length], [localException reason]]; } else { [self errorWithFormat:deliveryError, localException]; [out release]; out = nil; // the buffer will be flushed .. [localException raise]; } } NS_ENDHANDLER; [out release]; out = nil; // the buffer will be flushed .. } static __inline__ const unsigned char *monthAbbr(int m) { switch (m) { case 1: return "Jan"; case 2: return "Feb"; case 3: return "Mar"; case 4: return "Apr"; case 5: return "May"; case 6: return "Jun"; case 7: return "Jul"; case 8: return "Aug"; case 9: return "Sep"; case 10: return "Oct"; case 11: return "Nov"; case 12: return "Dec"; default: return "UNKNOWN MONTH !"; } } - (void)logResponse:(WOResponse *)_response toRequest:(WORequest *)_request connection:(id)_connection { /* NOTE: *obsoleted profiling information* TODO: update profiling info! (left the old one for comparison) Profiling: this method takes 0.95% of -run if the output is piped to /dev/null on OSX, morphing caldate to string is 0.79% of that. */ NSString *remoteHost; NSNumber *zippedLen; NSCalendarDate *now; NSDate *lstartDate; NSDictionary *startStats; NSMutableString *buf; lstartDate = [_request startDate]; startStats = [_request startStatistics]; zippedLen = [[_response userInfo] objectForKey:@"WOResponseZippedLength"]; // host and date if ((remoteHost = [_request headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-host"])) ; else if ((remoteHost = [_request headerForKey:@"x-webobjects-remote-addr"])) ; else { id remote = nil; remote = [_connection remoteAddress]; if ([remote isKindOfClass:[NGInternetSocketAddress class]]) remoteHost = [(NGInternetSocketAddress *)remote hostName]; #if !defined(__MINGW32__) else if ([remote isKindOfClass:[NGLocalSocketAddress class]]) remoteHost = @"local"; #endif } // this is supposed to be in GMT ! TODO: explicitly set GMT now = [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; buf = [[NSMutableString alloc] initWithCapacity:160]; /* 2 terminal lines */ /* append standard info */ [buf appendString:remoteHost]; [buf appendString:@" - - ["]; [buf appendFormat:@"%02i/%s/%04i:%02i:%02i:%02i", [now dayOfMonth], monthAbbr([now monthOfYear]), [now yearOfCommonEra], [now hourOfDay], [now minuteOfHour], [now secondOfMinute]]; [buf appendString:@" GMT] \""]; [buf appendString:[_request method]]; [buf appendString:@" "]; [buf appendString:[_request uri]]; [buf appendString:@" "]; [buf appendString:[_request httpVersion]]; [buf appendString:@"\" "]; [buf appendFormat:@"%i", [_response status]]; [buf appendFormat:@" %i", [[_response content] length]]; /* append duration */ if (lstartDate) [buf appendFormat:@" %.3f", [now timeIntervalSinceDate:lstartDate]]; else [buf appendString:@" -"]; /* append zip level */ if (zippedLen) { double p; double unzippedLen; unzippedLen = [[[_response userInfo] objectForKey:@"WOResponseUnzippedLength"] unsignedIntValue]; [buf appendFormat:@" %d", (unsigned int)unzippedLen]; if ([zippedLen unsignedIntValue] == unzippedLen) { [buf appendString:@" -"]; } else { p = unzippedLen / 100.0; // one percent p = [zippedLen doubleValue] / p; p = 100.0 - p; [buf appendFormat:@" %-2d%%", (unsigned int)p]; } } else { /* content was not zipped */ [buf appendString:@" - -"]; } /* append statistics */ if (startStats) { static NSProcessInfo *pi = nil; NSDictionary *currentStats; if (pi == nil) pi = [[NSProcessInfo processInfo] retain]; if ((currentStats = [pi procStatDictionary])) { int old, new, diff; old = [[startStats objectForKey:@"rss"] intValue]; new = [[currentStats objectForKey:@"rss"] intValue]; diff = new - old; /* number of pages (4KB on ix86 ..) */ diff *= 4; /* in KB */ if (diff == 0) [buf appendString:@" 0"]; else if (diff > 999) [buf appendFormat:@" %iM", diff / 1024]; else [buf appendFormat:@" %iK", diff]; } else [buf appendString:@" ?"]; } else [buf appendString:@" -"]; [transActionLogger logLevel:NGLogLevelInfo message:buf]; [buf release]; } /* NGHttpMessageParserDelegate */ - (BOOL)httpParserWillParseRequest:(NGHttpMessageParser *)_parser { return YES; } - (void)httpParser:(NGHttpMessageParser *)_parser didParseRequest:(NGHttpRequest *)_request { } - (BOOL)parser:(NGMimePartParser *)_parser keepHeaderField:(NSString *)_name value:(id)_value { return YES; } - (void)parser:(NGMimePartParser *)_parser didParseHeader:(NGHashMap *)_header { } @end /* WOHttpAdaptor */ @implementation WOCoreApplication(SimpleParserSelection) - (BOOL)shouldUseSimpleHTTPParserForTransaction:(id)_tx { return useSimpleParser; } @end /* WOCoreApplication(SimpleParserSelection) */