/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #import #include #include /* Added #include of crt_externs.h and #define of environ so that environ symbol would be found for passing into execve() */ #include #define environ (*_NSGetEnviron()) #include #include #include #include #include static pid_t child = -1; static NSString *pidFile = nil; static time_t lastFailExit = 0; static unsigned failExitCount = 0; static BOOL killedChild = NO; static void killChild(void) { if (child > 0) { int status; fprintf(stderr, "watchdog[%i]: terminating child %i ..\n", getpid(),child); if (kill(child, SIGTERM) == 0) { waitpid(child, &status, 0); killedChild = YES; fprintf(stderr, " terminated child %i", child); if (WIFEXITED(status)) fprintf(stderr, " exit=%i", WEXITSTATUS(status)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) fprintf(stderr, " signal=%i", WTERMSIG(status)); fprintf(stderr, ".\n"); fflush(stderr); child = -1; return; } else if (kill(child, SIGKILL)) { waitpid(child, &status, 0); killedChild = YES; fprintf(stderr, " killed child %i", child); if (WIFEXITED(status)) fprintf(stderr, " exit=%i", WEXITSTATUS(status)); if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) fprintf(stderr, " signal=%i", WTERMSIG(status)); fprintf(stderr, ".\n"); fflush(stderr); child = -1; return; } } } static void _writePid(NSString *pidFile) { if ([pidFile length] > 0) { FILE *pf; if ((pf = fopen([pidFile cString], "w"))) { fprintf(pf, "%i\n", getpid()); fflush(pf); fclose(pf); } } } static void _delPid(void) { if ([pidFile length] > 0) { if (unlink([pidFile cString]) == 0) pidFile = nil; } } static void exitWatchdog(void) { killChild(); _delPid(); } static void wsignalHandler(int _signal) { switch (_signal) { case SIGINT: /* Control-C */ fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: watchdog handling signal ctrl-c ..\n", getpid()); killChild(); exit(0); /* shouldn't get here */ abort(); case SIGSEGV: /* Coredump ! */ fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: watchdog handling segmentation fault " "(SERIOUS PROBLEM) ..\n", getpid()); killChild(); exit(123); /* shouldn't get here */ abort(); case SIGTERM: /* TERM signal (kill 'pid') */ fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: watchdog handling SIGTERM ..\n", getpid()); killChild(); exit(0); /* shouldn't get here */ abort(); case SIGHUP: /* HUP signal (restart children) */ fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: watchdog handling SIGHUP ..\n", getpid()); killChild(); killedChild = YES; signal(_signal, wsignalHandler); return; case SIGCHLD: break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: watchdog handling signal %i ..\n", getpid(), _signal); break; } fflush(stderr); switch (_signal) { case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: case SIGKILL: case SIGILL: killChild(); exit(0); break; case SIGHUP: killChild(); break; case SIGCHLD: { int returnStatus; pid_t result; // NSLog(@"SIGNAL: SIGCHLD"); // fetch return state do { result = waitpid(-1, &returnStatus, WNOHANG); if (result > 0) { fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: process %i exited with code %i", getpid(), (int)result, WEXITSTATUS(returnStatus)); if (WIFSIGNALED(returnStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, " (terminated due to signal %i%s)", WTERMSIG(returnStatus), WCOREDUMP(returnStatus) ? ", coredump" : ""); } if (WIFSTOPPED(returnStatus)) { fprintf(stderr, " (stopped due to signal %i)", WSTOPSIG(returnStatus)); } fprintf(stderr, "\n"); fflush(stderr); } } while (result > 0); break; } default: fprintf(stderr, "watchdog[%i]: caught signal %i\n", getpid(), _signal); break; } signal(_signal, wsignalHandler); } static void signalHandler(int _signal) { fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: handling signal %i ..\n", getpid(), _signal); fflush(stderr); switch (_signal) { case SIGPIPE: fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: caught signal SIGPIPE\n", getpid()); break; default: fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: caught signal %i\n", getpid(), _signal); break; } signal(_signal, signalHandler); } int WOWatchDogApplicationMain (NSString *appName, int argc, const char *argv[]) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; NSUserDefaults *ud; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; /* We have to reset the user defaults because this could be a child process where we would have modified the arguments so that it doesn't try and run as a parent again. */ [NSUserDefaults resetStandardUserDefaults]; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; /* default is to use the watch dog! */ /* Note: the Defaults.plist is not yet loaded at this stage! */ if ([ud objectForKey:@"WOUseWatchDog"] != nil) { if (![ud boolForKey:@"WOUseWatchDog"]) return WOApplicationMain(appName, argc, argv); } /* ensure we can actually do execve() */ if (argv[0][0] != '/') { /* Note: we cannot use getcwd to make the path absolute, the binary could have been found anywhere in $PATH */ fprintf(stderr, "program called with a non-absolute path, can't use execve(): " "'%s'\n" " (start using `which %s`)\n", argv[0], argv[0]); exit(123); // TODO: better error code } /* watch dog */ { int failCount = 0; int forkCount = 0; BOOL repeat = YES; BOOL isVerbose = NO; isVerbose = [[ud objectForKey:@"watchdog_verbose"] boolValue]; pidFile = [[[ud objectForKey:@"watchdog_pidfile"] stringValue] copy]; /* write current pid to pidfile */ _writePid(pidFile); /* register exit handler */ atexit(exitWatchdog); /* register signal handlers of watch dog */ signal(SIGPIPE, wsignalHandler); signal(SIGCHLD, wsignalHandler); signal(SIGINT, wsignalHandler); signal(SIGTERM, wsignalHandler); signal(SIGKILL, wsignalHandler); signal(SIGHUP, wsignalHandler); /* loop */ while (repeat) { time_t clientStartTime; clientStartTime = time(NULL); killedChild = NO; if ((child = fork()) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "[%i]: fork failed: %s\n", getpid(), strerror(errno)); failCount++; if (failCount > 5) { fprintf(stderr, " fork failed %i times, sleeping 60 seconds ..\n", failCount); sleep(60); } else { sleep(1); } } else { if (child == 0) { /* child process */ /* We need to modify the arguements passed into execve() */ char **childArgv; int index; int childIndex; extern char **environ; if (isVerbose) fprintf(stderr, "starting child %i ..\n", getpid()); pidFile = [pidFile stringByAppendingPathExtension:@"child"]; _writePid(pidFile); atexit(_delPid); /* We need to call execve() to transform this child process into a new process. Signals set to be caught wil be set to the default action by execve(). */ /* Set the path (0) argument and set -WOUseWatchDog to NO so this process won't execute a parent */ childArgv = calloc(argc + 5, sizeof(char *)); childArgv[0] = strdup(argv[0]); childArgv[1] = strdup("-WOUseWatchDog"); childArgv[2] = strdup("NO"); /* Copy any remaining arguments skipping a -WOUseWatchDog if it exists */ for (index = 1, childIndex = 3; index < argc; index++) { if (strncmp(argv[index], "-WOUseWatchDog", 14) == 0) { /* Skip past the -WOUseWatchDog argument since we used our own */ index++; if (index >= argc) break; /* We have reached the end of the arguments */ else if (argv[index][0] != '-') { /* If the argument after -WOUseWatchDog is not another flag (and it shouldn't be, it should be YES or NO), then skip the YES/NO and go to the next argument */ continue; } } childArgv[childIndex] = strdup(argv[index]); childIndex++; } /* Mark the end of the array of arguments */ childArgv[childIndex] = NULL; /* transform the child into a new process */ { const unsigned char *p; p = argv[0]; if (p[0] != '/') { /* Note: we cannot use getcwd to make the path absolute, the binary could have been found anywhere in $PATH */ fprintf(stderr, "program called with a non-absolute path: '%s'\n", p); exit(123); // TODO: better error code } execve(p, childArgv, environ); /* shouldn't even get here ! */ fprintf(stderr, "execve of '%s' failed in child %i failed: %s\n", p, getpid(), strerror(errno)); } abort(); } else { /* parent (watch dog) */ int status = 0; pid_t result = 0; time_t clientStopTime; unsigned uptime; forkCount++; if (isVerbose) { fprintf(stderr, "forked child process %i (#%i) ..\n", child, forkCount); } failCount = 0; status = 0; if ((result = waitpid(child, &status, 0)) == -1) { if (killedChild) { killedChild = NO; continue; } fprintf(stderr, "### waiting for child %i (#%i) failed: %s\n", child, forkCount, strerror(errno)); continue; } clientStopTime = time(NULL); uptime = clientStopTime - clientStartTime; if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) { fprintf(stderr, "### child %i (#%i) was terminated by signal %i " "(uptime=%ds).\n", child, forkCount, WTERMSIG(status), uptime); lastFailExit = time(NULL); failExitCount++; } else if (WIFEXITED(status)) { unsigned exitCode; if ((exitCode = WEXITSTATUS(status)) != 0) { time_t now; now = time(NULL); if (uptime < 3) { if (failExitCount > 0) { unsigned secsSinceLastFail; secsSinceLastFail = (now - lastFailExit); if (secsSinceLastFail > 120) { /* reset fail count */ failExitCount = 0; } else if (failExitCount > 20) { printf("### child %i (#%i) already failed %i times " "in the last %i seconds, stopping watchdog !\n", child, forkCount, failExitCount, secsSinceLastFail); repeat = NO; } } } failExitCount++; lastFailExit = now; fprintf(stderr, "### child %i (#%i) exited with status %i " "(#fails=%i, uptime=%ds).\n", child, forkCount, exitCode, failExitCount, uptime); } else { fprintf(stderr, "### child %i (#%i) exited successfully (uptime=%ds).\n", child, forkCount, uptime); } if (exitCode == 123) // ??? repeat = NO; } else { fprintf(stderr, "### abnormal termination of child %i (#%i) status=%i" "(was not signaled nor exited).", child, forkCount, status); } } } } return 0; } } /* main function which initializes server defaults (usually in /etc) */ @interface NSUserDefaults(ServerDefaults) + (id)hackInServerDefaults:(NSUserDefaults *)_ud withAppDomainPath:(NSString *)_appDomainPath globalDomainPath:(NSString *)_globalDomainPath; @end int WOWatchDogApplicationMainWithServerDefaults (NSString *appName, int argc, const char *argv[], NSString *globalDomainPath, NSString *appDomainPath) { NSAutoreleasePool *pool; Class defClass; pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; if ((defClass = NSClassFromString(@"WOServerDefaults")) != nil) { NSUserDefaults *ud, *sd; ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; sd = [defClass hackInServerDefaults:ud withAppDomainPath:appDomainPath globalDomainPath:globalDomainPath]; } return WOWatchDogApplicationMain(appName, argc, argv); }