Makefiles in this directory are only used during the 'Instance' make invocation. The 'Master' invocation (see explanation in Master/README) decides which tasks are to be done; for each of them, it calls a recursive make invocation (called an 'Instance' make invocation), setting GNUSTEP_INSTANCE to the instance name (for example, 'defaults'), and GNUSTEP_TYPE to the type of instance type (for example, 'tool'). The make target to build is as in internal-tool-all. This means that all makefiles in this directory are executed with a well defined GNUSTEP_INSTANCE, GNUSTEP_TYPE, and target. It is safe/required in all these makefiles/makefile fragments to access the variables needed to build the target for this instance by using $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_VARIABLE). For example, the list of OBJC_FILES needed to compile the `defaults' instance will have been defined by the user in the defaults_OBJC_FILES variable. In this directory, we access this list using $($(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE)_OBJC_FILES). Please note that this makefiles/makefile fragments can't be included in the Master invocation, they are actually useless in the Master invocation, because $(GNUSTEP_INSTANCE) is undefined in that case.