/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "WETabView.h" #include "common.h" #if DEBUG # define DEBUG_JS 1 #endif /* context keys */ extern NSString *WETabView_HEAD; extern NSString *WETabView_BODY; extern NSString *WETabView_KEYS; extern NSString *WETabView_SCRIPT; extern NSString *WETabView_ACTIVEKEY; extern NSString *WETabView_COLLECT; @implementation WETabItem static Class StrClass = Nil; + (int)version { return [super version] + 0; } + (void)initialize { StrClass = [NSString class]; } static NSString *retStrForInt(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return @"0"; case 1: return @"1"; case 2: return @"2"; case 3: return @"3"; case 4: return @"4"; case 5: return @"5"; case 6: return @"6"; case 7: return @"7"; case 8: return @"8"; case 9: return @"9"; case 10: return @"10"; // TODO: find useful count! default: return [[StrClass alloc] initWithFormat:@"%i", i]; } } - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template:(WOElement *)_subs { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_subs])) { self->key = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"key"); self->icon = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"icon"); self->label = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"label"); self->action = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"action"); self->isScript = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"isScript"); self->href = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"href"); self->directActionName = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"directActionName"); self->actionClass = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"actionClass"); self->tabIcon = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"tabIcon"); self->leftTabIcon = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"leftTabIcon"); self->selectedTabIcon = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"selectedTabIcon"); self->asBackground = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"asBackground"); self->width = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"width"); self->height = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"height"); self->activeBgColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"activeBgColor"); self->inactiveBgColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"inactiveBgColor"); self->template = [_subs retain]; } return self; } - (void)dealloc { [self->href release]; [self->directActionName release]; [self->actionClass release]; [self->action release]; [self->label release]; [self->icon release]; [self->key release]; [self->isScript release]; [self->template release]; [self->leftTabIcon release]; [self->selectedTabIcon release]; [self->tabIcon release]; [self->asBackground release]; [self->width release]; [self->height release]; [self->activeBgColor release]; [self->inactiveBgColor release]; [super dealloc]; } /* responder */ - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_rq inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSString *activeTabKey; NSString *myTabKey; BOOL doCheck; if ([_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_HEAD]) { /* head clicks */ [[_ctx component] debugWithFormat: @"WETabItem: head takes (no) values, eid='%@'", [_ctx elementID]]; return; } if ((activeTabKey = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_BODY]) == nil) { [[_ctx component] debugWithFormat:@"WETabItem: invalid state"]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; return; } myTabKey = [self->key stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; doCheck = [self->isScript boolValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; if ([activeTabKey isEqualToString:myTabKey] || doCheck) { #if ADD_OWN_ELEMENTIDS [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:activeTabKey]; #endif #if DEBUG_TAKEVALUES [[_ctx component] debugWithFormat: @"WETabItem: body takes values, eid='%@'", [_ctx elementID]]; #endif [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_rq inContext:_ctx]; #if ADD_OWN_ELEMENTIDS [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; #endif } #if DEBUG_TAKEVALUES else { [[_ctx component] debugWithFormat: @"WETabItem: body takes no values, eid='%@'", [_ctx elementID]]; } #endif } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { id result; WOAssociation *tmp; NSString *activeTabKey; if ((tmp = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_HEAD])) { /* click on tab icon */ NSString *tabkey; tabkey = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:tabkey]; if ([tmp isValueSettable]) [tmp setValue:tabkey inComponent:[_ctx component]]; result = [self->action valueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } else if ((activeTabKey = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_BODY])) { /* clicked somewhere in the (active) body */ result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } else { [[_ctx component] logWithFormat:@"WETabItem: invalid invoke state"]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } return result; } /* URLs */ - (NSString *)urlForTabItemInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { if (self->href != nil) return [self->href stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; if (self->directActionName != nil || self->actionClass != nil) { NSDictionary *qd = nil; NSString *daClass = nil; NSString *daName = nil; daClass = [self->actionClass stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; daName = [self->directActionName stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; if (daClass != nil) { if (daName != nil) { if (![daClass isEqualToString:@"DirectAction"]) daName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@", daClass, daName]; } else daName = daClass; } return [_ctx directActionURLForActionNamed:daName queryDictionary:qd]; } return [_ctx componentActionURL]; } /* info collection */ - (void)_collectInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx key:(NSString *)k { BOOL isLeft = NO; NSMutableArray *keys; WETabItemInfo *info; WOComponent *cmp; cmp = [_ctx component]; keys = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_KEYS]; if (keys == nil) { keys = [[[NSMutableArray alloc] init] autorelease]; [_ctx setObject:keys forKey:WETabView_KEYS]; isLeft = YES; } if (k == nil) { /* auto-assign a key */ k = retStrForInt([keys count]); } else k = [k retain]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:k]; info = [[WETabItemInfo alloc] init]; info->key = [k copy]; info->uri = [[self urlForTabItemInContext:_ctx] copy]; info->label = [[self->label stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->icon = [[self->icon stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->isScript = [self->isScript boolValueInComponent:cmp]; info->tabIcon = [[self->tabIcon stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->leftIcon = [[self->leftTabIcon stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->selIcon = [[self->selectedTabIcon stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; if (self->asBackground == nil) info->asBackground = 0; else { info->asBackground = ([self->asBackground boolValueInComponent:cmp]) ? 1 : -1; } info->width = [[self->width stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->height = [[self->height stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->activeBg = [[self->activeBgColor stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; info->inactiveBg = [[self->inactiveBgColor stringValueInComponent:cmp] copy]; if (info->leftIcon == nil) info->leftIcon = [info->tabIcon copy]; [keys addObject:info]; [info release]; [k release]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } /* header generation */ - (void)_appendHeadToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx activeKey:(NSString *)activeKey key:(NSString *)k { /* head is currently generated in WETabView */ #if 0 // note: some associations can be inherited by WETabView ! BOOL doImages; WOComponent *comp; BOOL doBgIcon; NSString *label; NSString *w, *h; doImages = ![[[_ctx request] clientCapabilities] isTextModeBrowser]; comp = [_ctx component]; doBgIcon = self->asBackground && doImages ? [self->asBackground boolValueInComponent:comp] ? YES : NO : NO; if ((label = [self->label stringValueInComponent:comp]) == nil) label = k; if (doImages) { /* lookup image */ NSString *imgName = nil; // ... imgUri = WEUriOfResource(imgName, _ctx); if (![imgUri isNotEmpty]) doImages = NO; } // .... _isActive #endif } /* body generation */ - (void)_appendBodyToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx activeKey:(NSString *)tmp key:(NSString *)k { BOOL doScript; BOOL isScript_; BOOL isActive; doScript = [[_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_SCRIPT] boolValue]; isScript_ = [self->isScript boolValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; isActive = [tmp isEqualToString:k]; if (doScript && (isActive || isScript_)) { [_response appendContentString:@"
\n"]; } if (isActive || (doScript && isScript_)) { /* content is active or used as layer*/ #if ADD_OWN_ELEMENTIDS [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:k]; #endif #if DEBUG && 0 NSLog(@"TAB: %@", k); #endif [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; #if ADD_OWN_ELEMENTIDS [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; #endif } if (doScript && (isActive || isScript_)) { NSString *jsout; [_response appendContentString:@"
"]; jsout = [NSString alloc]; jsout = [jsout initWithFormat: @""]; } } /* master generation method */ - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { NSString *k; BOOL doForm; id tmp; if ([_ctx isRenderingDisabled]) { [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; return; } doForm = [_ctx isInForm]; k = [self->key stringValueInComponent:[_ctx component]]; if ((tmp = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_HEAD])) { if ([tmp isEqual:WETabView_COLLECT]) { [self _collectInContext:_ctx key:k]; } else { [self _appendHeadToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx activeKey:tmp key:k]; } } else if ((tmp = [_ctx objectForKey:WETabView_BODY])) { [self _appendBodyToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx activeKey:tmp key:k]; } else { [self errorWithFormat:@"(%s): invalid WETabItem state !!!", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__]; [_response appendContentString:@"[invalid state]"]; } } @end /* WETabItem */ @implementation WETabItemInfo - (void)dealloc { [self->uri release]; [self->icon release]; [self->label release]; [self->key release]; [self->tabIcon release]; [self->selIcon release]; [self->leftIcon release]; [self->width release]; [self->height release]; [self->activeBg release]; [self->inactiveBg release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (NSString *)key { return self->key; } - (NSString *)label { return self->label; } - (NSString *)icon { return self->icon; } - (NSString *)uri { return self->uri; } - (BOOL)isScript { return self->isScript; } - (int)asBackground { return self->asBackground; } - (NSString *)width { return self->width; } - (NSString *)height { return self->height; } - (NSString *)activeBg { return self->activeBg; } - (NSString *)inactiveBg { return self->inactiveBg; } @end /* WETabItemInfo */