/* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of SOPE. SOPE is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. SOPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with SOPE; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "WEContextConditional.h" #include /* renders this: _______________________________ | MO | TU | WE | TH | FR | SA | |-----------------------------| | | | | | | 10 | | 0 | 2 | 4 | 6 | 8 | 11 | |____|____|____|____|____|____| | | | | | | SU | | | | | | |----| | | | | | | 12 | | 1 | 3 | 5 | 7 | 9 | 13 | |____|____|____|____|____|____| Would be a nice addition: |a |b |c |d |e |f | ------------------------------- |a |b |c |d |e |f | ------------------------------- footerRow = 0 / footerRowList = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ); headerRow = 0 / headerRowList = ( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 ); startDate/endDate the numbers corresponde to the indxes in the matrix (self->matrix[]) Note: it does support additional header and footer rows which can be used to generate content above and below the view itself. Usage: WeekOverview: WEWeekOverview { list = list; item = item; weekStart = weekStart; titleStyle = "weekview_title"; contentStyle = "weekview_content"; } TitleMode: WEWeekOverviewTitleMode {}; InfoMode: WEWeekOverviewInfoMode {}; ContentMode: WEWeekOverviewContentMode {}; */ // TODO: allow stylesheet classes! #define SecondsPerWeek (7 * 24 * 60 * 60) #define SecondsPerDay (24 * 60 * 60) @class NSMutableArray; #define WEWeekOverview_TitleMode @"WEWeekOverview_TitleMode" #define WEWeekOverview_TitleModeDidMatch @"WEWeekOverview_TitleModeDidMatch" #define WEWeekOverview_InfoMode @"WEWeekOverview_InfoMode" #define WEWeekOverview_PMInfoMode @"WEWeekOverview_PMInfoMode" #define WEWeekOverview_ContentMode @"WEWeekOverview_ContentMode" #define WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode @"WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode" #define WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode @"WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode" @interface WEWeekOverview : WODynamicElement { @protected WOAssociation *list; WOAssociation *item; WOAssociation *index; WOAssociation *identifier; WOAssociation *dayIndex; // 0=firstDay, 1=secondDay, ..., 6=seventh day WOAssociation *weekStart; WOAssociation *startDateKey; WOAssociation *endDateKey; WOAssociation *titleStyle; WOAssociation *contentStyle; WOAssociation *titleColor; // DEPRECATED WOAssociation *contentColor; // DEPRECATED WOAssociation *width; WOAssociation *border; WOAssociation *cellpadding; WOAssociation *cellspacing; WOAssociation *footerRows; // list of elements for footer rows WOAssociation *footerRow; // current element in footer row WOAssociation *headerRows; // list of elements for header rows WOAssociation *headerRow; // current element in header row WOAssociation *colIndex; // for header/footer row WOAssociation *isInfoItem; // is current item info entry WOAssociation *infoItems; // current info entries WOAssociation *hideWeekend; /* should Sa/So be rendered? */ @private NSMutableArray *matrix[14]; NSMutableArray *infos[14]; BOOL hasOwnTitle; WOElement *template; } @end #include /* Needed for floor() */ #include "common.h" @interface WOContext(WEWeekOverview) - (void)appendWEIntElementID:(int)_intID; - (void)enterWEWOMode:(NSString *)_mode elementID:(NSString *)_eid; - (void)leaveWEWOMode:(NSString *)_mode; @end static NSString *retStrForInt(int i); static NSString *WEInfoElementID = @"i"; @implementation WOContext(WEWeekOverview) - (void)appendWEIntElementID:(int)_intID { NSString *s; // TODO: could make the number switch in here? s = retStrForInt(_intID); [self appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; } - (void)enterWEWOMode:(NSString *)_mode elementID:(NSString *)_eid { [self setObject:@"YES" forKey:_mode]; [self appendElementIDComponent:_eid]; } - (void)leaveWEWOMode:(NSString *)_mode { [self deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete eid [self removeObjectForKey:_mode]; } @end /* WOContext(WEWeekOverview) */ @implementation WEWeekOverview // premature: don't know a "good" count static NSNumber *smap[10] = { nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil }; static Class NumClass = Nil; static Class StrClass = Nil; static NSArray *emptyArray = nil; + (void)initialize { static BOOL didInit = NO; int i; if (didInit) return; didInit = YES; StrClass = [NSString class]; NumClass = [NSNumber class]; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) smap[i] = [[NumClass numberWithInt:i] retain]; if (emptyArray == nil) emptyArray = [[NSArray alloc] init]; } static NSNumber *numForInt(int i) { if (i >= 0 && i < 10) return smap[i]; return [NumClass numberWithInt:i]; } static NSString *retStrForInt(int i) { switch(i) { case 0: return @"0"; case 1: return @"1"; case 2: return @"2"; case 3: return @"3"; case 4: return @"4"; case 5: return @"5"; case 6: return @"6"; case 7: return @"7"; case 8: return @"8"; case 9: return @"9"; case 10: return @"10"; // TODO: find useful count! default: { char buf[16]; sprintf(buf, "%i", i); return [[StrClass alloc] initWithCString:buf]; } } } - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name associations:(NSDictionary *)_config template:(WOElement *)_tmp { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name associations:_config template:_tmp])) { self->list = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"list"); self->item = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"item"); self->index = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"index"); self->identifier = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"identifier"); self->dayIndex = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"dayIndex"); self->weekStart = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"weekStart"); self->startDateKey = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"startDateKey"); self->endDateKey = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"endDateKey"); self->hideWeekend = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"hideWeekend"); self->titleColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"titleColor"); self->titleStyle = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"titleStyle"); self->contentColor = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"contentColor"); self->contentStyle = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"contentStyle"); self->width = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"width"); self->border = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"border"); self->cellspacing = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"cellspacing"); self->cellpadding = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"cellpadding"); self->headerRows = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"headerRows"); self->headerRow = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"headerRow"); self->footerRows = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"footerRows"); self->footerRow = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"footerRow"); self->colIndex = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"columnIndex"); if (self->startDateKey == nil) { self->startDateKey = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"startDate"] retain]; } if (self->endDateKey == nil) { self->endDateKey = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"endDate"] retain]; } if (self->width == nil) self->width = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"100%"] retain]; if (self->border == nil) self->border = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"0"] retain]; if (self->cellspacing == nil) self->cellspacing = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"2"] retain]; if (self->cellpadding == nil) self->cellpadding = [[WOAssociation associationWithValue:@"5"] retain]; self->isInfoItem = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"isInfoItem"); self->infoItems = WOExtGetProperty(_config, @"infoItems"); self->template = [_tmp retain]; } return self; } - (void)resetMatrix { int i; for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { [self->matrix[i] release]; self->matrix[i] = nil; [self->infos[i] release]; self->infos[i] = nil; } } - (void)dealloc { [self->hideWeekend release]; [self->list release]; [self->item release]; [self->index release]; [self->identifier release]; [self->dayIndex release]; [self->weekStart release]; [self->startDateKey release]; [self->endDateKey release]; [self->titleColor release]; [self->titleStyle release]; [self->contentColor release]; [self->contentStyle release]; [self->width release]; [self->border release]; [self->cellpadding release]; [self->cellspacing release]; [self->headerRows release]; [self->headerRow release]; [self->footerRows release]; [self->footerRow release]; [self->colIndex release]; [self->infoItems release]; [self->isInfoItem release]; [self resetMatrix]; [self->template release]; [super dealloc]; } static inline void _applyIdentifier(WEWeekOverview *self, WOComponent *comp, NSString *_idx) { NSArray *array; unsigned count, cnt; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; if (count == 0) return; /* find subelement for unique id */ for (cnt = 0; cnt < count; cnt++) { NSString *ident; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:cnt inComponent:comp]; if (self->item) [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:cnt] inComponent:comp]; ident = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; if ([ident isEqualToString:_idx]) { /* found subelement with unique id */ return; } } [comp logWithFormat: @"WEWeekOverview: array did change, " @"unique-id isn't contained."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } static inline void _applyIndex(WEWeekOverview *self, WOComponent *comp, unsigned _idx) { NSArray *array; unsigned count; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; if (self->index) [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:_idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->item == nil) return; count = [array count]; if (_idx < count) { [self->item setValue:[array objectAtIndex:_idx] inComponent:comp]; return; } [comp logWithFormat: @"WEWeekOverview: array did change, index is invalid."]; [self->item setValue:nil inComponent:comp]; [self->index setUnsignedIntValue:0 inComponent:comp]; } - (void)_calcMatrixInContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { // THREAD: uses temporary ivars WOComponent *comp; NSCalendarDate *startWeek; NSCalendarDate *endWeek; NSArray *array; NSString *startKey; NSString *endKey; int i, idx, idx2, cnt; [self resetMatrix]; [_ctx removeObjectForKey:WEWeekOverview_TitleModeDidMatch]; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEWeekOverview_TitleMode]; [self->template appendToResponse:nil inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx removeObjectForKey:WEWeekOverview_TitleMode]; if ([_ctx objectForKey:WEWeekOverview_TitleModeDidMatch] != nil) self->hasOwnTitle = YES; else self->hasOwnTitle = NO; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; startKey = [self->startDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; endKey = [self->endDateKey stringValueInComponent:comp]; startWeek = (self->weekStart) ? [self->weekStart valueInComponent:comp] : [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; endWeek = [startWeek addTimeInterval:SecondsPerWeek]; for (i = 0, cnt = [array count]; i < cnt; i++) { id app; NSCalendarDate *sd, *ed; NSTimeInterval diff; BOOL isInfo; app = [array objectAtIndex:i]; #if 0 // hh: so muesste es eigentlich sein: !!! [self->item setValue:app inComponent:comp]; sd = [self->startDate valueInComponent:comp]; // item.startDate; ed = [self->endDate valueInComponent:comp]; // item.startDate; #endif sd = [app valueForKey:startKey]; // startDate ed = [app valueForKey:endKey]; // endDate if ((sd == nil) && (ed == nil)) continue; diff = [(sd ? sd : ed) timeIntervalSinceDate:startWeek]; idx = floor((diff / SecondsPerWeek) * 14); if ((self->item != nil) && (self->isInfoItem)) { [self->item setValue:app inComponent:comp]; isInfo = [[self->isInfoItem valueInComponent:comp] boolValue]; } else isInfo = NO; if ((0 <= idx) && (idx < 14)) { if (isInfo) { if (self->infos[idx] == nil) self->infos[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2]; [self->infos[idx] addObject:numForInt(i)]; } else { if (self->matrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; [self->matrix[idx] addObject:numForInt(i)]; } } if (idx >= 0) idx = (idx % 2) ? idx + 1: idx +2; diff = [ed timeIntervalSinceDate:startWeek]; idx2 = floor((diff / SecondsPerWeek) * 14); idx2 = (idx2 > 13) ? 13 : idx2; if (idx2 < 0) continue; while (idx <= idx2) { idx = (idx < 0) ? 0 : idx; if (isInfo) { if (self->infos[idx] == nil) self->infos[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:2]; // TODO: optimize [self->infos[idx] addObject:numForInt(i)]; } else { if (self->matrix[idx] == nil) self->matrix[idx] = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:4]; // TODO: optimize [self->matrix[idx] addObject:numForInt(i)]; } idx = idx + 2; } } } /* common template operations */ - (void)appendTemplateToResponse:(WOResponse *)_r inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx mode:(NSString *)_mode elementID:(NSString *)_modeId index:(int)_idx { [_ctx enterWEWOMode:_mode elementID:_modeId]; [_ctx appendWEIntElementID:_idx]; [self->template appendToResponse:_r inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete idx [_ctx leaveWEWOMode:_mode]; } /* header rows */ - (void)appendHeaderRowToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx column:(int)_col { WOComponent *comp; NSString *bgcolor, *style; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([self->colIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:_col inComponent:comp]; bgcolor = [self->contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; style = [self->contentStyle stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString: @"']; [self appendTemplateToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx mode:WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode elementID:@"h" index:_col]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } - (void)appendHeaderRowToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx row:(id)_rowItem { int i, cnt; if ([self->headerRow isValueSettable]) [self->headerRow setValue:_rowItem inComponent:[_ctx component]]; /* Saturday/Sunday is the 6th column */ cnt = (self->hideWeekend != nil) ? [self->hideWeekend boolValueInComponent:[_ctx component]] ? 5 : 6 : 6; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) [self appendHeaderRowToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx column:i]; } - (void)appendHeaderRowsToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { /* add n rows */ WOComponent *comp; NSArray *headers; int cnt, i; comp = [_ctx component]; if ((headers = [self->headerRows valueInComponent:comp]) == nil) return; for (i = 0, cnt = [headers count]; i < cnt; i++) { id one; one = [headers objectAtIndex:i]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"hr"]; // header row [_ctx appendWEIntElementID:i]; [self appendHeaderRowToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx row:one]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove idx (i) [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove 'hr' [_response appendContentString:@""]; } } /* footer rows */ - (void)appendFooterRowToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx column:(int)_col { WOComponent *comp; NSString *bgcolor; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([self->colIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:_col inComponent:comp]; bgcolor = [self->contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString: @"']; [self appendTemplateToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx mode:WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode elementID:@"f" index:_col]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } - (void)appendFooterRowToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx row:(id)_rowItem { // TODO: this method is a DUP to appendHeaderRowToResponse... => refactor int i, cnt; if ([self->footerRow isValueSettable]) [self->footerRow setValue:_rowItem inComponent:[_ctx component]]; /* Saturday/Sunday is the 6th column */ cnt = (self->hideWeekend != nil) ? [self->hideWeekend boolValueInComponent:[_ctx component]] ? 5 : 6 : 6; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) [self appendFooterRowToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx column:i]; } - (void)appendFooterRowsToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { // TODO: this is a copy of the head-row method! WOComponent *comp; NSArray *footers; int i, cnt; comp = [_ctx component]; if ((footers = [self->footerRows valueInComponent:comp]) == nil) return; for (i = 0, cnt = [footers count]; i < cnt; i++) { NSString *s; id one; one = [footers objectAtIndex:i]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"fr"]; s = retStrForInt(i); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; [self appendFooterRowToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx row:one]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove idx (i) [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove 'fr' [_response appendContentString:@""]; } } - (void)appendDateTitleToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx day:(int)_day { WOComponent *comp; NSString *bgcolor, *style; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:_day inComponent:comp]; bgcolor = [self->titleColor stringValueInComponent:comp]; style = [self->titleStyle stringValueInComponent:comp]; // TODO: use CSS for alignment, width and color [_response appendContentString: @"']; if (self->hasOwnTitle) { [self appendTemplateToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx mode:WEWeekOverview_TitleMode elementID:@"t" index:_day]; } else { NSCalendarDate *date; NSString *s; date = (self->weekStart) ? [self->weekStart valueInComponent:comp] : [NSCalendarDate calendarDate]; date = [date addTimeInterval:_day * SecondsPerDay]; [_response appendContentString: @"" @"" @"" @"
" // TODO: use style for that @""]; s = [date descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%d"]; // TODO: no cal-desc! [_response appendContentString:s]; [_response appendContentString: @"" // TODO: use style for that @""]; s = [date descriptionWithCalendarFormat:@"%A"]; // TODO: no cal-desc [_response appendContentString:s]; // TODO: do not use cal-desc [_response appendContentString: @"" @"
"]; } [_response appendContentString:@""]; } - (void)appendContentToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx index:(int)_index { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *array; id app; int i, cnt, idx, count; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; /* idx is the dayIndex 0=1stDay ... 6=7thDay (e.g. 0=Mon ... 6=Sun) */ idx = (int)(_index / 2); if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; if ([self->infoItems isValueSettable]) { cnt = [self->infos[_index] count]; if (cnt) { NSMutableArray *infoArr; infoArr = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:cnt]; for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { idx = [[self->infos[_index] objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; if (idx >= count) { [self logWithFormat: @"WARNING: WEWeekOverview: info index out of range"]; continue; } [infoArr addObject:[array objectAtIndex:idx]]; } [self->infoItems setValue:infoArr inComponent:comp]; [infoArr release]; infoArr = nil; } else [self->infoItems setValue:emptyArray inComponent:comp]; } // *** append day info if ((_index % 2) == 0) { // if AM-section... [self appendTemplateToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx mode:WEWeekOverview_InfoMode elementID:WEInfoElementID index:idx]; } else if (_index < 10) { /* P.M. slot of Monday .. Friday */ [self appendTemplateToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx mode:WEWeekOverview_PMInfoMode elementID:@"p" index:idx]; } // *** append day content [_ctx enterWEWOMode:WEWeekOverview_ContentMode elementID:@"c"]; // append section id (0 = Mon AM, 1 = Mon PM, 2 = Tue AM, ...) [_ctx appendWEIntElementID:_index]; for (i = 0, cnt = [self->matrix[_index] count]; i < cnt; i++) { idx = [[self->matrix[_index] objectAtIndex:i] intValue]; if (idx >= count) { NSLog(@"Warning! WEWeekOverview: index out of range"); continue; } app = [array objectAtIndex:idx]; if ([self->item isValueSettable]) [self->item setValue:app inComponent:comp]; if ([self->index isValueSettable]) [self->index setIntValue:idx inComponent:comp]; if (self->identifier == nil) { NSString *s; s = retStrForInt(idx); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; } else { NSString *s; s = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; } [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; } if (cnt == 0) [_response appendContentString:@" "]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete section id [_ctx leaveWEWOMode:WEWeekOverview_ContentMode]; } /* processing requests */ - (void)takeValuesForHeaderRows:(WORequest *)_req ctx:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *headers; int i, cnt; comp = [_ctx component]; if ((headers = [self->headerRows valueInComponent:comp]) == nil) return; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"hr"]; // append 'hr' [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append i for (i = 0, cnt = [headers count]; i < cnt; i++) { int c; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"h"]; // append 'h' [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append c if ([self->headerRow isValueSettable]) [self->headerRow setValue:[headers objectAtIndex:i] inComponent:comp]; // TODO: do not go over Saturday (6) with hideWeekend=YES for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { // go throw columns if ([self->colIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:c inComponent:comp]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increment c } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete c [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete 'h' [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increment i } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove i [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove 'hr' [_ctx removeObjectForKey:WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode]; } - (void)takeValuesForFooterRows:(WORequest *)_req ctx:(WOContext *)_ctx { // TODO: this is a DUP of the header row // we might implement that code as an internal WODynamicElement? WOComponent *comp; NSArray *footers; int i, cnt; comp = [_ctx component]; if ((footers = [self->footerRows valueInComponent:comp]) == nil) return; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"hr"]; // append 'fr' [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append i for (i = 0, cnt = [footers count]; i < cnt; i++) { int c; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"f"]; // append 'f' [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append c if ([self->footerRow isValueSettable]) [self->footerRow setValue:[footers objectAtIndex:i] inComponent:comp]; // TODO: do not go over Saturday (6) with hideWeekend=YES for (c = 0; c < 6; c++) { // go throw columns if ([self->colIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:c inComponent:comp]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increment c } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete c [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete 'f' [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increment i } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove i [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // remove 'fr' [_ctx removeObjectForKey:WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode]; } - (void)takeValues:(WORequest *)_req mode:(NSString *)_mode modeId:(NSString *)_id ctx:(WOContext *)_ctx { int i; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:_mode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:_id]; // append mode id [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append first day (monday) // TODO: do not go over Saturday (5), Sunday(6) with hideWeekend=YES for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:i inComponent:[_ctx component]]; [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increment day } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete day [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete title mode [_ctx removeObjectForKey:_mode]; } - (void)takeValuesFromRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSArray *array; int i, count; comp = [_ctx component]; array = [self->list valueInComponent:comp]; count = [array count]; /* titles */ [self takeValues:_req mode:WEWeekOverview_TitleMode modeId:@"t" ctx:_ctx]; /* headers */ [self takeValuesForHeaderRows:_req ctx:_ctx]; /* infos */ [self takeValues:_req mode:WEWeekOverview_InfoMode modeId:WEInfoElementID ctx:_ctx]; /* P.M.Infos */ [self takeValues:_req mode:WEWeekOverview_PMInfoMode modeId:@"p" ctx:_ctx]; // THREAD: uses temporary ivars [self _calcMatrixInContext:_ctx]; [_ctx setObject:@"YES" forKey:WEWeekOverview_ContentMode]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:@"c"]; // append content mode [_ctx appendZeroElementIDComponent]; // append section-id for (i = 0; i < 14; i++) { int j, cnt, idx; cnt = [self->matrix[i] count]; if ((i % 2) == 0 && [self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:(int)(i / 2) inComponent:comp]; for (j = 0; j < cnt; j++) { NSString *s; idx = [[self->matrix[i] objectAtIndex:j] intValue]; if (idx >= count) { NSLog(@"Warning! WEWeekRepetition: Index is out of range"); continue; } _applyIndex(self, comp, idx); if (self->identifier) { s = [self->identifier stringValueInComponent:comp]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; } else { s = retStrForInt(idx); [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:s]; [s release]; } [self->template takeValuesFromRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete index-id } [_ctx incrementLastElementIDComponent]; // increase section-id } [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete section-id [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete content mode [_ctx removeObjectForKey:WEWeekOverview_ContentMode]; /* footers */ [self takeValuesForFooterRows:_req ctx:_ctx]; [self resetMatrix]; } - (id)invokeActionForHeader:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx row:(id)_row { WOComponent *comp; NSString *section; // must be 'h' NSString *colIdx; // must be between 0 and 6 id result; comp = [_ctx component]; section = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:section]; colIdx = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:colIdx]; if ([self->headerRow isValueSettable]) [self->headerRow setValue:_row inComponent:comp]; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:[colIdx intValue] inComponent:comp]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // column idx [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // section ('h') return result; } - (id)invokeActionForFooter:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx row:(id)_row { WOComponent *comp; NSString *section; // must be 'f' NSString *colIdx; // must be between 0 and 6 id result; comp = [_ctx component]; section = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:section]; colIdx = [_ctx currentElementID]; [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:colIdx]; if ([self->footerRow isValueSettable]) [self->footerRow setValue:_row inComponent:comp]; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->colIndex setIntValue:[colIdx intValue] inComponent:comp]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // column idx [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // section ('f') return result; } - (id)invokeActionForRequest:(WORequest *)_req inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; id result = nil; NSString *cid; NSString *sectionId; cid = [_ctx currentElementID]; // get mode ("t" or "i" or "c") [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:cid]; sectionId = [_ctx currentElementID]; // get section id [_ctx consumeElementID]; [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:sectionId]; comp = [_ctx component]; if ([cid isEqualToString:@"t"] || [cid isEqualToString:WEInfoElementID] || [cid isEqualToString:@"p"]) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:[sectionId intValue] inComponent:comp]; result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; } else if ([cid isEqualToString:@"c"]) { NSString *idxId; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:([sectionId intValue] / 2) inComponent:comp]; if ((idxId = [_ctx currentElementID])) { [_ctx consumeElementID]; // consume index-id [_ctx appendElementIDComponent:idxId]; if (self->identifier) _applyIdentifier(self, comp, idxId); else _applyIndex(self, comp, [idxId intValue]); result = [self->template invokeActionForRequest:_req inContext:_ctx]; [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete index-id } } else if ([cid isEqualToString:@"hr"]) { NSArray *headers; int idx; headers = [self->headerRows valueInComponent:comp]; idx = [sectionId intValue]; if (idx >= (int)[headers count]) { [self warnWithFormat:@"WEWeekOverview: wrong headerrow index"]; } else { result = [self invokeActionForHeader:_req inContext:_ctx row:[headers objectAtIndex:idx]]; } } else if ([cid isEqualToString:@"fr"]) { NSArray *footers; int idx; footers = [self->footerRows valueInComponent:comp]; idx = [sectionId intValue]; if (idx >= (int)[footers count]) { [self warnWithFormat:@"WEWeekOverview: wrong footerrow index"]; } else { result = [self invokeActionForFooter:_req inContext:_ctx row:[footers objectAtIndex:idx]]; } } else NSLog(@"WARNING! WEWeekOverview: wrong section"); [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete section id [_ctx deleteLastElementIDComponent]; // delete mode return result; } /* generating response */ - (void)appendToResponse:(WOResponse *)_response inContext:(WOContext *)_ctx { WOComponent *comp; NSString *bgcolor, *style; NSString *w; // width NSString *b; // border NSString *cp; // cellpadding NSString *cs; // cellspacing int i; BOOL showWeekend; if ([_ctx isRenderingDisabled]) { [self->template appendToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; return; } [self _calcMatrixInContext:_ctx]; comp = [_ctx component]; w = [self->width stringValueInComponent:comp]; b = [self->border stringValueInComponent:comp]; cs = [self->cellspacing stringValueInComponent:comp]; cp = [self->cellpadding stringValueInComponent:comp]; showWeekend = (self->hideWeekend != nil) ? [self->hideWeekend boolValueInComponent:comp] ? NO : YES : YES; // TODO: use CSS over here [_response appendContentString: @""]; /*** append title row (monday - saturday) ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; for (i = 0; i < (showWeekend ? 6 : 5 ); i++) [self appendDateTitleToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx day:i]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; /**** header rows ****/ [self appendHeaderRowsToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; /*** append AM content row + saturday ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* AM weekdays content (this is count=10 because we slot 0=AM/1=PM, etc) */ for (i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 2) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:(i / 2) inComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } /* saturday content */ if (showWeekend) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:5 inComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* close AM row */ /*** append PM content row + sunday ***/ [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* PM weekdays content */ for (i = 1; i < 11; i = i + 2) { if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:(i/2) inComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } if (showWeekend) { /* sunday title */ [self appendDateTitleToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx day:6]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* sunday row */ [_response appendContentString:@""]; if ([self->dayIndex isValueSettable]) [self->dayIndex setIntValue:6 inComponent:comp]; [_response appendContentString:@""]; } [_response appendContentString:@""]; /* close PM row */ /***** footer rows *****/ [self appendFooterRowsToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx]; [_response appendContentString:@"
contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((style = [self->contentStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentString:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:i]; [_response appendContentString:@"contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((style = [self->contentStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentString:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; /* 10 is Saturday AM, 11 is Saturday PM, week overview shows them in one */ [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:10]; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:11]; [_response appendContentString:@"
*/ [_response appendContentString:@" rowspan=\"2\""]; if ((bgcolor = [self->contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } if ((style = [self->contentStyle stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" class=\""]; [_response appendContentString:style]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:i]; [_response appendContentString:@"
contentColor stringValueInComponent:comp])) { [_response appendContentString:@" bgcolor=\""]; [_response appendContentString:bgcolor]; [_response appendContentCharacter:'"']; } [_response appendContentCharacter:'>']; /* 12 is Sunday/AM, 13 is Sunday/PM */ [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:12]; [self appendContentToResponse:_response inContext:_ctx index:13]; [_response appendContentString:@"
"]; [self resetMatrix]; } @end /* WeekOverview */ @interface WEWeekOverviewTitleMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewTitleMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_TitleMode; } - (NSString *)_didMatchKey { return WEWeekOverview_TitleModeDidMatch; } @end /* WEWeekOverviewTitleMode */ // -- @interface WEWeekOverviewInfoMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewInfoMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_InfoMode; } @end /* WEWeekOverviewInfoMode */ // -- @interface WEWeekOverviewContentMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewContentMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_ContentMode; } @end /* WEWeekOverview_ContentMode */ // -- @interface WEWeekOverviewPMInfoMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewPMInfoMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_PMInfoMode; } @end /* WEWeekOverviewPMInfoMode */ @interface WEWeekOverviewHeaderMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewHeaderMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_HeaderRowMode; } @end /* WEWeekOverviewHeaderMode */ @interface WEWeekOverviewFooterMode : WEContextConditional @end @implementation WEWeekOverviewFooterMode - (NSString *)_contextKey { return WEWeekOverview_FooterRowMode; } @end /* WEWeekOverviewFooterMode */