*1.0.0* * Changed auto-hiding update div in Ajax.Autocompleter * Changed default serialization on Ajax.Autocompleter to use Form.Element.serialize * Added test file for drag/drop inside scrolled elements * Fixed dragging of unpositioned elements in Internet Explorer * Change default behaviour of Ajax.Autocompleter to do automatic overlapping, sizing and appear/fade effects * Fixed Internet Explorer hide-windowed-controls iframe handling * Changed Ajax.Autocompleter event handling * Added onShow/onHide callbacks to Ajax.Autocompleter to allow for customized handling/effects * Fixed SlideUp/SlideDown to restore the overflow CSS property (note: Firefox 1.0.X is buggy, set overflow:hidden as a workaround) * Fixed BlindUp/BlindDown to restore the overflow CSS property (note: Firefox 1.0.X is buggy, set overflow:hidden as a workaround) * Fixed draggables with revert:false on repeated drags behaving badly * Expanded the revert option on draggables to optionally take a function and revert only if it returns true * Added the dragged element as a parameter to the Draggables.notify callbacks [Michael Sokolov] * Removed a deprecated reference to Effect2 om Effect.Fold * Make the percentage on Element.setContentZoom absolute * Corrected rendering of Ajax.AutoCompleter when focus is lost while updating * Added (crude) functional tests * Some slight refactoring in controls.js * Changed dragdrop.js to use the Effect namespace for its effects * Updated to Prototype 1.3.0: removal of prototype-ext.js; refactoring. * Fixed behaviour of cursor keys in Safari on autocomplete script * Fixed Position.within_including_scrolloffsets * Fixed sortables that are absolutely positioned * Fixed unhandled whitespace in Ajax.Autocompleter * Updated prototype-ext.js to include additions for Ajax.Autocompleter * Added controls.js, contains AJAX autocompleting text fields from #960 * Refactored Event object * Renamed effects2.js to effects.js * Fixed draggables on pages with no droppables * Moved Event, Position and Element.Class to prototype-ext.js in preparation to Rails 0.13 * Added Effect.Transitions.pulse * Added Effect.Pulsate and Effect.Fold effect by Justin Palmer * Added transitions by Mark Pilgrim: .full, .none * Added effects by Mark Pilgrim: Effect.Grow, Effect.Shrink * Changed effects namespace to Effect. (Effect2 is deprecated, but works too) * Changed old Effect.ContentZoom class to Element.setContentZoom() function * Greatly expanded Effect.Highlight to have user-defined colors and autodetecting the background color * Converted remaining effects (Squish, Highlight) to new format * Sortable.create now passes the zindex, starteffect, reverteffect and endeffect options to the underlying Draggables * Sortable.serialize now honors the only option on Sortable.create * New overridable options on Draggables: zindex, starteffect, reverteffect, endeffect * Fix a Gecko engine flicker on Sortables in dragdrop.js * Fixed event.isLeftClick * Some small changes in effects2.js * Refactoring of dragdrop.js * Added an Object.prototype.inspect() and more verbose messages for js unit testing * Added test/unittest.js and initial tests in test/html. * Cleaning up of effects2.js (convert tabs to spaces) * Added Rakefile for distribution packaging (default task = make distribution, rake clean for cleaning up) * Initial check-in and directory layout for the script.aculo.us JavaScripts