/* MySQL4Adaptor.m Copyright (C) 2003-2005 SKYRIX Software AG Author: Helge Hess (helge.hess@skyrix.com) This file is part of the MySQL4 Adaptor Library This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "MySQL4Adaptor.h" #include "MySQL4Context.h" #include "MySQL4Channel.h" #include "MySQL4Expression.h" #include "MySQL4Values.h" #include "common.h" @implementation MySQL4Adaptor - (id)initWithName:(NSString *)_name { if ((self = [super initWithName:_name])) { } return self; } /* NSCopying methods */ - (id)copyWithZone:(NSZone *)_zone { return [self retain]; } /* connections */ - (NSString *)_copyOfConDictString:(NSString *)_key { return [[[[self connectionDictionary] objectForKey:_key] copy] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)serverName { NSString *serverName; serverName = [[self connectionDictionary] objectForKey:@"hostName"]; #if 0 // do not default to something, to allow for sockets? if (serverName == nil) serverName = @""; #endif return [[serverName copy] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)loginName { return [self _copyOfConDictString:@"userName"]; } - (NSString *)loginPassword { return [self _copyOfConDictString:@"password"]; } - (NSString *)databaseName { return [[[[self connectionDictionary] objectForKey:@"databaseName"] copy] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)port { return [self _copyOfConDictString:@"port"]; } - (NSString *)options { return [[[[self connectionDictionary] objectForKey:@"options"] copy] autorelease]; } /* sequence for primary key generation */ - (NSString *)primaryKeySequenceName { NSString *seqName; seqName = [[self pkeyGeneratorDictionary] objectForKey:@"primaryKeySequenceName"]; return [[seqName copy] autorelease]; } - (NSString *)newKeyExpression { NSString *newKeyExpr; newKeyExpr = [[self pkeyGeneratorDictionary] objectForKey:@"newKeyExpression"]; return [[newKeyExpr copy] autorelease]; } /* formatting */ - (NSString *)charConvertExpressionForAttributeNamed:(NSString *)_attrName { return _attrName; } - (id)formatValue:(id)value forAttribute:(EOAttribute *)attribute { NSString *result; result = [value stringValueForMySQL4Type:[attribute externalType] attribute:attribute]; //NSLog(@"formatting value %@ result %@", value, result); //NSLog(@" value class %@ attr %@ attr type %@", // [value class], attribute, [attribute externalType]); return result; } - (BOOL)attributeAllowedInDistinctSelects:(EOAttribute *)_attr { return YES; } /* types */ - (BOOL)isValidQualifierType:(NSString *)_typeName { return YES; } /* adaptor info */ - (Class)adaptorContextClass { return [MySQL4Context class]; } - (Class)adaptorChannelClass { return [MySQL4Channel class]; } - (Class)expressionClass { return [MySQL4Expression class]; } @end /* MySQL4Adaptor */ void __linkMySQL4Adaptor(void) { extern void __link_EOAttributeMySQL4(); extern void __link_NSStringMySQL4(); extern void __link_MySQL4ChannelModel(); extern void __link_MySQL4Values(); ; [MySQL4Channel class]; [MySQL4Context class]; [MySQL4Exception class]; [MySQL4Expression class]; __link_EOAttributeMySQL4(); __link_NSStringMySQL4(); //__link_MySQL4ChannelModel(); __link_MySQL4Values(); __linkMySQL4Adaptor(); }