/* Copyright (C) 2004-2007 SKYRIX Software AG This file is part of OpenGroupware.org. OGo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. OGo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with OGo; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "NGImap4Connection.h" #include "NGImap4MailboxInfo.h" #include "NGImap4Client.h" #include "imCommon.h" @implementation NGImap4Connection static BOOL debugOn = NO; static BOOL debugCache = NO; static BOOL debugKeys = NO; static BOOL alwaysSelect = NO; static BOOL onlyFetchInbox = NO; static NSString *imap4Separator = nil; + (void)initialize { NSUserDefaults *ud = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; debugOn = [ud boolForKey:@"NGImap4ConnectionDebugEnabled"]; debugCache = [ud boolForKey:@"NGImap4ConnectionCacheDebugEnabled"]; debugKeys = [ud boolForKey:@"NGImap4ConnectionFolderDebugEnabled"]; alwaysSelect = [ud boolForKey:@"NGImap4ConnectionAlwaysSelect"]; if (debugOn) NSLog(@"Note: NGImap4ConnectionDebugEnabled is enabled!"); if (alwaysSelect) NSLog(@"WARNING: 'NGImap4ConnectionAlwaysSelect' enabled (slow down)"); imap4Separator = [[ud stringForKey:@"NGImap4ConnectionStringSeparator"] copy]; if (![imap4Separator isNotEmpty]) imap4Separator = @"/"; NSLog(@"Note(NGImap4Connection): using '%@' as the IMAP4 folder separator.", imap4Separator); } - (id)initWithClient:(NGImap4Client *)_client password:(NSString *)_pwd { if (_client == nil || _pwd == nil) { [self release]; return nil; } if ((self = [super init])) { self->client = [_client retain]; self->password = [_pwd copy]; self->creationTime = [[NSDate alloc] init]; // TODO: retrieve from IMAP4 instead of using a default self->separator = imap4Separator; } return self; } - (id)init { return [self initWithClient:nil password:nil]; } - (void)dealloc { [self->separator release]; [self->urlToRights release]; [self->cachedUIDs release]; [self->uidFolderURL release]; [self->uidSortOrdering release]; [self->creationTime release]; [self->subfolders release]; [self->password release]; [self->client release]; [super dealloc]; } /* accessors */ - (NGImap4Client *)client { return self->client; } - (BOOL)isValidPassword:(NSString *)_pwd { return [self->password isEqualToString:_pwd]; } - (NSDate *)creationTime { return self->creationTime; } - (void)cacheHierarchyResults:(NSDictionary *)_hierarchy { ASSIGNCOPY(self->subfolders, _hierarchy); } - (NSDictionary *)cachedHierarchyResults { return self->subfolders; } - (void)flushFolderHierarchyCache { [self->subfolders release]; self->subfolders = nil; [self->urlToRights release]; self->urlToRights = nil; } /* rights */ - (NSString *)cachedMyRightsForURL:(NSURL *)_url { return (_url != nil) ? [self->urlToRights objectForKey:_url] : nil; } - (void)cacheMyRights:(NSString *)_rights forURL:(NSURL *)_url { if (self->urlToRights == nil) self->urlToRights = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] initWithCapacity:8]; [self->urlToRights setObject:_rights forKey:_url]; } /* UIDs */ - (id)cachedUIDsForURL:(NSURL *)_url qualifier:(id)_q sortOrdering:(id)_so { if (_q != nil) return nil; if (![_so isEqual:self->uidSortOrdering]) return nil; if (![self->uidFolderURL isEqual:_url]) return nil; return self->cachedUIDs; } - (void)cacheUIDs:(NSArray *)_uids forURL:(NSURL *)_url qualifier:(id)_q sortOrdering:(id)_so { if (_q != nil) return; ASSIGNCOPY(self->uidSortOrdering, _so); ASSIGNCOPY(self->uidFolderURL, _url); ASSIGNCOPY(self->cachedUIDs, _uids); } - (void)flushMailCaches { ASSIGN(self->uidSortOrdering, nil); ASSIGN(self->uidFolderURL, nil); ASSIGN(self->cachedUIDs, nil); } /* errors */ - (NSException *)errorCouldNotSelectURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSException *e; NSDictionary *ui; NSString *r; r = [_url isNotNull] ? [@"Could not select IMAP4 folder: " stringByAppendingString: [_url absoluteString]] : (NSString *)@"Could not select IMAP4 folder!"; ui = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt:404], @"http-status", _url, @"url", nil]; e = [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NGImap4Exception" reason:r userInfo:ui]; [ui release]; ui = nil; return e; } - (NSException *)errorForResult:(NSDictionary *)_result text:(NSString *)_txt { NSDictionary *ui; NSString *r; int status; if ([[_result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return nil; /* everything went fine! */ if ((r = [_result valueForKey:@"reason"]) != nil) r = [[_txt stringByAppendingString:@": "] stringByAppendingString:r]; else r = _txt; if ([r isEqualToString:@"Permission denied"]) { /* different for each server?, no error codes in IMAP4 ... */ status = 403 /* Forbidden */; } else status = 500 /* internal server error */; ui = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithInt:status], @"http-status", _result, @"rawResult", nil]; return [NSException exceptionWithName:@"NGImap4Exception" reason:r userInfo:ui]; } /* IMAP4 path/url processing methods */ NSArray *SOGoMailGetDirectChildren(NSArray *_array, NSString *_fn) { /* Scans string '_array' for strings which start with the string in '_fn'. Then split on '/'. */ NSMutableArray *ma; unsigned i, count, prefixlen; if ((count = [_array count]) < 2) { /* one entry is the folder itself, so we need at least two */ return [NSArray array]; } // TODO: somehow results are different on OSX // we should investigate and test all Foundation libraries and document the // differences #if __APPLE__ prefixlen = [_fn isEqualToString:@""] ? 0 : [_fn length] + 1; #elif GNUSTEP_BASE_LIBRARY prefixlen = [_fn isEqualToString:@"/"] ? 1 : [_fn length]; #else prefixlen = [_fn isEqualToString:@"/"] ? 1 : [_fn length] + 1; #endif ma = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:count]; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { NSString *p; p = [_array objectAtIndex:i]; if ([p length] <= prefixlen) continue; if (prefixlen != 0 && ![p hasPrefix:_fn]) continue; /* cut of common part */ p = [p substringFromIndex:prefixlen]; /* check whether the path is a sub-subfolder path */ if ([p rangeOfString:@"/"].length > 0) continue; [ma addObject:p]; } [ma sortUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; return ma; } - (NSArray *)extractSubfoldersForURL:(NSURL *)_url fromResultSet:(NSDictionary *)_result { NSString *folderName; NSDictionary *result; NSArray *names; NSArray *flags; /* Note: the result is normalized, that is, it contains / as the separator */ folderName = [_url path]; #if __APPLE__ /* normalized results already have the / in front on libFoundation?! */ if ([folderName hasPrefix:@"/"]) folderName = [folderName substringFromIndex:1]; #endif result = [_result valueForKey:@"list"]; /* Cyrus already tells us whether we need to check for children */ flags = [result objectForKey:folderName]; if ([flags containsObject:@"hasnochildren"]) { if (debugKeys) { [self logWithFormat:@"%s: folder %@ has no children.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,folderName]; } return nil; } if ([flags containsObject:@"noinferiors"]) { if (debugKeys) { [self logWithFormat:@"%s: folder %@ cannot contain children.", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__,folderName]; } return nil; } if (debugKeys) { [self logWithFormat:@"%s: all keys %@: %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, folderName, [[result allKeys] componentsJoinedByString:@", "]]; } names = SOGoMailGetDirectChildren([result allKeys], folderName); if (debugKeys) { [self logWithFormat: @"%s: subfolders of '%@': %@", __PRETTY_FUNCTION__, folderName, [names componentsJoinedByString:@","]]; } return names; } - (NSString *)imap4Separator { return self->separator; } - (NSString *)imap4FolderNameForURL:(NSURL *)_url removeFileName:(BOOL)_delfn { /* a bit hackish, but should be OK */ NSString *folderName; NSArray *names; if (_url == nil) return nil; folderName = [_url path]; if (![folderName isNotEmpty]) return nil; if ([folderName characterAtIndex:0] == '/') folderName = [folderName substringFromIndex:1]; if (_delfn) folderName = [folderName stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; if ([[self imap4Separator] isEqualToString:@"/"]) return folderName; names = [folderName pathComponents]; return [names componentsJoinedByString:[self imap4Separator]]; } - (NSString *)imap4FolderNameForURL:(NSURL *)_url { return [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url removeFileName:NO]; } - (NSArray *)extractFoldersFromResultSet:(NSDictionary *)_result { /* Note: the result is normalized, that is, it contains / as the separator */ return [[_result valueForKey:@"list"] allKeys]; } /* folder selections */ - (BOOL)selectFolder:(id)_url { NSDictionary *result; NSString *newFolder; newFolder = [_url isKindOfClass:[NSURL class]] ? [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url] : (NSString *)_url; if (!alwaysSelect) { if ([[[self client] selectedFolderName] isEqualToString:newFolder]) return YES; } result = [[self client] select:newFolder]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"could not select URL: %@: %@", _url, result]; return NO; } return YES; } - (BOOL)isPermissionDeniedResult:(id)_result { if ([[_result valueForKey:@"result"] intValue] != 0) return NO; return [[_result valueForKey:@"reason"] isEqualToString:@"Permission denied"]; } /* folder operations */ - (NSDictionary *)primaryFetchMailboxHierarchyForURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSDictionary *result; if ((result = [self cachedHierarchyResults]) != nil) return [result isNotNull] ? result : (NSDictionary *)nil; if (debugCache) [self logWithFormat:@" no folders cached yet .."]; result = [[self client] list:(onlyFetchInbox ? @"INBOX" : @"*") pattern:@"*"]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"Could not list mailbox hierarchy!"]; return nil; } /* cache results */ if ([result isNotNull]) { [self cacheHierarchyResults:result]; if (debugCache) { [self logWithFormat:@"cached results: 0x%p(%d)", result, [result count]]; } } return result; } - (NSArray *)subfoldersForURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSDictionary *result; if ((result = [self primaryFetchMailboxHierarchyForURL:_url]) == nil) return nil; if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"failed to retrieve hierarchy: %@", result]; return nil; } return [self extractSubfoldersForURL:_url fromResultSet:result]; } - (NSArray *)allFoldersForURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSDictionary *result; if ((result = [self primaryFetchMailboxHierarchyForURL:_url]) == nil) return nil; if ([result isKindOfClass:[NSException class]]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"failed to retrieve hierarchy: %@", result]; return nil; } return [self extractFoldersFromResultSet:result]; } /* message operations */ - (NSArray *)fetchUIDsInURL:(NSURL *)_url qualifier:(id)_qualifier sortOrdering:(id)_so { /* sortOrdering can be an NSString, an EOSortOrdering or an array of EOS. */ NSDictionary *result; NSArray *uids; /* check cache */ uids = [self cachedUIDsForURL:_url qualifier:_qualifier sortOrdering:_so]; if (uids != nil) { if (debugCache) [self logWithFormat:@"reusing uid cache!"]; return [uids isNotNull] ? uids : (NSArray *)nil; } /* select folder and fetch */ if (![self selectFolder:_url]) return nil; result = [[self client] sort:_so qualifier:_qualifier encoding:@"UTF-8"]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"could not sort contents of URL: %@", _url]; return nil; } uids = [result valueForKey:@"sort"]; if (![uids isNotNull]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"got no UIDs for URL: %@: %@", _url, result]; return nil; } /* cache */ [self cacheUIDs:uids forURL:_url qualifier:_qualifier sortOrdering:_so]; return uids; } - (NSArray *)fetchUIDs:(NSArray *)_uids inURL:(NSURL *)_url parts:(NSArray *)_parts { // currently returns a dict?! /* Allowed fetch keys: UID BODY.PEEK[
]<> BODY [this is the bodystructure, supported] BODYSTRUCTURE [not supported yet!] ENVELOPE [this is a parsed header, but does not include type] FLAGS INTERNALDATE RFC822 RFC822.HEADER RFC822.SIZE RFC822.TEXT */ NSDictionary *result; if (_uids == nil) return nil; if (![_uids isNotEmpty]) return nil; // TODO: might break empty folders?! return a dict! /* select folder */ if (![self selectFolder:_url]) return nil; /* fetch parts */ // TODO: split uids into batches, otherwise Cyrus will complain // => not really important because we batch before (in the sort) // if the list is too long, we get a: // "* BYE Fatal error: word too long" result = [[self client] fetchUids:_uids parts:_parts]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"could not fetch %d uids for url: %@", [_uids count],_url]; return nil; } //[self logWithFormat:@"RESULT: %@", result]; return (id)result; } - (id)fetchURL:(NSURL *)_url parts:(NSArray *)_parts { // currently returns a dict NSDictionary *result; NSString *uid; if (![_url isNotNull]) return nil; /* select folder */ uid = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url removeFileName:YES]; if (![self selectFolder:uid]) return nil; /* fetch parts */ uid = [[_url path] lastPathComponent]; result = [client fetchUids:[NSArray arrayWithObject:uid] parts:_parts]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"could not fetch url: %@", _url]; return nil; } //[self logWithFormat:@"RESULT: %@", result]; return (id)result; } - (NSData *)fetchContentOfBodyPart:(NSString *)_partId atURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *key; NSArray *parts; id result, fetch, body; if (_partId == nil) return nil; key = [@"body[" stringByAppendingString:_partId]; key = [key stringByAppendingString:@"]"]; parts = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&key count:1]; /* fetch */ result = [self fetchURL:_url parts:parts]; /* process results */ result = [(NSDictionary *)result objectForKey:@"fetch"]; if (![result isNotEmpty]) { /* did not find part */ [self errorWithFormat:@"did not find part: %@", _partId]; return nil; } fetch = [result objectAtIndex:0]; if ((body = [(NSDictionary *)fetch objectForKey:@"body"]) == nil) { [self errorWithFormat:@"did not find body in response: %@", result]; return nil; } if ((result = [(NSDictionary *)body objectForKey:@"data"]) == nil) { [self errorWithFormat:@"did not find data in body: %@", fetch]; return nil; } return result; } /* message flags */ - (NSException *)addOrRemove:(BOOL)_flag flags:(id)_f toURL:(NSURL *)_url { id result; if (![_url isNotNull]) return nil; if (![_f isNotNull]) return nil; if (![_f isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) _f = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&_f count:1]; /* select folder */ result = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url removeFileName:YES]; if (![self selectFolder:result]) return [self errorCouldNotSelectURL:_url]; /* store flags */ result = [[self client] storeUid:[[[_url path] lastPathComponent] intValue] add:[NSNumber numberWithBool:_flag] flags:_f]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to change flags of IMAP4 message"]; } /* result contains 'fetch' key with the current flags */ return nil; } - (NSException *)addFlags:(id)_f toURL:(NSURL *)_u { return [self addOrRemove:YES flags:_f toURL:_u]; } - (NSException *)removeFlags:(id)_f toURL:(NSURL *)_u { return [self addOrRemove:NO flags:_f toURL:_u]; } - (NSException *)markURLDeleted:(NSURL *)_url { return [self addOrRemove:YES flags:@"Deleted" toURL:_url]; } - (NSException *)addFlags:(id)_f toAllMessagesInURL:(NSURL *)_url { id result; if (![_url isNotNull]) return nil; if (![_f isNotNull]) return nil; if (![_f isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) _f = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&_f count:1]; /* select folder */ if (![self selectFolder:[self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]]) return [self errorCouldNotSelectURL:_url]; /* fetch all sequence numbers */ result = [client searchWithQualifier:nil /* means: ALL */]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Could not search in IMAP4 folder"]; } result = [result valueForKey:@"search"]; if (![result isNotEmpty]) /* no messages in there, nothin' to be done */ return nil; /* store flags */ result = [[self client] storeFlags:_f forMSNs:result addOrRemove:YES]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to change flags of IMAP4 message"]; } return nil; } /* posting new data */ - (NSException *)postData:(NSData *)_data flags:(id)_f toFolderURL:(NSURL *)_url { id result; if (![_url isNotNull]) return nil; if (![_f isNotNull]) _f = [NSArray array]; if (![_f isKindOfClass:[NSArray class]]) _f = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:&_f count:1]; result = [[self client] append:_data toFolder:[self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url] withFlags:_f]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to store message"]; /* result contains 'fetch' key with the current flags */ // TODO: need to flush any caches? return nil; } /* operations */ - (NSException *)expungeAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *p; id result; /* select folder */ p = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url removeFileName:NO]; if (![self selectFolder:p]) return [self errorCouldNotSelectURL:_url]; /* expunge */ result = [[self client] expunge]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { [self errorWithFormat:@"could not expunge url: %@", _url]; return nil; } //[self logWithFormat:@"RESULT: %@", result]; return nil; } /* copying and moving */ - (NSException *)copyMailURL:(NSURL *)_srcurl toFolderURL:(NSURL *)_desturl { NSString *srcname, *destname; unsigned uid; id result; /* names */ srcname = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_srcurl removeFileName:YES]; uid = [[[_srcurl path] lastPathComponent] unsignedIntValue]; destname = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_desturl]; /* select source folder */ if (![self selectFolder:srcname]) return [self errorCouldNotSelectURL:_srcurl]; /* copy */ result = [[self client] copyUid:uid toFolder:destname]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Copy operation failed"]; // TODO: need to flush some caches? return nil; } /* managing folders */ - (BOOL)doesMailboxExistAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *folderName; id result; /* check in hierarchy cache */ if ((result = [self cachedHierarchyResults]) != nil) { NSString *p; result = [(NSDictionary *)result objectForKey:@"list"]; p = [_url path]; #if __APPLE__ /* normalized results already have the / in front on libFoundation?! */ if ([p hasPrefix:@"/"]) p = [p substringFromIndex:1]; #endif if ([p hasSuffix:@"/"]) p = [p substringToIndex:[p length]-1]; return ([(NSDictionary *)result objectForKey:p] != nil) ? YES : NO; } /* check using IMAP4 select */ // TODO: we should probably just fetch the whole hierarchy? folderName = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; result = [[self client] select:folderName]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return NO; return YES; } - (id)infoForMailboxAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { NGImap4MailboxInfo *info; NSString *folderName; id result; folderName = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; result = [[self client] select:folderName]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorCouldNotSelectURL:_url]; info = [[NGImap4MailboxInfo alloc] initWithURL:_url folderName:folderName selectDictionary:result]; return [info autorelease]; } - (NSException *)createMailbox:(NSString *)_mailbox atURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *newPath; id result; /* construct path */ newPath = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; newPath = [newPath stringByAppendingString:[self imap4Separator]]; newPath = [newPath stringByAppendingString:_mailbox]; /* create */ result = [[self client] create:newPath]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to create folder"]; [self flushFolderHierarchyCache]; // [self debugWithFormat:@"created mailbox: %@: %@", newPath, result]; return nil; } - (NSException *)deleteMailboxAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *path; id result; /* delete */ path = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; result = [[self client] delete:path]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to delete folder"]; [self flushFolderHierarchyCache]; #if 0 [self debugWithFormat:@"delete mailbox %@: %@", _url, result]; #endif return nil; } - (NSException *)moveMailboxAtURL:(NSURL *)_srcurl toURL:(NSURL *)_desturl { NSString *srcname, *destname; id result; /* rename */ srcname = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_srcurl]; destname = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_desturl]; result = [[self client] rename:srcname to:destname]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) return [self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to move folder"]; [self flushFolderHierarchyCache]; #if 0 [self debugWithFormat:@"renamed mailbox %@: %@", _srcurl, result]; #endif return nil; } /* ACLs */ - (NSDictionary *)aclForMailboxAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { /* Returns a mapping of uid => permission strings, eg: guizmo.g = lrs; root = lrswipcda; */ NSString *folderName; id result; folderName = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; result = [[self client] getACL:folderName]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { return (id)[self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to get ACL of folder"]; } return [result valueForKey:@"acl"]; } - (NSString *)myRightsForMailboxAtURL:(NSURL *)_url { NSString *folderName; id result; /* check cache */ if ((result = [self cachedMyRightsForURL:_url]) != nil) return result; /* run IMAP4 op */ folderName = [self imap4FolderNameForURL:_url]; result = [[self client] myRights:folderName]; if (![[result valueForKey:@"result"] boolValue]) { return (id)[self errorForResult:result text:@"Failed to get myrights on folder"]; } /* cache results */ if ((result = [result valueForKey:@"myrights"]) != nil) [self cacheMyRights:result forURL:_url]; return result; } /* description */ - (NSString *)description { NSMutableString *ms; ms = [NSMutableString stringWithCapacity:128]; [ms appendFormat:@"<0x%p[%@]:", self, NSStringFromClass([self class])]; [ms appendFormat:@" client=0x%p", self->client]; if ([self->password isNotEmpty]) [ms appendString:@" pwd"]; [ms appendFormat:@" created=%@", self->creationTime]; if (self->subfolders != nil) [ms appendFormat:@" #cached-folders=%d", [self->subfolders count]]; if (self->cachedUIDs != nil) [ms appendFormat:@" #cached-uids=%d", [self->cachedUIDs count]]; [ms appendString:@">"]; return ms; } @end /* NGImap4Connection */