Hello World

I'm Component:
On Client:

Embedding Components

You can embed components using the usual WOX "<var:component>" tag. As usual subcomponents are looked up using the master components WOResourceManager which in turn will usually perform a SOPE lookup to find the component.


Querying Images

You should access images using the "src" attribute, but you can query them using "filename". So what is the difference ?
Images selected using "filename" delay the resolution of the query to the runtime. They construct a URI like "component/image.gif", so the component will be asked during the actual image query. The component then will locate the image using it's WOResourceManager.
In contrast, images selected using "src" defer the selection to the browser, that is, the browser will calculate the image path based on it's query URL. Of course the URL calculated by the client can still be dynamic !

accept.gif via filename:
accept.gif via src:

test.wox, index.html, embed.wox, accept.gif, subdir/